April 9th 2009, Link.
So, before I tell you what happened today, I'd just like to say, ALNGFASJWNVWAIHRVILAUERGHLBNJELIRGBALKFAQUIYRTG! ROAR! Marth took my hair spray last week. I got so mad, and told him to replace it.
He went to Zellers, and according to his logic, there was none of my favorite hair spray left. So he bought me a fanny pack.
I do not want a fanny pack.
Now Mario dared me to wear it all week... THIS IS NOT COOL. Not a good thing! No! Now I have to spend a whole crap load of dollars on new hair spray, and I look like an idiot. It looks so horrible, but Mario said if I didn't take it off, he'd give me 20 bucks. Which is a nice deal, on account of, it's money... and money is good. I like money, I also like rambling way too much.
Oh yeah, I'll catch you up on everyone else in the mansion. Uhh, Jigglypuff fell asleep and wouldn't wake up, so Ganondorf warlock punched her across the field and- ... yeah she never showed up again.
That ditcher.
She's grounded.
What else happened?
Someone made bacon this morning and Fox got really mad... that's about- OH yeah and Yoshi made a photo album of the pictures of his feet he's been secretly taking on random occasions, and he's showing it to Lucas.
Yoshi sat happily on a stool, pointing out pictures to Lucas. "Here's my foot last Thursday when we went to the park." He flipped the page, grinning. Lucas looked around the room, not really paying attention. "Oh here's my toe on Christmas morning!" Yoshi laughed in delight. "That was a fun day, don't you think? Don't you think that was a fun day?"
Lucas hopped down from the stool and walked away, to Link writing.
Lucas just showed up, hi Lucas. He says hi back. So- oh yeah, we're going to the mall today to get some stuff we need for a camping trip next month. This will not turn out that great, I don't think. I don't even know who's going yet, hang on.
Link set down his pencil and walked to Fox, who was doing the dishes with Peach. "Hey man," Link pat his friend on the back. "What are you doing?" Fox slightly turned his head, "I'm washing a dish."
A silent moment occurred. "Is something wrong? You look kind of tense." Link tried to say calmly while taking a seat by the island counter. Fox covered his forhead with one hand, putting down his plate with the other. "Everything is just dandy, except I'm not excited for this shopping trip." Link was confused for a moment or two, Peach glanced at him, then looked back at Fox.
"Why not?" Link questioned, tapping his fingers on the counter. He looked back at Lucas who was writing in his book.
Hi, it's Lucas. So, Fox is NOT excited about this trip for one reason only; Marth and Kirby are coming. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're awesome... Marth on his own, cool guy, nice hair. Kirby on his own, a little puffball of enjoyment. But put them together... the horror, THE HORROR! Oh it's like the two most hyperactive animals. See, Ness and I, we're pretty obediant. We get to ride in Falco's cart because he's fun and he lets us go in the toy isle - as long as we don't yell or knock things over. So that's fun. I already know who's coming because we spied on the guys talking this morning. Well Ike is driving Peach, Zelda, Samus, and Mario in the car. Fox has to drive me, Ness, Link, Marth, Kirby and Yoshi in the SUV, and we have to double-buckle Pit AND Falco in there somewhere.
This could get fun... maybe.