When they arrived at the brotherhood they slowly walked toward the door hand in hand while Pietro convinced Kurt it was completely fine for him to buy Kurt some cloths.

"That's the one good thing about my dad, yes he's an evil guy hell bent on seeing his evil plans succeed, but before he was evil he was quit the business man. Some might say I want for nothing" he laughed jovially, as if he hadn't just admitted to being filthy stinking rich, and Kurt slapped him on the arm playfully as he scowled.

In the end Kurt had at least agreed to take the presents, but not before making the older boy swear he wouldn't go out on a spending spree again. As they walked up the steps Kurt hesitated on the porch, glancing at the jeep parked in the open garage.

"I...is zat Lance's jeep?" he questioned nervously, blanching as Pietro affirmed his fears. He glanced worriedly up at the taller male, thinking this may have been a bad idea. Pietro smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine". He tried to assure the fidgeting boy, who was having none of it. "ok, just watch" Pietro ordered as he practically dragged him inside, stopping in the hallway between the kitchen & the living room he shouted a loud "hey" and waited for lance and toad to walk in from the kitchen, & for blob to turn away from the TV.

All three look at him curiously while he held a fidgeting Nightcrawler by the waist. Turning Kurt toward him he kissed the shorter boy deeply and Kurt whimpered nervously until Pietro pulled away.

"Anyone got a problem with that?" he addressed the room, pulling a wide eyed fearful Kurt closer to him. Blob grunted nonchalantly and turned back to the TV with a shrug, Avalanche grinned widely & cheerfully proclaimed "nope", and toad shook his head quickly back and forth as he backed out of the room saying only "nope, it's cool dude, just awesome yo!" before he ran for a different room. Pietro laughed at his antics.

"I was kind of angry when I left the other day" was his only explanation for his housemate's behavior. Kurt was still gaping at avalanche who was still smiling just as cheerily at him.

"But...I'm Nightcrawler" Kurt said, as if he were informing them they had made a mistake. Lance raised an eyebrow directed at Pietro and laughed.

"I know?" he questioned his speedster teammate, who simply waved him off and turned Kurt toward him. Lance shrugged and walked back into the kitchen and Pietro gently shook Kurt, who seemed to be in shock and asked "Kurt?" causing said boy looked up at him with wide eyes before his face scrunched up in a strange manner. It wasn't until Pietro had reached up to try and sooth the tenseness away that he noticed Kurt's fur was wet.

His hollow watch form didn't show tears.

Pietro's eyes widened and he tugged Kurt down the hall as fast as he could.

"Come with me" he told the now gently sobbing boy, and led him quickly to the room at the very end of the hallway. Closing the door behind them after they had entered his room Pietro led the distraught male over to his bed and sat him down. Pulling off the hollow watch and throwing it onto his bedside dresser. He absolutely despised that thing, for it always kept him from seeing who Kurt really was, and now he had discovered it didn't even reveal Kurt's sadness to him.

He watched as Kurt tried to hide his tears by covering his face with his hands, but Pietro would have none of that and gently tugged his arms down before kissing the years away from Kurt's soft short fur.

"Vhy" Kurt sobbed and Pietro tried to comfort him with soft shushing and caressing Kurt's cheeks while simultaneously wiping away tears. Kurt finally calmed down enough to choke out his question to Pietro's great relief and confusion. "vhy are zey so velcoming and nice to me?" he sobbed. Pietro looked confused as he grasped Kurt's chin trying to make him look up from his tears.

"You want them to be mean to you?" he questioned, confused.

"Nein!" Kurt shook his head fiercely, franticly whiling away any leftover tears. "I...I don't understand vhy zey don't hate me!" Kurt explained, much to the even greater confusion of Pietro.

"Hey, hey! Look at me! I know were supposed to fight each other & everything, but that shit stays on the battlefield, we're not like that all the time you know, we can be nice too, and what's not to like about you" Pietro spoke, trying to make Kurt feel better, but the revealed blue boy simply shook his head.

"Nein nein! It's just..." he cut himself off, hiding his face in his hands once again, fiercely shaking his head back and forth.

"What is it, what's made you so upset? Please, explain it to me so I can help." Pietro held Kurt close to him as best he could while kneeling on the floor in front of him. Kurt rested his forehead against Pietro's pale neck, mumbling

"Nobody...at ze mansion...monster" Pietro jerked away at that lat part, seeing Kurt looking pleadingly at him.

"What?" he asked of the frazzled male. Kurt scrunched his eyes closed and spoke as quickly as he could, and Pietro was silently grateful his forte was speed or else he wouldn't have been able to catch what was said.

"Nobody-ever-likes-me, even-at-the-mansion, they-just-think-I'm-a-monster." When he had finished he glanced up ashamed, watching Pietro's utter look of horror, before his look changed to unbridled anger.

"You are NOT a monster, who said that to you?" he raged, making Kurt jump and look away.

"Vell, not ef'ryone. My foster parents seemed to like me and ze circus folk certainly did" he finished with a bitter laugh, and Pietro moved to sit on the bed next to him, making him face the taller boy once more.

"Are you telling me everyone in that place thinks your a monster?" he questioned, blanching when Kurt told him he didn't think, he knew, because they told him almost daily, but then calmed a little when Kurt admitted not everyone did that.

Pietro wasn't assured for long when Kurt listed off the people he suspected might not hate him as much as he thought which only included Beast, Wolverine, Rogue, Forge, the Professor, and possibly Kitty. Pietro seemed to growl angrily at that and Kurt decided it was his turn to try and lighten the mood. He let out an actual playful growl and smiled when Pietro looked at him surprised. Forcefully smiling he tugged Pietro toward him gently, placing soft kisses across his tense jaw as they leaned back against the bed.

"Vhy do you tink I vas running avay? But now, now I haf you!" he assured Pietro, moving to kiss the tension from his thinly pressed lips. Pietro relaxed a bit, but still frowned at what he had learned.

Were they really calling him a monster at the mansion? Had no one done anything? By the way Kurt had acted and looked it seemed they were saying or doing much more than just calling him a monster.


He laughed inwardly at his choice of words, as if 'just' calling him a monster wasn't enough. He allowed Kurt to tug him gently down onto the bed as Kurt continued trying to kiss his displeasure away. Resituating them further onto the bed Pietro wrapped his arms tightly around the warmer boy he inhaled Kurt's scent.

"I don't like that, any of it, I really don't like that. If anyone messes with you, you can come here, whenever you want, at any time, ok? Promise me you will, promise me you won't take this crap anymore! You don't deserve this! You should be treated so much better! Don't they know how amazing you are? I mean Mrmph!" Pietro's growing tirade was silenced by Kurt's passionate kiss and he became momentarily distracted.

Kurt reluctantly pulled away shushing Pietro from continuing with a look and a finger pressed against his frowning mouth. Pietro pleaded with his eyes and Kurt nodded his understanding and moved his hand to clutch at pale white hair on the back of Pietro's head for comfort. Pietro sighed.

"What a way for this day to go, I'm practically dead tired from emotional exhaustion alone" he strained to smile, but Kurt could see it wasn't as hard as before and he saw a glint in the blue eyes. "maybe we should take a nap, you know, recover from our hectic day" as he said this he was slowly inching his way closer to Kurt across the bed, wrapping his arms more firmly around him, placing kisses against a soft blue neck. Kurt sighed pleasantly and realized he was rather exhausted, and cuddled against his white haired knight in shining armor.

Kurt couldn't believe how amazing his life was now turning out to be. Pietro was what he had been missing, and now he felt as though nothing else in the world mattered. Unconsciously he wrapped his tail around Pietro and snuck it up the back of his shirt oh so slightly. He didn't miss the happy hum Pietro elicited and lazily glance up to see Pietro's contented look. He shrugged and said "I love your tail" before kissing Kurt right on the nose and closing his eyes. Kurt drifted off with a smile on his face, happier than he'd felt in a long time, and Pietro soon followed him into the land of dreams. Neither anticipated anymore drastic changes to their lives, but unbeknownst to them, a storm was brewing.