Ino was going to get it for this, Sakura concluded with a grimace. It was all her fault. It had started with a simple game of truth or dare at a sleep-over with the girls. Ino had been desperate to find out who Sakura had been pining over secretly for the past year, and so to avoid answering that question, she had decided to chose only dares for that game. Unfortunately, Temari was too clever, and dared Sakura to tell them who she liked.
Everyone had erupted with squeals when Sakura told them, and poor Hinata had nearly fainted from shock. When her turn had come around again, Ino had dared her to sneak into the men's bath and steal his towel while he soaked his god-like body in the hot water. This would not have been so bad, if she had not added that Sakura needed to pull this off while completely naked.
Sakura had refused, until kindly reminded by Tenten of the truth or dare code of conduct. If she did not complete this dare, then she was going to have to do something much worse than stealing towels, which Temari reenforced by hinting she could slip into his beautifully sexy lap while he soaked. Sakura had come very close to screaming. She had no choice but to agree to the first dare, in fear of whatever worse things their minds could collaborating and come up with.
Later on, she had asked Ino why in the seven hottest circles of hell, would she even think of such a naughty dare. Ino, with a smug smile on her face, had boldly stated that she could use a good fuck, and that he would deliver. Sakura replied in saying she would not know a 'good fuck' if it hit her in the face. She had to remind Ino that she had never slept around just for the sake of sex, and was therefor still a virgin.
"Then imagine this, forehead. God, in human form, being your first. With his damn hot body, he has to be wonderful in bed." Ino said giddily, patting her friend on the back. Sakura crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
"You were fooling around with Kiba again, right?" Sakura grumbled under her breath. Ino, of course, did not deny doing anything with Kiba, but wondered how Sakura could tell so easily.
When she asked, Sakura answered by saying, "You always get the most perverted ideas after messing around with him." She shrugged. Ino huffed to herself, a blush tinting her cheeks, but a smirk still visible.
"Nonetheless, at least I have someone to screw with. You have not even been with a guy, not since Sasuke rejected you. You are seventeen years old... it is hight time you got something out of your undying love, or whatever you like to call it. I am half surprised that you even had your first kiss, with how much you hide from people." Ino scolded playfully. Sakura stuck her tongue out, and then they were both reprimanded because everyone else was trying to get some sleep. It was already two in the morning as it was.
Sakura let out a shaky sigh, laying down and then staring up at the popcorn ceiling of her small, crowded apartment. To think she had to attempt sneaking up on him, one of the greatest ANBU captains to ever come through Konoha; that alone was impossible. To do it while naked, it was simply suicide. There was no doubt that he would see her naked, which was most likely what Ino had been going for. Even if she did succeed in getting his towel, she was not going to get away with it. He would catch her, then who knew what would happen next.
She blushed at the images her mind created when thinking of what he might do when catching up to her. Sakura had to shake her head when she thought up pictures of her back pressed up against a wall, his nude body against hers, and him demanding to know what she thought she was doing. She had to cover her face when picturing the crazed sex scene that followed.
Sakura shifted onto her side, closing her eyes, and willing that sleep fell over her.
Ino was the first one to wake up, and when she saw all of her friends asleep, she quickly got up. If her little dare was going to work, then it had to be remediated. It looked like she was going to have to call her drinking buddy: Shisui. He was brash and vulgar, and Ino was certain he would love to have some involvement in the scheme. Ino knew for a fact that he believed his little cousin could use some action as much as Sakura needed some.
Sneaking away from the sleeping bunch, Ino went down the hall and into the kitchen, where she the house phone was kept. Knowing her drinking buddy's number by heart, Ino dialed the necessary digits, then put the receiver to her ear. It rang for almost a minute, when he finally decided to answer.
"Shisui-kun! I need your help with something! But first, I need you to answer an easy question." She spoke eagerly. He must have just woken up, because the line was completely silent for a while. When the hung-over Uchiha finally collected his thoughts, he replied.
"What is it? I cannot go to the bar tonight, Hana will gut me, then feed what is left to her dogs." He whined. Ino laughed, having heard this excuse, but also knowing that he was completely serious.
"Does your cousin have any interest in Sakura-chan at all?" She asked excitedly, and almost too loudly for Shisui's sensitive ears.
"No, Sasuke-chan is-
"Hang Sasuke! I am talking about Itachi! Does he like her?" Ino interrupted impatiently. Shisui let out a deep breath.
"Are you kidding me? He is engrossed with Sakura-chan. I thought everyone could tell. Why?"
A wicked smile crossed the kunoichi's face. "I finally got a confession out of Sakura. For a year now, she has had her eyes set on your cousin. I wonder why neither of them have made any moves, if they both have an interest in each other. Is Itachi not interested in sex, or-
Shisui snorted. "No, trust me. I can tell that he wants to fuck her so hard that the ground shakes. That is not the problem."
"Then why the hell is he not?" Ino hollered excitedly. Shisui frowned, still not appreciating her volume for so early in the morning.
"First off, from what I can tell, Itachi is a prude, and he has learned to ignore his poor, denied hormones from a young age. Second, I think he does not believe that sakura would ever feel the same as him. Clearly, he was wrong about something for the first time in his life."
"Well, if you want for your cousin to ever find happiness with our dearest Sakura-chan, then all you have to do is bring him to the bathhouse today."
He did not understand how taking a bath could possibly bring the two together, but it was simple enough. Knowing Ino, Shisui was certain his cousin was in for the shock of his life. The blond kunoichi was not known for being very discrete.
"I can do that. Do I get to hear the rest of your devious plan?" He teased. Ino laughed, but knew that Shisui was the worst liar in all of existence, besides Sakura. He would not be able to withhold the scheme from Itachi. There was no way she was going to let this fall through. Her best friend's happiness depended on its success.
"No; Itachi would find out. Do not worry through, there is no way my plan can fail. Just be sure Itachi is at the bathhouse by noon." She replied. He sighed, but understood. If anyone could riddle the truth out of him, it was definitely Itachi.
"You can count on me. Talk to you later, Ino."
"You better not fuck this up. See you."
With that, Ino hung up the phone, and giddily skipped back into Sakura's bedroom, where the rest of the girls were beginning to stir. She hopped to the window, cruelly opening the blinds and letting the daylight in. There was a joint series of groaning and complaining, which she ignored. One by one, the exhausted girls got up, rubbing their eyes to wipe away their need for more sleep. Sakura, however, covered her head with her pillow, not willing to get up.
Ino placed her hands on her hips, not pleased with how ungrateful Sakura was acting. It was already nine, and knowing Sakura, Ino was certain she would need a few hours for mental preparation. She did not understand why she could not just gulp down a shot of sake and get it over with. Honestly, if Itachi liked her as much as Shisui said, then Ino was sure nothing bad would come out of the dare.
With no mercy, Ino tugged the thick, vibrant red comforter off Sakura. She shot up, her eyes going straight to Ino, and a heavy glare hardening her features.
"What the hell, pig?" Do you want me to punch a hole the size of my fist into your thick head?" Sakura shouted, stumbling forward for the protection of her blanket. Ino clicked her tongue scoldingly, keeping the blanket away and out of reach from the irate kunoichi.
"Now, now, forehead. This is for your own good. Even Hinata-chan is not a virgin anymore. You are the only one left." Ino said waving a finger and her tone disapproving. Sakura turned to Hinata, wondering when Naruto had finally pulled a move on the shy, modest girl. It could not have been too long ago, because she remembered overhearing the obnoxious, knuckle-headed blond complaining to Sasuke about her father watching them too closely for him to do anything.
"It was about a month ago." Hinata filled in softly, a distinct blush tickling her cheeks. Sakura pouted; perhaps Ino was right if Hinata had lost hers and she had not. Nonetheless, getting Itachi to make a move (which she was not even certain he would do, even if she completed the dare) by stealing his towel was not the most intelligent way to do so. It could very easily backfire, ending with him thinking she was a desperate little skank. Which she was not. Sakura preferred to leave that title to Ino.
"Ino, this plan may not even work! He might just see me naked, and then think nothing of it!" Sakura complained, crossing her arms. All four girls looked at her at multiple levels of shock. Ino smirked mockingly.
"What is this I hear? Does little Sakura-chan want Itachi-san to do something to her?" Ino asked childishly. Sakura's eyes widened; slowly she uncrossed her arms, staring right back at Ino. She had not meant it like that, but there was no way she could convince her best friend and rival otherwise. What she had intended to imply was that the stupid dare was pointless.
"Hmm, I bet she already pictured him propping her up against the hotel wall and taking her there." Temari snickered, earning a pillow in the face, courtesy of Sakura. The truth was, of course, she had imagined him doing just that, despite her own wishes. Then again, did she not want him to do that to her? Secretly, (or perhaps not so secretly anymore) she wanted Itachi to do things even someone like Ino would frown at. However, this was Ino, so Sakura doubted she could imagine things worse than what she had already done.
"Save your dirty talk for Shikamaru, Temari." Sakura grumbled, grabbing another pillow in case another girl dared say something. They all received the warning, and took heed. Sakura was known to get particularly nasty in pillow fights, especially when she was angry with someone.
Shisui, after having gulped down a necessary mug of coffee, now found himself crouched on the roof next to Itachi's bedroom window. It was already eleven-thirty, meaning he had to get his cousin to the bathhouse in the next half an hour. If he failed, Ino would surely murder him. Shisui had been about to knock on the window again, when the curtain shot to one side violently, and a very irritable Itachi threw the window open.
He was surprised that Itachi was still only wearing boxers, and his bed was ruffled, implying that he had been asleep. Itachi was not a morning person, and Shisui knew this, but for him to sleep in so late was ridiculous. Had no one in his family come to bother him yet? Shisui recalled Itachi telling him he was never left alone, may it be his brother searching for someone to help him train, of his father acquiring assistance with clan affairs.
"I hope you have a proper excuse for waking me so early in the day." He grounded out, his teeth clenched together in anger. Shisui flinched at Itachi's frighteningly dark tone, almost forgetting the mission he had been given.
"It is almost noon, Itachi-chan." He replied dryly. Itachi's eyes widened in surprise, and then he shut them in search of relief because of how they burned with lack of sleep. He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly. This was the first time it had been this bad. He needed to find a way to fix his current problematic situation. It was starting to utterly consume his every thought, bordering obsession.
He, often times, stayed up all hours of the night, his thoughts of a certain medic kunoichi preventing him from resting properly. Last night, however, he had woken up after having his first erotic dream in his life. Haruno Sakura, predictably enough, had been the centerpiece of that dream.
Itachi had awoken with a start, his body burning all over as his dream quickly replayed in his mind. He had been sorely tempted to do one of two things, just to relieve himself. Either he could race to Sakura's apartment, admit his feelings for her, then she what happened with that. This plan was irrational though, and there was not chance that she would let him do as he wished with her. So, he had shortly considered finding a common whore to take his desperation out on. that would be unacceptable though; Itachi refused to give what he had been saving for someone who did not deserve it.
Instead, he had stayed in bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to not think. When that had not worked, he had gone into the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom to take a long, cold shower. Even the frigid water did not seem to soothe him. What Itachi had resorted to made him embarrassed to even think about. He felt so weak for doing it, so pathetic that he had even thought of stooping to that for relief. The Uchiha Itachi had ejaculated into his own hands.
Standing under the steady stream of his cold shower, still breathing heavily from what he had done, Itachi had come to a decision. He was not sure how, but Itachi needed to find a way for Sakura to take interest in him.
"Is there something specific that you require of me?" Itachi finally asked, coming out of his musings. Shisui smiled in a way that he did not particularly like, nor trust. That small look gave the Uchiha heir the impression that his cousin was up to no good.
"You, my dearest baby cousin, are going to take a nice, long soak at the bathhouse. It looks like you could use it." Shisui replied, glad that he had a good enough reason to drag his poor, overworked cousin to the bath. Ino was going to be so happy. He, personally, could not wait to see what happened.
"That sounds agreeable enough. Do you wish to depart now?"
Shisui was slightly taken back by how Itachi had given in so easily, and almost felt bad for whatever Ino had up her sleeve. He then remembered that this was for his own good. Shisui had watched his cousin torture himself for the past year, and it was high time it ended. Itachi loved Sakura, and he now knew that she returned these feelings.
"Sure, get dressed, and then we can go." He told Itachi, trying to hold his anxiety at bay, so that his cousin would not suspect hims of something. Itachi picked up on it, but he did not have the mind to care. He was used to Shisui's antics, and so there was nothing his cousin could pull that would shock him. How wrong he was.
"Shisui, I require your assistance with something of great importance." Itachi slowly stated, leaving his towel by the ledge and easing into the hot water. Shisui looked at him curiously, when Itachi explained further by saying, "It pertains to Haruno Sakura."
Shisui smirked, finding it ironic that they were there because of something Sakura was going to do, and now he wanted to talk of her. "Sure. Anything for my baby cousin."
"It is my aspiration to acquire Haruno Sakura, and so I am compelled to ask you to enlighten me in the arts of pursuing women successfully." He said calmly, untying his long hair so that it rested on his shoulders. Shisui was surprised that Itachi had finally decided to do something about the impending situation in which he found himself, but at the same time, was glad he was. Itachi had always been socially awkward, and despite his sought-after appearance, Shisui knew he had never been with a woman, especially when he began falling for Sakura.
"Well, Itachi-chan, you came to the right guy."
Sakura looked around the small building again to see Shisui animatedly explain something to Itachi, who had his back to her. Itachi looked as if her were uncomfortable, based on how stiff his shoulder muscles were. She then spotted what she assumed was his white towel, folded neatly and set directly behind him. Chances of getting away alive were slim, and she knew that her statistics were sadly out of her favor.
"Ino, when this is over, I am going to kill you." Sakura muttered, turning back to her blond companion. Ino huffed, knowing that Sakura would forget all about her threats soon enough, when Itachi went to reclaim his towel.
"Sure, whatever you say. Now remember the plan. Take the towel, then run to the other side of the building. If you put his towel on, then the dare does not count, and you have to do another one." Ino giggled, reaching her hand out expectantly. Glaring, Sakura unwound the pink, fluffy towel she was wrapped in, and handed it to Ino.
"Run and hid, Ino, because I am going to skewer you for this." Sakura quietly threatened, taking her first step towards suicide.
Shisui damn well came close to choking on air he saw Sakura, completely in the nude, sneaking towards them from behind the wall. He gasped, then had to stifle his laughter with a hand to his mouth. She made a slashing motion across her own throat, mouthing the words stop looking, you goddamned pervert! He instantly jerked his head to look elsewhere, a blush clear on his cheeks, and a grin pulling his lips upward.
Itachi watched Shisui act this out, then asked with is eyebrows knit together, "Shisui, what the hell are you doing?"
Shisui chuckled mischievously, which Sakura instantly knew she did not like, and then teasingly said, "If you want to know, then turn around and see for yourself."
Sakura, still slyly sneaking up to Itachi, quickly, and without any of her practiced grace, stumbled forward the rest of the distance. Itachi, with a frown decidedly set on his face, turned around just in time to see a very naked sakura behind him, reaching to snatch his towel. Their eyes met, and she froze like a trapped animal. His eyes widened in astonishment, and she looked at him in absolute horror of being caught.
A second passed, and Sakura decided to take her chances. She cut her losses, grabbing the towel and running away for her very life. Itachi stared after her as she disappeared behind the wall, and then turned to Shisui, glaring hard. "This is your doing, is it not?"
Shisui laughed. "I wish! Ino is a genius for this one!" He cackled at his cousin, then adding, "You are supposed to go after her, I think."
Itachi paled, then turned an uncharacteristically light pink. "I am not going to follow her. I would not be able to restrain myself."
"She wants you to go; I can still sense her chakra signature. If you do not, I will have to tell your mother that you blew a great opportunity to make adorable little pink-haired, sharingan-wielding, emotionally detached Uchiha babies with the woman you have loved, yet hardly talked to, for the last year." Shisui said with complete seriousness. It was slightly perturbing to see him with such a straight, solemn expression. He frowned for a moment, the thought of any Uchiha having pink hair instead of the standard black disturbing, but then he reminded himself that the color worked quite well on Sakura.
"Do not bring my mother into the fray. You know perfectly well how she reacts to the prospect of me producing heir." Itachi replied stonily.
"You and I both know that I will gladly drag your beloved mother into this, so if I were you, I would get a move on, lover-boy." Shisui replied with a wide, bright smile. Itachi gave him a particularly dark glower that practically promised death later, but then sighed and stood. Grumbling to himself about something that had to do with Hana and sticking her dogs on Shisui, Itachi followed to where he knew Sakura had run off to after valiantly taking his towel.
Sakura was having a breakdown. She was slumped onto the cold pavement, sitting with her back to the pathway. Uchiha fucking Itachi had seen her utterly naked, and she had taken his damn towel. She was either the bravest or stupidest kunoichi in existence. Sakura hoped he ignored it, deciding to not retrieve his towel. She did not want to face him now, but it was an impossible thing to grasp for. His Uchiha pride would force him into making chase.
Dread filled her when she heard the soft slap of bare feet against stone approaching her. She swallowed dryly when she heard the sound stop closely behind her. Sakura wished she could hope it was Ino, snickering to herself, and then handing her pink towel to her. It could only be Itachi though, he was the only one who had such a delicious, masculine scent that reminded her of fresh rainfall and spicy cinnamon.
"Haruno, is there a particular reason you deemed it necessary to sneak into the men's bath and embezzle my towel?"
She shivered at the sound of that smooth, velvety voice and then stilled in terror.
"Haruno." He repeated. Her head swiveled around, and she squeaked in surprise at what she saw. There was Itachi, wet and as bare as the day he was born, squatting behind her. The first thing that came to mind was that damn, he was a god. A completely sexy, naked god, looking at her, and waiting for an answer. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment at seeing every inch of his body.
Itachi cleared his throat, and her eyes shot up from the view of so much pale, pristine skin to look into his dark, smoldering orbs. He did not look completely bothered by the fact that she had just gaped at his well-developed (and undoubtedly above average) sexual organ. Either he was very comfortable with his body, or he was allowing it because he had just done the same.
"It was for a dare. Otherwise, I would have never..." Her voice trailed off when she saw something heated flash in those dark eyes of his. Sakura was certain she had never seen him make such an expression, and she was uncertain of what to think of it, especially since it was directed at her.
"Therefor, that means that Shisui had dragged me here for you to steal my towel. What was the reason for your friends to commence this challenge?"
Sakura was very tempted to lie, and save herself the same, but he would know. How could she tell him (while naked, might she add) that she loved him, and has loved him for a long time? He would shun her for the attraction, and she would lose the distant friendship they already held. Sakura could not bear the thought of him doing that to her, and that was precisely why she had avoided breeching the subject thus far. He could never comprehend the deep longing she had for him.
It was so much more than merely physical attraction. While this was the catalyst, it was him as a person that kept her love fueled. Even he did not seem to notice how careful, how thoughtful he really was. Sakura wanted to be the person to show him the same level of care that she subtly gave everyone. She wished to be the woman who held him when he was upset, who he went to when he was lonely, who he thought of when he was happy, and dammit, Sakura wanted to be the woman who screamed his name in pleasure when he desperately made love to her. Sakura wanted all this, but she could never ask so much of him.
Yet, she could not lie either. "They found out that I love you." Sakura told him so quietly that his ears had to strain to hear what she said. That was not necessary though, Itachi had easily read it from her plump lips. An unfamiliar warmth spread through his entire body at what she said.
Sakura saw several things flicker through his obsidian orbs, and was slightly taken back by the spectrum of emotions he had just showed her. There was a sense of shock, and uncertainty, then she could feel the understanding and unbelievable love caress her very being, all originating from him. She was not sure what exactly this meant, but it was unimportant. She loved him, and he loved her back, that was what mattered.
"When did you know, Sakura?" He pressed desperately, his voice both soft and hurried. She was amazed by how her very name rolled off his tongue smoothly, and how wonderful it sounded when he said it. Itachi looked as if knowing her answer would forever change his life; perhaps it would.
"The mission we had together, a year ago."
The mission. It was the first time they had ever collaborated, had even taken a good look at one another. Itachi's ANBU team had needed a medic, and although she was not at the same level, she had been requested. As the hokage's apprentice, it should not have been so surprising.
It had been difficult to keep up with Itachi and his team, but she had done her best. Unfortunately, on their return to Konoha, they had been ambushed by a group of S-class rogues, and she had been unprepared and low on chakra. Despite her comparative weakness, Itachi had protected her from them, he had saved her very life. It was then that she realized the potential he had to make her fall for him. In time, without her even knowing it, she had fallen for him, and she was too far gone by the time she made sense of it for her to turn back.
A year ago. This short statement rang through Itachi's head. To think, he had restrained himself for that same amount of time, only to now find that it was unnecessary. He could have approached her a hundred times before, and she would have gladly accepted. Who knew where they could have gotten to by then should he have made a move forward with her. A part of him was simply livid with himself for not realizing her sentiments, but he was too happy with this new revelation to care.
"Sakura, do you know what this means?" Itachi murmured, slowly inching closer to her, he himself not even knowing what he was about to initiate. Her eyes dropped to his moist, steadily approaching lips, and she subconsciously ran her tongue over her own. Itachi, however, did see this little action, and his mouth opened slightly, inhaling and then exhaling in an attempt to calm himself. He stopped an inch from her, his black eyes moving back to her green ones.
"What does it mean?" She asked back softly, her eyes drooping shut, and her lush lips parting in preparation. Her breathing hitched at tasting his breath, and he neared another centimeter, their noses touching tips. A strong, confident hand snaked around her, latching behind her head to hold it in place, lacing long, slender fingers through short, pink locks.
"I will show you what it means now." Itachi whispered, tilting his head so that he might have better access. After no small amount of anticipation, he moved the remaining distance, crashing their lips together almost violently. There was no pretense; as soon as they connected, Itachi's tongue slid in to move sensually against hers. He had an entire year of longing pent up, and he was not planing on holding back. Instantly, Sakura slipped two arms up and around his neck, pulling their two forms closer.
The skin contact was exhilarating, and when Sakura started to moan into his mouth, Itachi knew where this was going to end, with her splayed open for him to indulge. For them to do that there, however, was not acceptable. His house, however, should be empty at that point in the day. Itachi released her, both of them gasping for much needed air, and his lips trailed along the edge of her jaw, until stopping to suck the skin below her ear.
"Come with me." He breathed, his hands gliding down her bare back, reveling in the satin feel of her fair skin. Unable to form words properly, she nodded her head, moaning as he continued to suck on the skin below her ear. A second later, he had forced himself to stop, and pulled them both into a standing position.
"Can you meet me in the front in five minutes?" He asked. Sakura nodded, then gave him coy smile. Itachi could not help but to return it with his own, and then kissed her, handing her his towel. The parted, Sakura going back to Ino to get her clothes. She was certain that Ino would not have left them in the changing room.
Sakura was met by an empty space though, Ino having left long ago. She frowned, hoping that if she was lucky, Ino had not taken her clothes after all. It was then that she noticed the envelope sitting out in the open. She bent down, and saw it was labeled for her. She opened it, and looked in to see a handful of condoms, and a note. Blushing, she unfolded the piece of light pink paper, and read the message.
By now, you have noticed that I am gone, and I have left you a little present. Do not be so embarrassed about it, because we both know that they are all going to be used up by the end of the day. I would like to say, I told you this would work. Your clothes are where you left them. Have fun, and if I find out that you did not use what I left you, and that there is an expected arrival of cute, little Uchiha babies, then I will never help you again.
Clearly, Sakura thought, Ino knew more about her than she would like. Still, she was right. Protection was necessary. She rushed back to women's changing room, glad to see that Ino had been telling the truth, and that her clothes were just where she said they would be. With as much speed as she could muster, she threw on the vest, black shorts and skirt, running to meet Itachi while pulling up her boots.
He was already standing there when she reached the front, waiting patiently for her. Flustered, she rushed up to him. He gave her a confused look, then spotted the envelope in her hands. She explained briefly about what it said, then looking away, told him about the condoms Ino had decided to give her. She then asked him where they were going to go.
"The compound. My brother took a mission with my father, and my mother will have gone to the market for dinner already, so it will be empty. No one will bother us there for a while, so it is probably the safest place." He replied, holding out his hand. She gladly took it, then followed him as they made their way to the Uchiha clan compound.
People, curious and nosy by nature, stared at the unlikely couple as they calmly walked down the street together. It was to be expected though, considering the fact that no one had ever seen them together, or Itachi with anyone of the opposite sex, for that matter. Thankfully, when they walked through the gates into the compound, the confused glances simmered down, as the Uchiha were less interested in their business.
By the time they reached the main house, Itachi's patience had worn thin. Sakura shared the same amount of need, and eagerly tore off her boots as he slipped out of his shinobi sandals. The front door shut behind them, Itachi did not hesitate any longer in showing his affections. Their lips met again, and as difficult as it was to walk and kiss at the same time, he led her down the hall to take a shortcut through the kitchen. Neither of them realized that they were not alone yet.
Sasuke sat, waiting for his father, and sipping a cup of tea, the onigiri he had eaten for lunch already starting to digest. Unfortunately for him, when he saw his older brother and his kunoichi teammate stumbling into the kitchen, trying to eat each other's faces, the delicious meal his mother had prepared him almost made its way back up.
"What the fuck do you two think you are doing?" He growled. Sakura froze in horror, and Itachi slowly moved his tongue out of her mouth, licking her lips clean as he went. He stared at his brother, contemplating the different ways for him to punish Sasuke later. Wordlessly, he turned to look back at Sakura.
"You said no one was going to be home." She glared slightly, not so much at him, but more at the fact that they had been caught and throughly interrupted. He sighed, having thought the same thing. If Sasuke was still home, he wondered if his father was as well. Absentmindedly, he mused over what his father would think of their match.
"They should have left for their mission two hours ago." He replied softly, his hand slowly moving down her back, as if to say that Sasuke's presence did not change anything.
"Our mission was postponed until tomorrow. Father and I are training instead." Sasuke ground out, glaring at them both. What had happened to the shy, innocent Sakura he had been working with for the past five years? What had happened to the emotionally detached, uninterested and hormone-less Itachi that he had grown up with?
"We could just go to my apartment. I do not live with anyone." Sakura whispered, ignoring Sasuke's comment. Itachi shook his head in disagreement.
"It does not matter. They are going out anyway, and chances are, your little friends could easily show up. It is better to stay here." He murmured back, sneaking a sly hand under her red vest. She gasped at the cool touch, then was forced to turn her attention back to Sasuke when he cleared his throat irritably.
"I already asked. What the fuck are you two doing?"
"I hardly see how our relations pertain to you, ototo." Itachi answered calmly. Sasuke gulped at the dangerous tone his aniki's voice held, and knew better than to protest any more. It would undoubtedly cost him his life should he do so. Instead, he watched with undisguised disgust as Itachi continued leading Sakura up to his room.
Itachi's bedroom was simple enough, with nothing on the walls and the only furniture being a desk and bed. He did not waste time in setting her down on said bed, and tearing off his shirt. She watched as he crouched over her smaller form, using his lithe fingers to slowly unzip her red vest. His slender fingers trailed behind the zipper as it went down between her unbound breasts. She had not bothered to wear a bra at all that day, Ino telling her it would only get in the way.
His lips followed down her flat stomach, drinking in the flavor of her skin as she ran her small hands through his long, black hair. When reaching the hem of her skirt, his eyes shot up as if to ask for her permission to continue. She nodded her head nervously, looking only at him as he removed the skirt and shorts. He found it very appealing that she had nothing on below that, and silently took in the spicy smell of her arousal. Liquids were already seeping from her core, slipping down the insides of her silky thighs.
When he sat up slightly to tug off his own pants, her hand went to stop his. "Let me do it, Itachi." She whispered. He nodded his head in affirmation, loving the sound of his name from her voice, and determined to hear it several more times before he was done. Her hands moved down his abdomen nimbly, enjoying the feel of fine, black hairs trailing up from below his pant's line.
She saw that he was already stimulated by how difficult it was to get his pants off. He watched her eyes widen. She had seen him before, but when he was aroused, it was different. She let out a shaky sigh, leaning back down onto the bed, and mentally preparing herself for what she knew was about to happen. Itachi frowned.
"Are you sure that you want this?" He whispered, kissing her neck. She gasped, groaning when his lips dipped down to wrap around her nipple. Holding his head in place, she practically screamed as his hot, slick tongue swirled around the bud wetly.
"Yes, I-itachi, I wan-nt this-s now!" She cried back, tugging on his loose hair. He moaned, and the very sound made her core tighten. It was so unusual, hearing something so desperate come from between his lips. Itachi did not procrastinate as she thought he would, because at hearing her say that, Itachi split her legs apart as far as they could reach.
"This may be painful at first." He murmured, bracing her with both hands on her hips. Sakura shivered at the feel of his thick length touching the inside of her thigh, trying to steady herself as he alined himself. Slowly, he pressed his tip into her center, then sheathing himself in entirely with one, smooth motion. She let out a pained rasp as her body stretched around his girth in an unfamiliar and painful way. A small amount of blood dripped from where her flesh had ripped open to make room for him, staining his pristine sheets.
"G-god, Ita-achi, it hur-rts so mu-uch!" She whimpered, tears escaping from her green eyes. He hummed softly, stroking her hair in attempting to sooth her cries.
"It hurts for me to see you in so much pain." He breathed back, moving backwards and then pushing back into her core. With the second thrust however, there was not so much pain as much as there was searing pleasure. It was not long before nothing hurt at all, her pain forgotten as her body drowned in thrill.
When he had dreamed of making love to Sakura, he had not thought that reality could be so much better than that. His hips ground into hers pleasantly, until she felt an unknown blinding pressure building up in her center. Sakura felt herself being lifted higher with each collision, screaming his name as he hilted himself entirely, tapping her cervix.
It came suddenly, but suddenly Sakura felt herself free falling, only to crash down to earth again, shrieking as she went. Itachi found himself losing his perfect control at the same moment, and then filling her to the brim with his hot, sticky seed. Only then, when he grew limp inside of her, and after releasing his essence into her, that he remembered something vital. Despite the fact that Sakura had several condoms with her, he had forgotten to use one. His eyes widened in mortification.
"Itachi, what is wrong?" Sakura whispered, wiping sweat from his face with a shaking hand. He let out a distressed breath of air, kissing her forehead distractedly and then rolling off her. She curled against him, resting her hands over his toned stomach, then trailing her thin fingers along the edges of his narrow hips.
"We did not use any protection. What if...?" He could not bring himself to finish that statement, the idea of Sakura conceiving too much to bear. As wonderful as the thought of seeing Sakura full with his child was, neither of them were ready for such a responsibility. He could imagine her like this easily, but they were not officially joint together as man and wife, and he did not wish for her to give birth to a bastard child. Then again, his problem could easily be fixed, if she was willing to become his bride.
"Do not worry, Itachi. When Ino gave me those condoms, she forgot the fact that I am a medic, and am perfectly capable of protecting myself with my chakra. I do not need condoms to prevent myself from becoming pregnant." She replied. Surprisingly enough, Itachi found himself to be disappointed. He was not sure that this could be rectified, if she was always on guard.
Perhaps though, if they did slowly progress to the next level, she would allow herself to slip once or twice, and she could carry his child. That could only happen once they were joint though, if she even wanted such a thing. He had not until he considered the possibility of it when forgetting protection. Patience would not last long, but he knew she was not going to make him wait long.
AN: Okay, there's a little catch on this fic. It will be a series of one-shots, most of which probably being lemons. I will not be updating it regularly, it is only there for when I happen to be inspired, and who knows when that will happen.
If you are wondering about the name, E.V.I.L. it comes from spongebob, and it stands for Every Villain Is Lemons. Clearly, I named the fic this because of the 'lemons' part. I am weird like that.
Anyway, review!