"So tell me what you see?"
Sometimes when neither had anything to say, they'd start a pointless conversation. A question, then an answer, and then the ball would start rolling. Really, he should have recorded some of the conversations they had. Then, he could actually hear how outrageous they got. Well, at least they were entertaining and, when some nights got too quiet, comforting. His laughter would blend with Lavi's and fill the silence, flushing out all the demons.
"Stars," Lavi's voice was laced with anticipation, he knew what to expect from this too, "Lots and lots of stars. The sky's covered with 'em."
Allen pouted, even though the redhead couldn't see him, "Unfair, the only stars I get to see are the glow-in-the-dark ones covering my ceiling."
Warm laughter poured out of the phone, "Duuuuuuuude," Allen could feel the grin on Lavi's face, "you still have those up? We put those up when you were what...eight? And you're, like, fifteen now!"
"It's your fault anyway."
"Do you realize how hard it is to remove something that's been super-glued, especially when that something has been super-glued to the ceiling?"
"Well, you let me-"
"And you do remember who used super glue to attach the stars, don't you? Also, I never let you. There was no 'we'. You snuck into my room and decided you could."
"Um, sorry?"
It was Allen's turn to grin, "I promise, you will be."
"Hey, don't be like that," Allen imagined Lavi's face right then, and almost burst out laughing, "I'm your best friend right? It's not that bad right?"
No, it wasn't at all. Frankly, Allen loved his plastic night sky. The soft green glow had it's own charm. Every night when the shadows began to cover his room Allen would look up at his ceiling and stare. Sometimes he would count them. Other times he would just lay there and think. Once, years ago, he had tried to find a star to represent each of his friends. Every now and again Allen would find himself coming back to the idea. It was comforting to be surrounded by all those people when it was too dark. So no, Allen held no resentment towards Lavi for putting stars on his ceiling. In fact, he was grateful.
However, it was fun messing with Lavi. They were best friends, weren't they? The redhead should have been used to this. Besides, Lavi had messed around with Allen's room, there were reprecrussions for that.
"Don't be like what, Lavi?"
And they laughed.
They talked late into the night, and when the finally stopped, Allen looked up at the "stars".
"Goodnight Lavi."
He sighed and let himself drift to sleep.
And from somewhere he could hear a light whisper, "Goodnight Allen."
A/N: Ummm, so yeah. My very little first attempt in this fandom. Not much to say. This little bit just wanted itself written and well I wanted to try. It didn't come out exactly how I had pictured, but that's cool. I'm glad I wrote it. So thank you for reading!