Have you ever been so in love it hurt? I have, and it hurt so much. But there's a reason for that, so let me get my bearings together so I could explain.
Ready? Cause here I go. It's a simple story really, and quite short when you sum it up. You see, on my way to confess my feelings to the love of my life, I died.
Or at least I did for a little while. After an argument with the grim reaper, we agreed to a deal. If I could get any guy to confess his love to me, then I could be set free, and return to my body, but under one condition, I have 8 days, starting the day in which I died. Mind you, it was already 11:30 at night when he arranged this ordeal. So now I'm out one day, and I only have 7 left to convince someone that I'm worth falling in love with.
Kami, if there was ever time I needed a miracle, now would be great.
Chapter 1:
The Accident Scene
A moment of silence. Nothing.
Still nothing.
Chi-Chi stood off to the side watching as a crowd of people gathered in one spot. 'I wonder whats going on,' she thought as her feet automatically started walking towards the crowd. It was usually unlike her to follow a crowd to anything, but she thought nothing of it, and kept walking. As she got closer and pushed her way through the crowd a pair of paramedics came into view.
'Someones hurt,' she thought. Her curiosity got the better of her and she tried getting a little closer. She pushed her way through the crowds and finally made it to the front. She stopped dead in her tracks as she came upon the body that the paramedics were trying so desperately to revive.
"That's...that's me." Nothing moved as the world fell silent around her.
"That's ME!" she repeated more terrified.
"Yeah, it is." She jumped, and then turned to look at who had said that.
A man wearing black jeans, a plain black shirt, black sneakers with red shoelaces, and a black and red tie stared back at her as if she were his prey, and he was waiting to attack. He had jet black hair, with a strip of red on one of his front strands. His eyes were completely white, except for his small black pupal.
"What," she asked in utter confusion.
"I'm so sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Usire, and I am here to take you to your next destination," he bowed in respect as he introduced himself.
"I still don't understand. Where are you taking me? Why? I'm not going with you, your a stranger I have never heard of before. And what the hell is going on? What kind of dream is this?" Chi-Chi rambled in utter confusion and disbelief.
"Let me just correct you right there, you have heard of me, EVERYONE has heard of the grim reaper, the God of death, etc. Don't insult me Chi-Chi," he threatened. He could feel that taking her to the afterlife would be harder than it should have to be.
"NO! NO! I REFUSE TO GO! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!" She screamed in anger. Her fear seemed to have faded away, and all she could think about was how close she had gotten. She refused to give up now.
"What?!" Usire was baffled at her outburst.
"I said no! I've waited to long to tell him that I love him, and I refuse to die without telling him. I will not die! So you might as well send me back to my body."
"No way, I don't take orders, I give them," he moved so close to Chi-Chi that there noses nearly touched. The Grim reaper was known for his temper, but Chi-Chi could care less at this point, she was determined to get her life back.
"Look, just because you probably never had a girl in your life, and I doubt has every experienced love, doesn't mean you have to ruin my chances," she proclaimed as she folded her arms.
Usire burst into a fit of laughter, clutching his stomach as tears began pouring out of his eyes from how funny he thought her comment was. Once he had stopped, he looked up at her, a few tears still spilling from his eyes, and said, "You couldn't get a boy to fall in love with you if you paid them, not with your stupid attitude, or any of those looks."
Chi-Chi grew red in the face with embarrassment and then anger. "How dare you! I can get any guy I want, any time I want," she defended.
"Prove it," he taunted.
"Fine, I will. Just tell me how you expect me to do that genius? Unless you want me to work my magic on you?" She accepted his challenge.
"Not even in death. Look, I'll make you a deal. If you can find a guy to fall in love with you in 8 days, with a full confession, I might add, then I'll give you your body back, and you can have a second chance at life."
Chi-Chi looked at him in almost disbelief, it had just occurred to her that she was really dead, and talking to death, but she could get her life back. This was her chance, she could live life again. It was almost to good to be true.
"How?" She asked.
"How what?"
"How am I going to be able to get someone to confess to me in this state. I'm pretty sure no one can see me in spirit form."
"Simple, I'll give you another body," he answered.
"What? But I want my own body."
"That's not part of the deal. You'll get it back if you win."
She would have argued with him about the situation, but seeing the circumstances, and reading about the Grim Reaper not being a very patient man, she agreed.
"We shake to seal the deal," he said and extended his hand. Chi-Chi nodded and took hold of his hand in a firm grasp. The world went black with the touch of their hands.
My First Vegata/Chi-Chi Fic. I've been planning to do one for a while, but wasn't sure how it would go if I posted it. Well, I lost half my stories in a computer crash and decided to go for it before I lose this one too.
I'm not going to lie, I was a die-hard Goku/Chi-Chi fan (and still am), and never wanted to hear about them being with other people but each other. But I stumbled across a Vegeta/Chi-Chi fic one day and thought it was just so awesome I should read some more. One thing lead to another, and now I'm here righting you a fic myself. :)
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! A little short, I know, but it was just to get the summary (which I had only so little characters to persuade you guys to take a look at my fic).
Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to hearing from you! 3