Umm.. yeah, so this is a new story. It's AU and in our century, because I wanted to write a Pandora Hearts story in our time. I hope it's going to work out, and that you will enjoy it.
Fifty-two flavors
Chapter 1
"There he is again." Sharon muttered to her friend, Alice. Said friend looked up from her strip and eyed him. The 'he' her friend mentioned, is a guy with white hair covering one side of his face and only showing off one red eye. Alice had the growing suspicion her friend fancied him.
"So go and ask him what he wants, then."
"I can't, he's with friends." Yeah, often he just came here to meet up with three of his friends. Alice thought they were idiots. The blonde guy always cat-called every girl who worked here, there was a nerd with them, then you had this guy who was in need of a new hair cut, and the white-haired guy who probably wanted to be all emo with his hair covering his face.
"…You work here. It's normal for you to go and ask if they want something to drink. Maybe they want an ice cream." Well, that's not true, for ice cream most people came up front and bought one.
Alice sighed when Sharon shook her head and went to help another customer. Now for some facts; Alice was eighteen years old, and currently following classes in journalism. She got this horrifying (according to her) job because Glen, her stepfather, thought she should get a little more independent. Her mother, Lacy, died about six years ago, and since she didn't know her biological father, she just went and lived with Glen. At the time Alice hadn't been in the mood for searching, and took the first job available, which happened to be in an ice cream shop which didn't pay too bad.
Her friend, Sharon, worked here as well, even though she was from a very rich family. She claimed this was fun. Alice countered that.
Alice swallowed her pride and walked over to the group of idiots, trying not to pull at the new uniform too much. She hated skirts. Her boss, Lottie, thought it would be cute if they wore something girly…
"Do you want something or are you going to sit here all day?" Alice announced and the blonde guy chuckled.
"Hello there, our favorite maid~"
"I'm not a maid. What do you want?"
The white haired guy eyed her for a second before going through the card with his four-eyed friend. Alice waited impatiently as the blonde guy continued to irritate her. Only moments from now the no-good-hair guy would join in.
"Why not work at a maid café, then? It pays better and you certainly have the right looks~"
"Because I don't feel like selling myself to idiots like you."
"But what about the pay? Surely you must need to money, seeing your age. Are you in college?"
"Just give me your damn orders already!" Alice sneered, getting just about enough. Oh yeah, did she forgot to tell she had a very quick temper? Hot guys or not, she wouldn't be treated like some dumb twit. The blonde guy whistled and the guy next to him adjusted his glasses, scowling at his friends.
"Ouch, did I hit a nerve?"
Alice glared at the blonde guy. "No, but I have better things to do than to listen to your ramblings." Seeing they didn't give up yet, Alice sighed, getting frustrated. Should she just leave?
"Just do four latte's to go, that's fine." The white haired guy said, glaring playfully at the blonde guy, before handing her the card. Alice nodded at him and walked back to give Sharon the order.
"You give it to them." She hatefully said and Sharon sighed.
"You'd think their behavior would go with their looks."
"Oh but they do." Alice muttered and she scooped an ice cream for a kid who looked like he was in heaven. Alice smiled at him and received the money, before turning back to Sharon, who was doubting whether she should go or not.
"I'll kick you if you don't go right now. Your nervous shifting is edging me." Sharon pouted and walked off, nervously giving their prepared lattés to-go and smiling shyly when the blonde guy started making comments on her as well.
Alice sighed, reminded by a few good things. She got some praise from some teachers, that was always good, and spring vacation was due in two weeks. She'd still have to work, but at least she'd be free afterwards. Perhaps she could ask if Oz and Elliot wanted to go to some theme park. Maybe Sharon wanted to go too, she knew Oz had a thing for her. Though Elliot probably wanted Reo to come as well, and Alice didn't like him too much. Somehow she couldn't see his eyes through her glasses, and that reminded her too much of a horror movie with psycho's. But in a theme park it wouldn't be bad to have a lot of people; most of the time it's more fun.
"Who's the lucky guy?"
Alice looked up from her daydreaming about theme parks and all the snacks you could buy there (only to get sick from the rollercoaster's) and looked at the white haired guy who walked over to her with the ugly-hair guy to pay. Now she looked at him, it kinda looked like seaweed. The other two had already left with their drinks.
"Excuse me?"
He smirked. "You were dreaming off. He must be lucky for having a cute girl thinking about him all the time."
Alice scrunched her nose. "I'm not thinking about a guy."
"I'm perfectly fine if you swing the other way. In fact one of my-" He said, cocking his head to one side and nodding to make a serious statement.
"I'm not thinking about a girl either!!" Alice sneered, glaring at him. Up close, she noticed they weren't much older then her, probably around the same age as Sharon. The guy chuckled amused and put some money on the counter. "Keep the change as an excuse." Alice muttered an annoyed thanks and he turned around to leave. As soon as they left Sharon ran up to her. Yup, she definitely had the hots for one of those guys.
"Oh my, even his voice sounds good!" she piped in and Alice shook her head.
"When are you going to plan your wedding?"
"Very funny." Sharon scowled at her, but Alice smirked. She never wasted a chance to tease her three year older friend.