Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Strange, I know.

August 3rd, Oreburgh City

You know, my life used to be normal. Really. Nobody would be able to tell now, of course, but once upon a time my life was normal.

See, growing up, I, like all other kids, was obsessed with Pokemon. At the tender age of five I knew that I was going to be the best Pokemon trainer ever. I was going to grow up and get my first Pokemon from Professor Rowan (I live in Sandgem), defeat everyone I came up against, train the best team of Pokemon ever, and beat the Champion. My best friend, Sam (short for Samuel Patrick Clement), was exactly the same. We were going to be awesome Pokemon master trainers and nothing anybody did was going to stop us.

Of course, that was when I was five. As I got older, my aspirations changed somewhat. Isn't that an awesome word? Aspirations. I love cool words like that. Anyway, when I was probably about seven, I decided that I was no longer going to be the best. Sam was still determined to be the best, and since there could only be one best, I decided that I'd let my best friend take that title. I'd also discovered a little something called 'work' by that time, and found that I didn't much care for it. Do you know how much work being the best would take? Of course not, you're a journal.

By the time I was nine, I knew tons about Pokemon. Did I forget to mention that I collected Pokemon facts and other Pokemon stuff? Well, I did. Lots of them. I could list off the weaknesses of any type of Pokemon in about twenty seconds – and I had Sam test me, so I know. I was still just as obsessed with Pokemon at age nine as I was at age five, but by this time, I didn't want to be great. I just wanted a Pokemon. My goal was to get a Pokemon on my tenth birthday, a present that my parents promised me when I first started bugging them about being a trainer at age five, and start my Pokemon journey. I was going to wander Sinnoh with my Pokemon and muddle through the Pokemon gyms, trying to win. I'd hopefully get to the Pokemon League with half a chance, but if I lost or didn't make the deadline, I wasn't going to really care.

Then my tenth birthday rolled around. I was so excited, I couldn't get to sleep, which turned out to be a good thing. Sometime in the middle of the night I puked my guts out in the toilet. There went all my awesome birthday dreams. The next day Sam called me to try to cheer me up by talking about the Chimchar he'd gotten from Professor Rowan.

Yeah. Really. I tried to be happy, but it was really, really hard. Come on, how am I supposed to be happy when my best friend gets an awesome fire Pokemon of death and I'm stuck in bed trying not to puke and miserably watching whatever trash I can find on TV?

It was two days before the stomach bug passed. Sam left on his journey without me (I was so mad at him when I found out – we'd sworn to travel together) and Mom tried to keep me at home for the rest of the week. I refused, so she reluctantly let me go over to the Professor's with a pack full of stuff and a promise to call home often.

So, aside from the delay, pretty typical so far, right? It didn't last long. Professor Rowan didn't have any of the usual 'starter Pokemon' left, so I got the only Pokemon the Professor could give out to a brand new trainer with absolutely no experience: a Bidoof.



I kid you not, journal with an awesome picture of Garchomp on the cover. A Bidoof.

I named him Fluffernut. A goofy name for a total disappointment of a starter. Fits, right? Whatever, like I care about your opinion, inanimate journal. There's another awesome word: inanimate. I'll have to remember that one.

So, I got to Jubilife with Fluffernut and was immediately challenged to a battle by Tabitha, who will be known as Tabby from this moment on. The only Pokemon she had was this adorable little Kricketot named Violin, who did an excellent job of kicking Fluffernut's butt. Aren't we pathetic? After losing pitifully, Tabby dragged me off to the Pokemon Center and informed me that she was forcing me to travel with her so she could teach me how to be less pathetic after Fluffernut was healed. When I said no, she gave me a Death Glare (capital letters intended). Fearful for my life, I agreed to come.

On the way to Oreburgh, Tabby made a new friend. Alex, who shall hereby be known as Alex, was running from a wild Geodude and its friends that he'd managed to thoroughly annoy. Tabby and Violin (I swear that thing's invincible) scared off the moving rocks with Death Glare and Bug Bite respectively. Alex joined our entourage – wow, I come up with amazing words while writing – wish I could do that in real life – mainly because his Shinx, aptly named Sparx (Yes, like the Spyro games. He is a Dork. Again, capital letters intended.) can't fight worth Oran berries and he's a little coward.

Now I'm in the Oreburgh Pokemon Center. It's late, and I really should be sleeping, but I found this journal in my backpack and decided to use it as a record of all the crazy, insane things that have started to happen to me. I'm sure they'll get a lot worse.

Tomorrow Tabby's going to challenge Roark, the gym leader. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet. Probably try to find a way to make Fluffernut suck less. I don't know what Alex is planning on doing, but I really, really hope that he's going to train or catch a new Pokemon that can hopefully give him half a chance against Tabby's adorable demon Kricketot.

My hand hurts now. This is Rebecca Winston, who hates her first name and will refer to herself as Becca from now on. I'll write more later.

-- First Entry in Becca's Journal

A/N: Welcome, readers! Yes, I'm starting another story. I must be insane, especially since I've got finals coming up. Bleh. Anyway, now that that's taken care of, I have Important News (capitals intended). This story will not all be journal entries. As a matter of fact, only about a fourth of it will be journal entries. Most of it will be written in traditional third person awesomeness format, with journal entries sprinkled in. I will be accepting OC's, so take a look at the profile I'd like you to fill out below if you're interested. I do warn you, updates on this story will be sporadic, as I've got lots of other stories to work on right now and finals coming up. Yes, I gave Becca a Bidoof as a starter because I am a cruel person. Commence evil laughter! ...I'm done now.


Personality: (A paragraph, please, so I know what I'm working with.)
Occupation: (trainer, coordinator, breeder, police officer...)
Pokemon: (Species, gender, nickname, and other things I need to know, like personality.)
History: (Brief history. I'll need at least a paragraph though.)
Battle Phrase: (Not necessary, but a lot of fun.)
Other: (Anything that you think I need to know but didn't fit in any of the above categories.)

Coming Up Next: Becca tries to make Fluffernut less pathetic, Alex gets into a Pokemon battle, and Tabby tries to find Roark so she can kick his butt.