Read my pretties, read! Mwahahaha!

A/N: The sequel to 'Tortured Shadows', please read that first or none of this will make sense.

This fic is also based loosely on 'X2-X Men United' just so you know, now, on to the story!

Disclaimer: I do not pretend to own X Men: Evolution, or the X Men in general. They all belong to the wonderful minds at Marvel.

For you to remember from the first fic! Read or you're an idiot!

Kurt is older than Rogue, the third oldest in the house after Scott and Jean. Kitty is the youngest, Rogue the second youngest and Evan just younger than Kurt.

Ororo and Logan are together, as are Kurt and Kitty, and Jean and Scott.

Kurt's parents have found him and he and Kitty have spent a week with them in Germany.

Jean spent a week in Hawaii with Scott, his mother and his younger brother. Alex is a mutant, but his powers have not awakened.

Rogue, Evan, Ororo and Logan spent the week in Rogue and Logan's home in Canada.

Hank is with the X Men in all his furry blue smartness.

Kitty is estranged from her parents.

If you really don't get something that hints to the first fic, go back and read it.


Chapter 1: Truth

Kitty sighed and brushed a hand down the soft grass that blanketed the Wagner's front lawn. She was spending her vacation week with Kurt and his family, and was enjoying every minute of it.

"Guten Tag Katzchen." Kurt flopped down beside her clad in a pale blue button up t shirt and tan shorts.

"Hello Fuzzy." He gave her a quick kiss that still managed to send shivers through her. She sighed, "I can't believe we're leaving today"

He grinned and nodded, "Ja…actually, if I'm not mistaken, zat's Marie and Evan coming up ze path vright now."

She smiled, Kurt's senses had yet to steer them wrong. "Race you." He grinned and fell to all fours and she chased after him, both of them laughing.

Kurt leapt over the gate while Kitty just went through it and they continued down the path until they nearly ran into Spyke and Rogue. Evan yelped as Kitty tackled him but Marie just laughed as she was toppled by 117 pounds of furry, blue, elfin brother.

"It's good ta see ya'll too!" she got out and Kurt climbed off her, helping her up. She smiled; it was still great for her to be able to touch people without fear of hurting them. Plus, she'd finally found out why Kitty had always gushed to her about how soft Kurt's fur was; It felt like velvet and was heaven to her fingertips.

"Logan and Mom sent us up here to get you guys." Evan stated.

Kurt grinned, "Alvright, come on." Kurt led them back up to his house and flipped over the fence and into the lawn. Kitty phased Marie and Evan through, but was unable to continue as Rogue and Spyke halted, staring at Kurt. Kitty did a double take before shaking her head. After a week, everything that Kurt did now was completely normal.

The cottage had been designed with long poles sticking out at strategic points on the house, and Kurt could grab them and flip from each one with ease, which was what he was doing now until he reached an open window at the top and entered the house.

"Did he just?"

Kitty giggled and tugged them along, "Yep."

The three entered the house to find Anna Wagner cleaning the kitchen. "Guten Tag." She smiled and took off her rubber gloves and came over. "Marie, eet's vunderful to see you." She wrapped the Goth girl in a hug.

"It's good to see you again, Aunt Anna." Marie had decided that seeing as her Dad didn't have any siblings (that he knew of) Kurt's parents could be her aunt and uncle. They certainly liked having a niece.

"Hey Mrs. Vagner, good to see you." Evan was pulled into a hug by the German woman.

"Eet's good to see you too Evan."

"I have our bags." Kurt appeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"Cool, 'cause my Dad was eager to get back to tha mansion."

Kitty gave her a look, "Did he not sleep or something last night?" Rogue shook her head.

"Vell, in zat case. I'll send you a letter in a few days." Kurt said his goodbyes to his parents in German, placing a kiss on his mother's cheek before the quartet headed down the path towards the X Jet, Kurt flipping on his image inducer as they went.

As they walked through town, they drew a few looks; admittedly, they stood out thanks to the style of their clothing.

Kurt smiled to himself but drew back quickly when he walked into someone. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He apologized in German. He looked up slightly at the man and felt a shiver of fear run through him.

"Who're you?" the man sneered

~Oh God, not him, anyone but him. ~

Connor looked down at Kurt like he was a bug, "I haven't seen you around here before."

Kurt took a breath; he wasn't a little kid anymore. "Why would you? You kill young children for fun, no need to take notice of new people in town." He hissed.

"What are you talking about?!" the man glared at Kurt, who shrugged, but his eyes burned with unresolved anger.

"Oh, nothing, I just heard how you burned a child at the stake a few years ago."

"A child," he scoffed, "I helped rid this town of an unholy demon." He stated and Kurt glared at him.

"Not exactly." He muttered and quickly pressed a button on his watch that caused the hologram to flicker for a second before disappearing. "If I were you, I'd be very afraid." He stated and pushed past the blubbering man. Kitty, Evan and Marie following close behind, having a slight idea over what just happened.

"And that was…" Marie trailed off.

"Somezing I've vanted to do for a vhile." Kurt smirked.


"Welcome back everyone!" the Professor rolled out to meet them as they disembarked the X Jet. The girls all ran foreword, smiles on their faces as they placed kisses on the Professor's head.

"Good to be back Professor." Kitty chimed before grabbing her bag and following the other two girls upstairs, all of them giggling.

Kurt chuckled as the Professor turned slightly red. "Zey vere plotting over ze flight." Charles gave Kurt a smile as the blue mutant passed by him with his own bag. A week with just his parents and Kitty had caused a few changes in the seventeen year old. One of which was that he was wearing brighter clothing without any black, something that seemed to match his personality better.

"Don't look at me; I had nothing to do with it." Ororo stated as she swept by, kissing the Professor's cheek as she went.

"Should I be jealous?" Logan asked with a grin.

"I do not believe so, my friend." Charles laughed. ~It's good to have them back. ~


A/N: Short, but opens a whole new pallet for me to create hell in!

Next up is: Mama Rogue.

Summary: Anna Marie would never forget her visit to Germany when she was eighteen, for several reasons. One, once you went to Germany, it was hard to forget it, and two, she became a mother.

Another crossover of sorts between the X Men movies and X Men: Evolution. And by crossover, I again mean that it shares similarities between both mediums. Alternate universe, of course. Look for it tomorrow, I promise much cuteness!