AN: This is supposed to be kind of confusing, because Iruka is very confused as this is happening. And the weird sentence structure was done on purpose, to reflect his disjointed thought process. The things I think up in the shower, *sigh*
He isn't exactly sure how it happens. One moment he's talking to her as she sits on his desk, and the next her soft lips are pressing against his. She hadn't even been sitting there provocatively, he realizes, just leaning back on her arms and swinging her feet good naturedly as she smiled and chatted.
And it must have been him, the shock rolls through his system, because he had been leaning against the chalk board, but now he's leaning over the desk, leaning over her. And he's acutely aware of everything that is her in this moment. Of her body heat sinking into his even though they aren't connected anywhere but at the lips, of just how close his hands are to her thighs where they're bracing him against the desk, and of just how amazing that thing she just did with her tongue was.
He still isn't sure of exactly what to think, or exactly what he was thinking when he pulls back for air. But she gives him a feral smile and pulls out his hair tie and he decides that whatever he had been thinking must have been just fine as she threads her fingers though his hair and pulls him back for another kiss.
And then the door bangs open and Kiba is standing there, and for a moment no one moves. And he stares at them as though he's trying to absorb the situation, and they glance at each other wondering how he'll react. And then he throws his hands up and happily shouts something about getting extra credit, and the next thing Iruka knows Hana is gone from under him and chasing her little brother down the halls and hurling curses and commands that the boy is paying no mind to.
And Iruka stands there, still a little shell-shocked at the turn of events. But he smiles, because its ok. Because she had kissed him back.