Woohoo! Tenth chapter! But before I go on, I want to thank the people who read, favorited, and followed my story. Thanks you guys! Oh, and the people who reviewed get a special place in my heart. I got my twenty reviews! I want to thank Fluffpuffgerbil (you win the favorite reviewer award), One-Crazy-Ninja-Chick, ilovebooks17, jf, channylover24, obsessedwithbooks, PleaseDon'tForget, youveforgotten (how's that for name sequence?), peaceluhver, MakeMeCrazier, Emma, Riviera14, ashkat101, and buen (yaaaay 20th review person!). Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me how my story is. It really means a lot to me! Anyway, mushy part is over.

I now present the final chapter!

Sonny was chewing a piece of gum nervously when the intercom came on. "Excuse me, can a Miss Sonny Munroe come to the front desk, please?" it said. Sonny sighed. Might as well see what she was needed for.

When she walked in, it was complete pandemonium. Her co-stars were yelling at James Conroy and Gilroy, and they were yelling back at them. The security guard was cowering in a corner.

"Wait, what is going on?" Sonny yelled. The room went quiet. It was Chad who spoke up first.

"Sonny!" he said excitedly.

"Ah, Miss Munroe. What a not-so-pleasant surprise." Gilroy said.

"Shut your pie hole, Gilroy!" Zora snapped.

"Mr. Smith!" Gilroy said exasperatingly.

"Hold on!" Tawni shrieked. "We need to find out what's going on, because I'm really confused!"

"Yes," Grady said, crossing his arms. "Care to explain, Mr. Smith?"

"What's to explain?" Gilroy said through gritted teeth.

"Everything!" Chad snapped.

"Hold on, let's not get overly excited people!" Zora said. "We need to accuse them of doing something first!" She cleared her throat. "Okay, so far here's what I've learned. James hid underneath the stair leading to the Prop House above the Prop House and pushed up on a loose floorboard, thus making Nico trip and break his leg. Afterwards, he called Gilroy saying something about a person saying yes. Turns out Tawni had gotten engaged to James! And while I was breaking in to a certain person's dressing room, I noticed a camera sitting on a portrait of Chad. I also found another camera placed on a plant, which I crushed. Anyone else care to elaborate?"

"Yeah, I would," Sonny said. "Gilroy came up to me while I was making hot chocolate for Tawni and I. He showed me a video about Chad and Portlyn kissing."

"I knew it!" Chad exclaimed. At seeing Sonny's expression, he said, "Sorry."

"Anyway, after that, Gilroy came to me while I was moping about and showed me a video about you guys-" she turned to look at Tawni, Grady, and Zora, "planning to get me fired!"

"Yeah, about that…" Tawni said sheepishly.

"Wait, why were you moping?" Chad asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," Sonny muttered.

Zora turned to look at Gilroy and James. "Anything you'd like to explain."

A moment's silence passed before James spoke up. "I didn't really know what was going on!" he cried. "He was just blackmailing me with ten thousand dollars and the threat of telling the world about my tattoo!"

"Loser," Gilroy said under his breath.

"Wait, you have a tattoo?" Tawni asked.

"Never mind!" James yelled.

Grady turned to Gilroy. "Want to help us understand what the heck is going on?"

Gilroy's face was filled with mixed emotions. Finally, he spoke. "Sonny, Tawni, and Chad ruined my life. Ever since they came on my talk show and made me look like a buffoon, I have been the laughingstock of Hollywood talk shows! I thought if I could get revenge on them, my life would get better. So I planted cameras around the studio to find out some interesting facts about the stars. I got a tip from Chad's chauffeur that he would have to kiss Portlyn today, and I knew that Sonny had a humongous crush on Chad, so I used this to my advantage. I found out later that Tawni had some plan to get Sonny fired, so it all worked out. I got it all on tape and showed it to Sonny in hopes that she would get so upset she'd quit."

"So you were helping me all the time!" Tawni exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Sonny said.

"Let the scumbag finish!" Zora yelled.

"Now we get to you, Tawni. James here was supposed to marry you, at which it would seem that you were extremely desperate and your status would drop tremendously. James could have profited greatly from this. However, because he was James, he had to go and screw everything up."

"Hey!" James said defiantly.

"He went and used his big head, and hands, and got Nico's leg broken."

"I just wanted Sonny to fall so I could have a clear shot at proposing to Tawni!" James cried out.

"And if it wasn't for all of you guys getting smart, my plan would have worked beautifully." Gilroy finished.

The room was silent for a little bit. Everyone was too busy staring at Gilroy and thinking about his scheme. Finally, the guard stopped cowering and came over. "I think now is the time where I get to say, 'You're arrested, fools!'" he said. He clamped handcuffs on Gilroy's and James' hands.

"Hey, what are we being arrested for?" James protested.

"You for breaking an innocent person's leg and you because you're just plain creepy." He carted the two detainees into the same corner he was cowering in. "You stay here while I call the police."

"Aren't you already a police member?" Gilroy sneered.

"Hey!" the guard said. "Watch your questions!" He dialed 911 and said a few words into the receiver. After hanging up, he said, "They're on their way!"

The stars cheered. "Now I can go back to finding my cheese pants!" Grady cried out. Zora and Tawni cheered and then had a disgusted look on their faces. But they left after Grady. Only Chad and Sonny were left.

"So…" Chad started.

"So…" Sonny said.

"So do you really have this humongous crush on me?" Chad prompted. Sonny's mouth ran dry. What would she say?

"Perhaps," she concluded. "Why do you care?"

"I don't."

"Yes, you do!" came a voice from behind them. Portlyn came walking out of the shadows and put a hand on Chad's shoulder. "I thought we already went over the conversation where you admitted to liking Sonny!"

Chad lost color in his face before it started to turn dark red. "No, we didn't," he said through gritted teeth.

Portlyn started to laugh. "Of course we did! Now, we better get you two together before something else like this happens again!" She grabbed both of their hands and put them together. "See, you guys? This is how you hold hands."

The other two blushed as Chad yelled, "Not right now, Portlyn!"

Portlyn started to giggle harder. "See? Everyone gets their fairytale ending. Everybody got what they deserved. And now we're all happy! Well, except for James and Gilroy."

"Mr. Smith- ah, forget it." Gilroy said from his respective corner.

The three walked off with Chad still holding Sonny's hand. They walked for a little bit before Sonny said, "You know, I can't help but think we're forgetting someone who isn't happy. Oh well." Right now, all was fine. In fact, it was perfect.

Nico sat in the hospital room scratching his leg. It itched so much that he thought his skin was going to come off. But he couldn't exactly scratch where he wanted to with this gigantic cast in the way.

Nico was being rolled out by a doctor. He was currently sitting in a wheelchair, and he was on his way back to Condor Studios. It looked like he couldn't be Justin Case. And if he did, he couldn't do a good performance, because he broke a leg. Nico started to snort. Oh the irony.

He sighed. Even if he did break his leg, at least the hospital was interesting. He got to look at all these x-rays and graphs and other technical stuff. He even met a cute girl getting her tonsils out. Nico laughed. He probably was having a lot more fun than the people at the studio. After all, what possibly could have happened there while he was gone?~

Thanks for reading!

-Muddi the Mudkip-