Stand By Me

~Disclaimer: Digimon are not mine…

Edited: 11/28/'10

Chapter 1: A nightmare

I was in my room, looking at myself in the mirror. My reflection wore black tuxedo and a black tie. There was a red rose in my pocket.

I was ready. My mother was crying in the living room.

„Oh my God, my little baby is all grown up now. You look like a real gentleman."

"Mum, would you stop pinching my cheek?"

„Oh, sorry."

"I'm going."

I got out of the apartment when I heard my mum yelling.

"Have fun Takeru. And behave."

"Sure I will." I muttered to myself.

It was a beautiful evening. Fireflies were flying to the stars and merged with them. Sweet smell of the sakura flowers made even happier.

I arrived and took a couple of deep breaths. I'm finally going to see her. A door appeared in front of me. The sign said 'Kamiya'. I knocked on the door. A woman answered and smiled.

"Kari, hurry up dear. You date is here."

My face turned red.

"Mrs. Kamiya, I'm not her date I'm just-"

And she walked into the room. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I felt blood rushing to my face.


She was wearing pink dress which reached to her knees. Her brown was lively, fastened with a hairclip on one side. Her cheeks were blushing as she saw me watching her.


"Kari, you look, well, gorgeous." Her eyes were shining with excitement.

"Thank you. You look good too."

Her mother ruined the moment. Not that I blamed her, I was getting uncomfortable. You know blushing and all that stuff.

"Come on kids. You don't want to be late."

"No mum. We don't."

She said and waved her mother goodbye. Then she took my hand. I felt volt of electricity in my skin. I think in that moment I decided to tell her how I felt about her.

"You really look beautiful, you know."

"Don't do that."


"You're making me blush." She answered and giggled. I smiled too. Soon we arrived at Odaiba High for the dance. I stopped her right before the entrance to the gym.

Okay, here goes nothing.

"Kari, I must tell you something."

"What is it?" I looked into her brown eyes. They were curious now.


"Hey guys!" Someone yelled from the hallway. Great, I thought. The brown haired boy was grinning. Davis Motomiya. The last person who I needed right now. But Kari was somehow happy to see him.

„Hey Davis." She started looking around.

„Where is your date?"

"Oh, I kinda don't have one."

"Oh poor you. I think T.K. wouldn't mind if I dance every once in a while with you. Would you T.K.?"Anger was boiling in me.

"No, you're mine date. Not his."I wanted to scream.

But I just said."Fine with me."

And let a fake smile out. What kind of coward am I?

The worst kind.

Davis and I pushed the doors for Kari to enter. The first thing I noticed were the pink ribbons hanging from the ceiling. At once I realized who decorated the space.

Then I scanned the area for the rest of my group.

Tai was dancing with Sora. Some slow music was playing, so she put her head on his shoulder. My brother was glaring at them from the distance. I knew he still had a crush on Sora. Right now he was talking to the decorator.

She had pink hair and matching color dress and shoes. Mimi, the fashion freak. She was smiling at Matt. Next moment he asked her for a dance.

I turned to the drink stand.

Yolei and Ken were there, serving drinks. I thought they would take a break every once in a while. You know, because they are dating and stuff. But no, there they were, pleasing everybody but themselves.

Izzy was in the back, still glued to his laptop. He really should take a break sometimes. But where was Joe? I looked all around the gym and I finally spotted him. He was dancing! Joe! Dancing!

I didn't recognize the girl in his arms. I sighed and looked for Kari. She was drinking punch and chatting with that Google head Davis. I started walking towards them. She smiled when she saw me.

"Um, Takeru, would you mind if I dance with Davis now?"

I couldn't believe my ears. She wanted to dance with him first!

"Okay. Whatever. I'm in the back when you need me."She pecked me on the cheek and I blushed.

"Thank you, you are the best!"She smiled and left. I took a seat beside Izzy in the back.

"Rough day, ah?" Asked the computer whiz.


A song came and past, but Kari was nowhere to be seen. I decided to find her. I searched the whole gym. Finally, I decided to ask Matt.

"Did you see Kari?" He looked concerned.

"No, she is nowhere to be found." But he had his I-shouldn't-tell-him face on. I asked again.

"Matt, where is she?"

"I can't tell you."

My anger burst and I said.

"Fine, I'll find her myself."

I searched the gym again. Then I heard Ken speaking.

"-With Davis. T.K. will be devastated. You know he has a huge crush on her."

"Yeah, but he is searching for her now. I hope he wouldn't go outside-"

Yolei noticed me. Crap. I ran out. The next scene crushed my heart into the tiniest pieces. Davis leaned over Kari and kissed her. And she kissed back!

I wanted to cry.

„Nooooo!" I heard myself screaming.


I woke up in cold sweat. It was dark outside. I took a glance at the clock.

3 a.m.

I sighed and looked out of the window. The night was beautiful. Full moon was up high in the sky. The stars were shining brightly. A gentle breeze weakly rocked the sakura trees. I couldn't stop shivering.

That nightmare was haunting me from the day I asked Kari on the dance. I sighed and sat on the bed.

My calendar was full of crosses. I took a pen and crossed another date. Just ten more days to go. The most fearful ten days of my life.