I do not own Naruto.

There was one frightening day at the Akatsuki, in which Tobi had gotten a hold of a digital camera.
After about 50 shots, Pein had confiscated the camera and entrusted the memory chip to Itachi. It was only about a week later that the curiosity started getting to
Akatsuki members. They all wondered what Tobi had gotten on film.

And a few of them were ready to do something about it.

The first was Deidara.

-Itachi's POV-

I put my head on my desk as a headache started to kick in. This job is annoying. And now with my eye sight going bad its just getting worse.

I raised my head when I heard the door open and slam. Turning around, I saw Deidara standing by the door, glaring at me.

"Weasel-man! un." He says.
"What is it Deidara?"
"I want the memory chip, yeah!'
"Because, un, everyone is curious about what's on it!"
"Yes, un!"

I was distracted from Deidara's ranting when the door opened again, revealing Kisame. He closed the door more quietly than Deidara had, and stepped forward. They must not want anyone else to know what they're up to.

"Hi, Itachi-san. How are you?" Kisame asked.

I just stared at him.

"Yeah, I'm feeling weird myself. Must be something with the weather."

I already knew what he wanted.

"Get to the point, Kisame." I told him.
"I want the memory chip."
"Get in line, and then prepare to wait. I'm not giving it to either of you."
"Then at least get them developed, un!"

For the third time, my door opened, and somebody came in. It was Kakuzu.

"So, Itachi..." he says.
"You want the memory chip, don't you?"

I sighed. There was only one way to get them to leave me alone. Well, two, but the first one is much less messy.

"If the three of you leave me alone, and do not say another word to me about the memory chip, I will get the pictures developed."

The three of them walked out, without saying another word.

What have I done?

I stood up and pulled on my cloak. Time to go get the pictures...