Hey guys
In commemoration of Prisoner 107 reaching over 10,000 hits I'd like to say a little thank you to everybody. 10k might not seem like much to some people but it means so much to me :) This was the first story I uploaded to and it had such good feedback that it encouraged me to write more stuff, so thank you so much for reading this story, and thank you for all of your fantastic reviews.
Even if I've been busy with exams and study, I haven't forgotten about my writing and I'll keep it up :)
I'd like to especially thank everybody who reviewed the story, whether it be good feedback or bad, you're helping me to be a better writer. A special thank you goes out to…
- Erifrats101 (the first person to review the story :D)
- Lexy
- RedHeadedGoddess
- Keith Fraser
- Analisa
- Anaria . the . Randomer
- Smoke
- Fuuko96
- Semeria
- X-Sadistic-Bitch-X
- LightningEarl
- JavMac
- Marie
- asobi seksu
- Azelia Sekai
- Kagetora no Tsume
- LateNightWrite
And an extra special thank you to my regular reviewers
- Somnus
- SomebodyLost
- thepinkmartini
These guys have reviewed just about every chapter I ever wrote, always being encouraging and helpful. I can't thank you enough :)
So thanks a bunch for being so supportive and helping me become a better writer, and thanks to everybody else for reading this story, I hope you all enjoyed it, sorry about my annoying cliffhanger habit :D
Have an excellent day, and keep on writing.
Kind regards,