Well, I haven't been on in forever and a day, and I'm sorry. But anyway, thanks for waiting.

Chapter 10-Found

Terra stepped out of his portal, clutching his side. That scorpion did a lot to his armor, and it made dents in Terra's armor, as well as cracks. Darkness pooled like blood from several of the cracks, since Terra had been using the darkness so often.

As Terra walked into Yen Sid's castle, he listened to his armor creak and moan. "I'm not going to last very long," He thought. He opened the door to the Master's chamber and attempted to bow, but Yen Sid waved.

"It is all right Terra, there is no need for formalities as of now," He said.

"Yes Master," Terra replied.

Yen Sid stood up and walked toward the window. "Hardships are everywhere, you've fought many. More than most people fight in their lifetime." He turned to face Terra. "And those hardships left you like this... An armored suit with nothing but your heart."

"I deserved this in a way," Terra said. "I fell to the darkness."

"And you wouldn't have if Xehanort had not been manipulating you. But you have learned to control it like Riku, you've tamed Xehanort and your darkness."

"I didn't do it alone," Terra told him. "My friends helped me."

The old master nodded. "Yes that is true, and here you stand before me, a whole heart, but a broken spirit. Neither dead nor alive. Yet you find reason to exist."

"Aqua..." Terra whispered.

Yen Sid nodded. "I was not sure at first, but Aqua would give your life to you, as you would give yours. She loves you, and that love brought you together again." Yen Sid moved to a bookcase. "It's what keeps you alive."

Terra looked at his armored hands. "I feel stronger around her."

"Love does many things, it gives people the strength to fight impossible battles, it gives people a purpose to live. I knew a young man who risk everything to save his beloved and he defeated a great evil."

"Who was he?" Terra asked.

Yen Sid smiled. "Another tale, but he was a lot like you."

Terra's armor creaked.

Yen Sid frowned. "You seem to be falling apart."

"What was your first guess, the sounds, or the large dents?" Terra asked.

Yen Sid chuckled. "It's fixable." He waved his hand and Terra was as good as new.

Terra examined his armor. "Thank you..."

Yen Sid nodded. "I know what your thinking, I will soon."

Terra nodded, understanding.

"You have performed admirably Terra, I thank you." Yen Sid placed a hand on Terra's head. "But now it's time you lived your life."

There was a bright flash of light that could be seen in all the worlds.

Aqua sat on the beach, staring up at the sky. It had been days since the bright light in the sky, and she was worried. She pulled out her lucky charm. "Terra..."

"He'll be fine," A voice from behind spoke. Aqua turned to see Riku. "Terra won't disappear easily," He said.

Aqua nodded. "I still worry."

Riku nodded. "When I was with him, he was determined on saving you and Ventus. No one could get in his way."

Aqua smiled. "Thank you Riku."

Riku shrugged. "It's nothing, but I've got to head home."

Aqua nodded. "Okay."

Riku waved goodbye and headed home.

Ven and Sora were passing the time with a spar farther down the beach. Both boys acted like they were long lost friends that have finally been reunited. Aqua smiled to herself and walked the other direction.

Lost in thought, she roamed the beach until she ran into Kairi.

"Hi Aqua," Kairi said cheerfully.

Aqua faked a smile. "Hi."

"Feeling better?"

Aqua shook her head. "I'm worried."

"He'll be fine, and he will be back before you know it."

Aqua nodded.

"He's a good guy. Sora and Riku seemed to get along with him great."

"You never met him?"

Kairi shook her head. "I hear a lot about him, but I've never met him. What is he like?"

Aqua smiled. "How much time do you have?"

Kairi laughed. "I get it, so he's great right?"

Aqua nodded. "Although he can be a little impatient."

"Oh, Riku said something like that too."

Aqua laughed.

After another minute talking, Kairi waved at something.

"What is it?" Aqua asked.

"Someone waved at us," Kairi said pointing at the man. It was Terra.

"Terra!" Aqua cried running up to her armored love.

"Aqua," He whispered as she fell into his embrace.

"I was so worried."

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right, just don't do it again," Aqua said staring up at her love's visor.

Terra nodded. "I'm not going anywhere without you anymore."

"Sounds good."

Aqua gasped. She swore she saw something in Terra's visor.


"Terra, I could've swore that-"

He laughed and removed his helmet. He was back to normal.

"Terra you're back!" Aqua cried hugging him.

Terra laughed, hugging her back as he dismissed his armor. "Thank Master Yen Sid."

Aqua was on the brink of tears. "You're back."

He kissed her head. "I'm back."

Aqua looked up and stared into Terra's eyes.

"And I'm not leaving ever again." Terra said with a kiss.

"I love you Terra," Aqua whispered.

"I love you too, Aqua."

Finally, everything worked out perfectly.

Finally over. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I'm sorry for not ending the story quicker. And I'm sorry the ending was bad.

Hope you enjoyed the story and review if you'd like.