I do not own La Cord d'Oro
I'M BACK FOLKS! Not that I went away or anything...so sorry for the lack of updates. I have exams going on right now, so it's a wonder that I even have time to upload this. *sob* wish me luck for science :(.
I think this is the shortest chapter in this collection XD.
"Ah, Kahoko. You don't have to call me by my last name."
"Eh...well, Yunoki-senpai, I can't really do that-"
A frown creases the flautist's perfect features. The violinist gives a small sigh.
"Well, Azuma-senpai-"
"Much better. Now we can work on dropping the senpai part."
"Ehh! Yunoki-senpai-"
Yunoki-senpai, I can't call you by your given name. It would be very-"
"Kahoko. I call you by your given name."
"Well senpai, that is indecent as well."
Kahoko, Kahoko, Kahoko, will it kill you to call me Azuma?"
Smooth hands pin her against the wall. She drops her books instantly, mesmerised by his sepia orbs. Soft lips capture her own with surprising roughness and passion.
"Kahoko, you really are stupid. Did I not just tell you to call me by my given name?"
"Go on..."
"Azuma!" And then she bows deeply, flushing a bright shade of red because she's just called her senpai - her much older senpai - by his first name.
"Much better, Kahoko." She really hates how he uses her first name so carelessly.
But its still so like her senpai to do that.
Just like her senpai.
"So, Yunoki-senpai," she starts and Yunoki very nearly rams his head into a wall.
'Yunoki-senpai' again.
Can you blame him for beig impatient?
Ahem, sorry about the crappiness. Comment?
And sorry about the lack of description. I've always wanted to try out a story with more dialogue than description and see if I can pull it off...aparently I can't, lol.