Author's Note:
Wow! I'm blown away! Thanks so much to everyone who read, reviewed, and/or voted for my story! I don't have the words to tell you how much I appreciate it.
And thanks to the other authors who participated in the "Stay My Baby" challenge and gave us some awesome fics to read. I loved them all. My hat's off to you crazy-talented people! Thank you for setting the bar so high and making this challenge memorable!
Thanks also to the folks at the Creddiefans forum for putting this challenge together. We might never have seen some of these terrific stories without this challenge to inspire and motivate us.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the voting, regardless of who you voted for. It means a lot that you cared enough to read all thirteen stories and support your favorite!
I look forward to future challenges. I can't wait to see what prompts there will be and what comes out of them. I know all you writers out there have plenty of fantastic work in store for us.