Necromancer in the midst

Disclaimer: i do not own the harry potter brand nor the names used in the books

Notes:this story is based in Post book seven and i decided to write the story becuase i was sad the series ended


Efilan was a wood elf trained by wood elves, lived with wood elves, despised what wood elves despised basically a typical elf no different to the rest of them apart that he was Prince of the forest that he lived in. The forest he lived in connected to the dark forest near Hogwarts he was only eleven but knew much more than a human at that age would. All types of elves were smart always had been and they weren't how everyone pictured them ether there were tall elves, Efilan was one of the tallest in Heart tree. He was ecstatic when his mother told him that Hogwarts was now accepting humanoid creatures who were half breads into its teachings.

He had heard the stories of the mystical Harry Potter and his fight against the dark lord; in fact he wanted to be in Gryffindorjust like his hero. Efilan was already packing his bag for his first year today he was heading to Diagon alley because he always wanted to go there and buy from the same shops as harry did.

If you haven't figured this out yet this wood elf was a typical wood elf other then he loved harry potter he was his role model and hero, why would we tell a story of a wood elf who was a potter fan because this strange wood elf would shape the world more then he could imagine. He was just an average boy for a wood elf at least but the right person in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world...

Chapter 1 "Diagon ally"

"Mum mum can we go now please I really want to by my wand please" whinedEfilan he was so excited and his mother was not as exited a pure elf would not need a wand or to go to Hogwarts only half breeds would which Efilan was his mother married a wizard who died a few years after Efilan was born, but he didn't know him so the emotional pain was only in his mother. "Fine we may go by Floo powder now remember what I taught you?" Asked his mother holding out a pot of Floo powder

"yes" said Efilan impatiently jumping on the spot, he grab a handful of powder walked into the fireplace and bellowed "Diagon ally" as he threw the powder down he felt the floor collapse beneath him and the world twirled around him with green fire all around. He stayed calm as the transfer happened the quickly stepped out of the other fireplace and walked into the ally. His mother walked out in to the ally seconds later, Efilan was so happy so exited it was just as he pictured it all the people walking and all the kids running around for their first year at Hogwarts in the middle of the crowd was a girl who looked scared or sad by Efilan perspective at any rate. The poor girl had red hair and blue eyes she was sitting on the ground holding her small bag. Efilan walked over to the girl and sat down next to her. "Hello my name is Efilan who are you?" he asked looking closer at her face

"My name is Lilly" said the girl sounding sad

"Well Lilly why are you sad I mean you look like my age so you should be going to Hogwarts"

"I am it's just my two brothers were taunting me" mumbled Lilly

"Aw don't listen to them they probably were lying about whatever they said"

"Your right they probably were lying" she wiped her tears away and got up "would you like to be my friend?"

"Yeah it would be good to know someone" said Efilan just as his mum came over.

"Making friends already are we Efilan?" asked his mother looking at Lilly "what is your name young miss?"

"Lilly, Lilly potter" said Lilly grabbing her bag, POTTER! My god Lilly potter my friend? Thought Efilan

"Well Lilly shall we find your parents shall we" said Efilan's mother holding both the children's' hands. They walked around and around until Lilly saw her parents in Flourish and Blotts Efilan couldn't believe he was going to see harry potter. They walked in through the front door and went to the back of the store there were only two boys at the back of the store

"Albus, James where are mum and dad?" asked Lilly looking at some books

"At the counter most likely" said one of the boys

"Ok kids I'll go talk to your parents Lilly and I also get you books Efilan" said Efilan's mother walking towards the front of the shop. "So what house do you want to be in?" asked Efilan looking at Lilly as she read through a book

"Gryffindor of course" said Lilly putting down the book and smiling

"Yeah same here" said Efilan looking over at her two brothers who were now walking out of the door

"They probably are going to Weasley's WizardingWheezes" said Lilly watching Efilan "you're an elf I can tell by your ears"

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" asked Efilan looking at Lilly confused

"No I'm just saying you're an elf I've never met one before, until now"

"I'm only a half breed" mumbled Efilan

"Well who cares if you're a half breed of elf?"

"My people they are disgusted their queen was married to a wizard".


"Efilan I heard that you and my daughter have become friends" said a man with glasses and black hair walking around the corner, it only took a few seconds for Efilan's brain to realise that this was Harry Potter his role model and hero.

"Your mother and I were talking about you, in fact we agreed that you should stay at our house until it is time for you to school" said Harry pushing his glasses further up his nose "but first we must get the rest of your school gear"

Efilan could hardly believe what he was hearing; he had been invited to stay at the potters' house for the holidays. "That's not fair, why does Lilly get to have a friend over?" asked the green eyed boy

"Because her birthday is next week, Albuswhen you have your birthday you get to have friends over do you not?" said Harry looking at the boy "now let's go and get your wands" said Harry leading the way. Efilan was ecstatic he couldn't wait to see what wand he would be given he followed harry out of Flourish and Blottsquickly followed by Lilly. Efilan saw his mother talking to Ginny Potter over at the counter with his books and he quickly check his pockets he had heaps of money left. He decided if he could he would stop into the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes run by Fred and George. Efilan walked towards Olivander's closely followed by Lilly who was skipping around the ally looking at all the shop windows displaying their contents.