Author's note: I own nothing but I do own the confederacy John (Johnny Reb) Jones.

It killed him, it almost killed him to see his sons and daughters leave him, calling Him father.

He was the confederacy. John (Johnny Reb) Jones. The Confederate States of America.

In a way, Johnny was part of Alfred. He had been in Alfred, he was Alfred. Johnny looked just like Alfred, but with no Nantucket, and he had Alfred's glasses, he had Texas. Johnny also had a southern draw. Alfred felt lost without his glasses. He had been restless. He wanted to be his own country. So when South Carolina left, Johnny came out to play. Soon, all his southern states left him. His babies, his southern half, gone.

"We'll fight for our family father, we will fight for our people and for our country." William "Pennsylvania" Jones said.

Alfred always knew what was happening in the war. He could feel the fighting, the lives lost. It hurt to move. But he went to battle, but not as America, but as the Union. If Johnny was going to fight, so was Alfred.

On the battle field in Gettysburg, Alfred fought along side his son Pennsylvania, who was bleeding, but fighting. That's when he heard it, Texas had called over to Johnny, saying, "Gett 'im pa." Alfred saw red. How dare he! How dare He have My children call him pa! America didn't sleep much during those three days of hell. And it was so close to his birthday…….

Abe had been great, he was a good guy. But in a way Alfred didn't like that because of him, his babies left.

When it ended, when it all ended, Alfred had been at home in D.C. too tired to move more. Abe was dead, and his babies……

That's when a knock came, Alfred got up, trying to ignore his aching joints, and got the door. The post man gave Alfred a letter.

When he read it, he couldn't believe it. He could have jumped for joy, but he didn't. He got dressed. His children where on their way.

They were all broken and bleeding. William had hugged Andrew (Texas) Jones and they all tired to make up. They had all hugged him. Saying how much they loved him and all. He could tell they meant it.

"We missed you so much pa." Texas said as he hand Alfred his glasses back. America put them on with a sad smile. Johnny was dead, but he would go down in history, and he didn't go down without a fight.

"I love you all." America said to his states.

I got the idea after mowing grass. Yeah, weird right. Lol. I hope you like it.