A/N: Why, hello you guys! This is my new story "Death angels"! I hope you guys like it! Please, read and review!

Chapter 1: Birth

In the recesses of a dank and dark room, a small light was visible. A man with long black hair and cruel eyes sat hunched over his desk, his hair falling into his face. He was furiously scribbling in a journal, recording some data from the test tubes in front of him.

"I've done it," He whispered to himself. A slow smile spread across his face. "I did it!"

In the test tubes were remnants of random DNA that had been collected for his experiment. He had been contracted by the government to create super-human beings, superior to anything else ever created. He had been commanded to create them without the capability of feeling, so they would do the government's dirty work. A person without a conscious could not feel any resentment and would never betray their creator.

The man laughed as he stood up, his eyes still glued to the test tubes.

"They're idiots if they think I'm just going to hand them over." He gathered his journal and carefully placed it inside an old worn suitcase he had retrieved. He would go into hiding until he could develop this experimental, new super human race.

It would take time, though. He had only been able to manipulate the genes to "create life". His work was not finished. He had to switch some genes to make sure that they could not experiment feelings. He had a theory, and he was going to start with the first test tube. He would leave in a week. In the meantime, he would complete his first being.

He took a dropper and carefully filled it with a blue-green liquid. The liquid was a chemical so dangerous, all but a couple of samples had been destroyed. They were for gene manipulation and cloning. He tapped some drops into the test tube, which turned red, then back to it's normal color. He did the same to the other two test tubes. He turned around and looked at the three empty cylinder tanks. He would develop them in the tanks until they were mature enough to do his bidding. It would take years, but he would take them out once they all reached fifteen years of age. All that was left to do was to choose a gender. He needed only a moment's thought to make his choice.

"Well, girls." His voice was cold as he turned regarding the test tubes. "We'll just see how you turn out."

22 years later. . .

Under the cloak of night, three girls jumped stealthily from building to building. The girl who lead them, the raven haired beauty, hushed them as they arrived to their designated place.

"So this is it, Kagome?" The red-head next to her asked.

The girl named Kagome nodded. "Yes. I want you, Ayame, to cover the south entrance."

The red-haired girl nodded. She silently disappeared, not even her steps echoing. Kagome then turned to the chestnut haired girl, who was busy scanning the perimeter for danger.

"Sango, head them off on the north entrance." Sango nodded, her long ponytail bouncing with her. As she turned to leave, she turned to Kagome with an expressionless face.

"Will you be alright?" She asked, her voice subtly giving something out. Kagome couldn't put her finger on it, but she nodded.

"Yes. I'll be alright." With that, Kagome stood and leaped gracefully into the air, landing on the roof of the warehouse without so much as a creak. She unzipped the pouch that she had around her waist. She blended in will with her black attire and boots. She retrieved a tube shaped as a lipstick and opened it. She twisted it and a red laser landed on the roof. It burned it as she moved her hand in a circle.

Once it was successfully cut, she took the suction cup from her ouch and stamped it on the metal. She slipped in easily and landed on the stairs.

Now she would wait.

Her target tonight would be a man who had been sent a false letter that told him to bring a suitcase with his newly discovered information. It was very valuable information, so she couldn't afford to screw this up. She hid as she heard the sound of footsteps coming in through the north entrance.

"Hello? Any body here?" the man's voice quivered in fear as he looked into the dimly-lit warehouse.

Kagome followed him, careful not to make a sound. She wasn't the one who was going to apprehend him. That was Sango's job.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Kagome saw Sango appear from the shadows and grab the frightened man by the neck, sheathing a knife in less time then it took to blink.

"I suggest you let go of that briefcase, if you value your life."

The terrified man squirmed in Sango's grip, but let go of the brief case, letting it clatter to the floor.

Ayame appeared and picked it up. "Sango, there's no need to scare him silly." She looked at the man with indifference. Sango kept the same grip on him.

"They're my orders and you know it. You got the easiest." Sango eyed Ayame who smirked at her.

"Of course."

Kagome sighed and decided that enough was enough. She stepped out into the light and the man let out another terrified scream.

"Let him go, Sango." She crossed her arms, her face expressionless. Kagome knew how to conceal anything and everything. Sango lowered her knife, despite herself.

"Kagome, we can't" She stood defiantly, something that a person like her shouldn't be able to do. Kagome smiled and turned to the man.

"Leave," She said in a steel hard voice, her glare promising death. The man whimpered and scrambled to get up. He ran as fast as he could and The girls followed him out.

Ayame was the first to speak. "We're going to get in trouble, Kagome." She glanced at her as the man ran off. Kagome reached over to Ayame's side, grabbing the gun strapped to her waist. She jumped on the boxes and out the hole she had made earlier. Sango and Ayame had no other choice but to follow her.

Kagome knew she had to kill this man. Somewhere deep in her subconscious, she felt a tug, but she didn't know what is was so she ignored it. She cocked the gun just as Ayame and Sango came behind her.

"This was your plan all along?" Sang asked, sitting on a box and crossing her legs. Ayame stood behind Kagome as she aimed at the man's retreating back. If she didn't shoot now, he'd escape.

"We're not going to get in trouble," Kagome pulled the trigger.

A loud scream was heard as the bullet hit her intended target. Kagome lowered her arm and turned to Ayame, but before she could utter a word, a sharp pain tore through her head.


She fell on her knees as her head throbbed. It felt as if her head had been pricked with thousands of needles. Sango came to help her up.

"Kagome, what's wrong?"

She only shook her head as she regained her balance. She stood up and surveyed her surroundings.

"We have to go now or else Naraku will be angry." She turned away expecting the others to follow her and they did, but not before exchanging a glance.

Their silhouettes disappeared just as the police cars came into view.

Naraku sat in laboratory, sitting in his worn armchair, a glass of wine in his hand. He frowned at the tape he had been sent of the girls' mission. He had spies everywhere and since those three girls were his most important breakthrough, he needed to know whether they still held true.

But they were faulty and he knew it. The girls, despite having been made not to feel, had struck up a friendship with each other. The only one he wasn't certain of was Kagome, who seemed to not have any emotions, or just knew to hide them well. He knew they would one day break that genetic bond, but if there was no trigger, it wouldn't happened.

But he was smart enough to know that it was very possible. So instead, he created a back up plan.

None of the girls knew this, but at the time of their "birth" he had another test tube in which he put more of the powerful gene-manipulative chemical. He had her in the restricted area of the lab, that not even his most trusted partners in his organization knew about.

He stood and walked toward what looked like a air tight door, and unlock it with a key around his neck. He pushed the door back and walked in with confidence. He came up to the cylinder tank that was filled with a green liquid. He touched the glass and watched the girl inside it. Long dark hair floated around her.

He was confident about this one though. He could count on this experiment. As to what he would do with the other girls, he would still have to decide. For now, he would wait to see what they did on his next mission.

A/N: Hello you guys! Welcome to the end of my first chapter of "Death angels" I hope that this chapter was up to par in expectations, thought it was a little short. I promise the next own will be longer. Another point to add would be that I won't update this story for a while. I put this out as a tester chapter to see if you guys want it. So if you want me to continue it, tell me in your REVIEW (cough) please!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask, but please, keep the flames to yourselves. No flames are aloud, k? Thank you!

Until next time,
