OH MY GOSHELS! I haven't posted for TIME! I went on a trip. My writing brain was out of whack. I was being lazy. You know how that is. Next time I take this long to write another chapter, please scream at me. And pull my hair, too.
Previously on Gilmore Girls…
I don't watch Gilmore Girls.
So far Heloise has been kid-napped, sort of, Jimmy is in Lendsville, and Beezy is clueless.
Please leave a review! If you don't, I'll procrastinate and never write again. Peer pressure is what always gets me going! :D (Or even if you're not my peer, if you still yelled at me that'd be cool.)
Chapter 7, Part 1 (For explanation, see comment at the end)
"Fifteen days on the tundra…This is it… The final countdown…" A buff and dirty camouflaged man clutched a shotgun and snaked his way through a deep and murky swamp…
"My days here are numbered. I've already wrestled three gators, caught a number of beautiful snakes, and saved a small village from certain doom, but it's become obvious what the real reason for my being here is…"
The rugged man hid behind a few tall blades of grass and looked around cautiously. "After all this time, my true objective is finally clear. If I don't find a hamburger soon, I might never eat one again..."
"Drama queen." Beezy slumped back into the couch and began sucking out of a soda can. Almost as soon as he began, he drained the container of its contents and threw it at the wall with a loud burp. He turned to Jimmy and gestured at the TV. "This guy is full of baloney. He makes a big deal out of everything!"
Jimmy shrugged. "Well, he has been out there for a while. I'd be dying for a burger, too."
Beezy shook his head. "If he was really a survivor man, he'd be more prepared," he reached into his pants and began digging around for something, "like…" He pulled out a hamburger, "me!"
The red teen shoved the smelly burger into his mouth and began chewing sloppily. Jimmy winced, and Beezy gave him a startled look. "Sorry, did you want some?"
Before Jimmy had any time to answer, the doorknob started rattling and a small voice could be heard from the other side.
"It's locked," it said. "He might be in here."
There was some shuffling behind the door and a few loud knocks. "We know you're in there!" It was Sammy. "Come out with your hands up!"
Beezy shrieked and jumped into Jimmy's arms. "JIMMY! THEY'VE FOUND US! Quick, though the secret portal!" He leapt at the TV screen.
The door swung open. Sammy, followed by a few Lendsvillians, peered inside. Jimmy and Beezy had scrunched themselves up in a corner hiding behind an old television and a couple of chairs they dragged in.
"Beezy, get out of the closet," Sammy ordered. "Your father is looking for you." He pointed at Jimmy. "What are you doing here?"
Beezy wrapped an arm tightly around Jimmy. "Jimmy came to visit me. Don't try to make him leave, he's not going anywhere!"
Sammy sighed. "Jimmy, get out. Lucius specifically told me to make sure you didn't show up here."
Jimmy opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by his larger companion. "He's not leaving! And anyway, he didn't show up here, he showed up at the front of the building."
Once again the blond tried to speak. It was Sammy who butted in this time. "Where he 'showed up' isn't the point. Lucius doesn't want him in Lendsville because he's afraid he'll destroy everything!"
Jimmy made one last weary attempt to speak. "I'm -"
"- Let me do the talking, okay buddy?" Beezy clamped a claw over the blonde's mouth. "So what you're saying is my dad doesn't want Jimmy here because he doesn't want him to destroy everything that my dad is trying to fix so that he can destroy everything later? Why not keep him here and let him destroy everything that my dad is trying to fix so that he doesn't have to destroy it later… But I guess if Jimmy destroys it in the way that he destroys things, he'll actually be fixing it, in which case my dad should still let him because then he's kinda doing the work."
"Beezy, that doesn't make sense."
"What doesn't make sense is why they put a lock on a closet."
"Get out!"
"Fine," he shouldered his way past Jimmy and stepped out the door, "But I don't see why dad wants spend time with me all of a sudden. It's not like he was so interested in me before."
"Your father wants to teach you abou-"
"BORING!" The devil pushed Sammy to the floor and started down the hall.
"Whatever…" Beezy's voice echoed and faded down the hall.
Jimmy hopped out of the closet and helped Sammy to his feet. "Aw, don't worry. I'm sure Beezy will come around after he takes another nap. Is there anything I can help with?"
"Yes, you can leave!" Sammy brushed some dirt off his shirt and glared at Jimmy, who laughed.
"Oh Sammy, you're so funny! Hey, have you seen Heloise?" He asked, looking worried.
The goblin groaned. "Don't tell me you lost her! Lucius is going to kill me!"
Jimmy shook his head, "No, I didn't lose her. I haven't even seen her since I got here. I think Beezy lost her."
"It's more likely that she wandered off," Sammy sighed, "I swear, she does these things just to get me in trouble. If Lucius finds out that she's missing, I'm dead!" He threw a hand up to his forehead dramatically.
Jimmy smiled and gently led Sammy's hand down. "You're being silly. Lucy won't get mad; it wasn't your fault."
Sammy shook his head and pointed at Jimmy. "It doesn't matter if I did it; he's going to blame me anyway! And he'll blame you, too!"
Jimmy rolled his eyes. "I don't get it, why is this such a big deal? She wanders off all the time."
"He's going to think that she ran away!"
"Why would she do that?"
"To get out of work!" The goblin groaned, "Can you imagine what he'll do to us if he thinks that?"
"Sammy, you're overreacting."
"Find her! As long as you're here, FIND HER! And try not to screw anything up…"
Jimmy winked. "Click, click."
… Over the sidewalk and under the street, to Heloise we go…
Heloise yanked despairingly at her arm, now frantic for escape. She had no idea how long Mermitrude had been forcing her along and she was becoming more and more desperate for fresh air.
Noticing Heloise's distress, Mermitrude looked back at the child and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Heloise! We're almost there! Just a little…" She stopped suddenly and frowned. "Was it night when we left? Yes, I think so." She closed her eyes and began sniffing the air, absentmindedly releasing Heloise in the process.
Heloise began to run as quickly as she could, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she made her escape. She had thought about punishing the woman but had decided that it wasn't worth risking getting captured again. It was a better idea to just go back to the factory and hope that Mermitrude wouldn't follow… She was going the right way, wasn't she?
The monster groaned as realized that she had been so caught up in trying to break free that she hadn't paid attention to what direction they had been going. There were tunnels everywhere that all looked the same, and it was dark aside from a flashlight Mermitrude had pulled out of her hair when they had first entered the sewer. There was no way she'd be able to navigate through the underground labyrinth without someone to help her, and she certainly wasn't going to use Mermitrude. She looked back to where the strange woman was.
The frog had pressed her face up against the wall and was inhaling deeply. "I think it's daytime now, do you?" She mumbled, seemingly too concerned with what she was doing to care if the girl answered.
Heloise ducked behind a corner and looked around, just barely able to make out an image in the pitch black. Narrow tunnels branched out from each other in all directions with ceilings so low that a few times during their struggles Mermitrude would bumped her head, although that seemed to do the creature little damage. There was a long, thin strip of concrete on the left side of the tunnels, or the right depending on which way you were facing, meant for walking. On the other side there was a large dike filled with gunk which Heloise presumed to be the actual sewer. There was a bit of water flowing down through the pit, making it look something like a small, filthy stream. To the girl's surprise, it smelled wonderful.
She realized that the only way the water could smell like that would be if it were perfumed, so it would make sense that if she went in the opposite direction of the current she would eventually reach its source back in town. When it got too dark to see, she could just follow her nose.
She gave Mermitrude one more look before taking off.
To be continued VERY SOON.
NOTE: Because of my slowness in updating I've decided to post a part of the next chapter early. I haven't done anything in so long that I'm a bit out of shape when it comes to writing and I figured that I had better get something 'out there' before I stopped writing at all. Next time I post it will still be chapter 7... PART 2 FLAVORED!