Well I reposted this as there were tons of grammar mistakes that Natalie fixed. Ok, so an old friend of Katherine's visits Katherine. The kIng notices how close they sued to be together, so desperately wanting his divorce he concocts a way to make them fall in love. Brandon to loves Katherine and will do anything to make her his. So begins the plan.

Disclaimer I don't own the tudors

Chapter 1 an old friend meets a new enemy

Anne Boleyn's blood pulsed with anger as she stormed through the castle halls, carrying some cotton materials in her arms. She ignored the people around her, each one staring at her with curiosity, some with fear and some just plain glaring at her, thinking that she was nothing but a witch that had seduced their King and betrayed their queen. Right now she didn't care; her eyes flashed dangerously, smoldering with anger and even the people of the court knew that something was wrong. The sound of her shoes rapping on the wooden floor and the heavy breathing of anger was all that she heard. For she was far too angry to notice her surroundings.

'How could the king do this to me!' She thought angrily. Had she not been a true and wonderful lady, worthy of the king? Surely she and only she should be allowed to tend to the king. She reached Henry's bedchambers and flung the door open, ignoring the important conversation he was having with Thomas Cromwell and Charles Brandon. The king stopped talking and turned to Anne, who bent her knees slightly and bowed her head.

"Anne, I am in a meeting."

She stood up and glared at him eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Your Majesty, I wish to speak with you," she said in a tight clipped tone.

Henry gave a small sigh and nodded his head to the men. They gave the king a small bow muttering "Your Majesty" before exiting the room. After they left, Henry spoke.

"Anne, that was a very important meeting regarding the Arch Bishop of Canterbury and..."

She ignored him and dropped the materials on his table. She pointed at them as if they held the answers. Henry stared puzzled at them.

"Well?" she exclaimed.

"Anne, my love, what is it?"

She gave a frustrated groan.

"It is her. I've just been told that Katherine has been making your shirts."

Henry nodded slowly.


Her eyes widened slightly, her jaw dropping.

"Yes! Do you not see what she is doing? She is tending to you like she is still queen! Henry," her voice softened as she saw that she was getting on his nerves.

"You called me out of that meeting to speak about my shirts? About who makes my shirts!"

Anne wanted to back away but remained where she was. It would not do to show fear in front of the King when he was angry. She took a step forward and held his shoulders.

"Do you not see what is happening? There has been so much time wasted. Think of the sons I called have borne for you! The moments we could have shared by now! We should have been married by now, but we cannot because of that, that Katherine!"

Ann started to breath heavily once again.

"Well Anne, what do you expect me to do? I have tried to reason with Katherine, but she won't listen to me; she refuses to let her throne go. She walked out of the trial and the Pope refuses to give me a divorce. I just have to reason with him more, but I promise we will be married before spring."

"You told me that last time! 'We will just wait; we will be marred soon; Anne just wait.' We have waited enough!" Anne stopped herself when she saw, by the look on Henry's face, that she was almost over the line.

Anne tried to get a rein on her emotions before speaking again. She needed this crown, but she could only get it if the old hag would go. 'Why does she insist on being so stubborn and not leaving,' she thought. 'Why does the king just not dismiss her from the castle; it is, after all, his home. The kind heart of his majesty is too great,' Ann thought. But she knew that she would have to get rid of Katherine at all costs. The king just wasn't trying hard enough.

"My love, could you go and talk to her once more?" She leaned into his ear, whispering in a husky voice," Please."

Henry straightened his head.

" Fine," he said shortly.

He swept out of the room to go and see Katherine.

Henry stormed through the hall in a huffy mood. He hadn't appreciated the unexpected appearance Ann had made, especially since it was all about shirts. 'But she is right,' he thought, assuring himself. He did need to make Katherine see sense that their marriage was wrong, a sin in the eyes of god. He needed a male heir to the throne and he did love Ann with all his heart. He reached the Queen's bed chambers and hesitated. It had been a long time since he had last visited this place. He knocked lightly and one of the ladies in waiting opened the door. She took a startled, quick breath at the shock of seeing the king, but quickly recovered herself, bowing her head and giving him a small curtsy.

"Your Majesty."

She moved aside to let him in. The king stepped in the room and looked around.

"Is the queen here?"

She raised her head and tilted to the sofa in the corner where Katherine sat sewing, so lost in her thoughts and work she did not notice him. The lady rushed over to the Queen.

"Your Majesty?" she asked uncertainly. "The king is here."

Henry walked in and Katherine lifted her head, revealing her surprised deep blue eyes.

"Husband. It has been a while since you have last visited," she said, her words thick with her heavy accent.

His expressions stayed icy.

" Katherine, I have no time to talk, so I will make this quick. You know as much as I that this marriage is a sin, yet you refuse to believe it. I am willing to give you your own castle in Kimbolten and as much gold as you could desire if you would accept our divorce and leave," he finished, holding his breath as he waited for her answer.

Katherine blinked at what he said but her expressions stayed content.

"No," she said simply.

His eyes widened in rage.


Katherine put her sewing materials down and stood to face him.

"No. I will not admit that our marriage was false and declare our daughter a bastard."

Henrys face started to fill with rage.

" Katherine, be reasonable! I have been patient and understanding and you must do the same. Our marriage is wrong; this is the reason why England has never had another heir! You must realize this."

"I am being reasonable! It is you who are not being reasonable!"

He glared at her.

"Sometimes I do not believe that you love me, the way you treat me."

Katherine's face softened and she walked towards him, placing hand on his cheek.

"Oh my love, I do love you, so much." She stopped when he turned away from her. She straightened herself up. "My love, I swear that night I was as pure as the angels..."

But he cut her off.

"So you were a fucking virgin!"

She took a frightful step back at his sudden mood swing, her eyes wide. The king started to breathe heavily and was going to storm off when there was a small squeak. They both turned to see one of the ladies in waiting who had listened to everything. Quickly she dropped to a curtsey bowing her head.

"Um, I am sorry to disturb your majesty but you have a guest."

"Send him in," Henry said.

The lady nodded but then said, "However, he is looking for her majesty."

Henry raised his eyebrows and turned to Katherine who was as easily puzzled. She had had no guests for a long time. Henry even made sure that she didn't get so much as a letter from anyone.

"Let him in," Katherine said to the lady.

She nodded and went for the door. But before she could open it burst open. A tall lithe man with black hair, striking brown eyes and a dazzling smile that made Katherine's lady's breath whoosh out on a sigh. Henry gaped at the indignity of him just entering like that. Most of all he noticed that the man hadn't even bothered to bow down to the King of England! He was just standing there, grinning broadly like a small boy on his birthday. He turned to Katherine utterly confused. Who was this man? However, to Henry's surprise, Katherine was smiling, her eyes sparkling and looking the happiest she has ever been since her wedding day. She raced up to him, throwing her arms round him. He returned her embrace. Henry stood there shell shocked watching the scene.

"Kat!" the man releasing the hug. "Look at you; it's been years! Still beautiful as ever."

She beamed back at him as he held her hand, twirling her around and examining her. She too looked him up and down.

"And you're still the handsome Prince Charming I knew. It has been too long. I have been wondering for some time if you would ever visit."

He ran fingers through his wavy hair.

"Well, times have been hard, but I could never forget to visit you."

The visitor took both of her hands and brought it to his lips. She stared back, lost in his eyes and past memories.

Henry stared, flabbergasted at the whole scene. What was going on? Did he not realize that he was in front of the King of England and there he was embracing Katherine, the Queen, in front of him? Henry did not know what to say about that. Finally he let out a cough and looked at Katherine, half sternly and half confused. Katherine quickly dropped the smile and stepped back from the man and to her husband.

"Nicholas, this is my husband and King of England, Henry."

Nicholas started to laugh, surely she was joking. Then he noticed how Katherine's lady in waiting was bent down and looking wide eyed at him and that a gold crown was perched on Henry's head. Horrified, he quickly raced to Henry tripping over, his own feet. Katharine covered her mouth and held a small giggle as she noticed the clumsiness of him. He picked himself up and fell to his knees, his head bent down.

"Please, forgive me, your Majesty, for I knew not."

Henry didn't say anything, still confused. Katherine cleared her throat.

"Henry, darling, this is Nicholas Williams. He's an old friend of mine. I knew him before I married Arthur."

Henry still did not say anything, bewildered. Katherine was twisting her fingers around uncomfortably from the silence that Henry was giving.

"Nicholas may I ask why you have any purpose of this visit?"

Nicholas was still on his knees when he spoke.

"Yes, I came to visit you and see how you are. Also," he paused before speaking again, "I wished to see if his majesty would let me stay here. My wife has recently died and I have lost everything I own. I traveled from Spain to here, hoping for a new start."

Nicholas looked up at Henry, whose face showed no thoughts. Henrys thoughts were racing. How dare this man enter the Queen's bed chambers without permission, walk past the King of England, embrace Katherine inappropriately, then ask Henry Tudor, the King of England for help and accommodations? Henry was furious at this. He was about to spit out his rage when he caught Katherine's eyes. She was looking at him with a pleading look, so Henry stopped himself. He replayed the moment where Katherine had run to Nicholas almost immediately and embraced his with her warmth and hugs. He replayed the moments where Nicholas kissed her hands and the moment where she stared dreamily into his eyes. Could it be possible that Katherine had feelings for this man? This commoner man? By the looks of his scruffy dirty clothes and self-proclaimed lacked of belongings, he was poor and had no title. Why would Katherine have feelings for him? Henry looked at the Nicholas, then at Katherine. It certainly looked like they shared some friendship, but why would she like him when she was married to the King of England? Then a sudden thought came to Henry. Hadn't he always wanted the divorce against Katherine? Hadn't Anne and he always hoped that Katherine would leave the castle no matter what it takes? And now the perfect opportunity had come. A plan started to brew in the King's mind. If he could get Katherine and Nicholas to fall in love and run away together, he would be free to marry his true love Anne! Then he would soon have a son, an heir and new King for England. 'Yes,' he thought. 'This is brilliant!' But first he had to start from the beginning, and welcome Nicholas as a friend.

"Come, stand up," Henry said warmly.

Nicholas obeyed rising up and looking at the King cautiously. Henry placed an arm around him.

"Tell me, you are good friend with Katherine?"

Nicholas nodded.

"Yes, we have known each other since our childhood in Spain and I have not seen her since the great death of Arthur."

Henry flinched slightly at the mentioning of his older brother but continued.

"So you come to me wanting a home? And hospitality and money I assume? And you have no title at all? You are just a common peasant?"

"Well, yes," he admitted. "But I have high hopes for a new career."

Henry nodded then let go of him giving Katherine a glance. He noticed just how shocked she was at him acting so kindly towards Nicholas. Henry smiled and turned back to Nicholas.

"Well my friend, though Katherine has never mentioned you before, a friend of hers is a friend of mine. Welcome to court."

Nicholas's eyes widened and he almost fell over in happiness.

"Do you mean it, your Majesty?"

Henry nodded.

"Of course, and from now on, people will address you as " Sir William." You shall be given bed chambers in the castle. I daresay you want to find your rooms? So you can soon catch up with Katherine again? "

Nicholas nodded slowly, taking in the happy information. Henry nodded his head to one of the servants who picked up Nicholas's bag and inclined Nicholas to follow him. Nicholas glanced back at Katherine, giving her a small smile of happiness, then bowed his head down to the king.

"Your Majesty is to kind."

Henry smiled warmly back at him and Nicholas followed the servant out the door. He turned back to Katherine, who was staring at him with a mix of happiness and surprise.

"What?" Henry asked.

She stared at him like she did not know him.

"What?" he asked again.

"I was quite surprised by your actions, Henry. I would not think that you would want Nicholas to stay at Hampton court. Especially by the way he had barged in," she said.

'Good,' Henry thought. So Katherine did know how rude Nicholas had been. Henry decided to remain silent. Katherine took a step to him and tried to meet his eyes.

"It means a lot to me for what you did, letting him stay. He is a good friend of mine and I do not have many of them here."

Still Henry remained silent avoiding the Queen's eyes. 'If only she knew,' he thought. He was not doing this for her benefit. Katherine took a deep breath and took his hand.

"I am sorry about the quarrel we had earlier. You know I would never intend to hurt you."

She leaned in closer to him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered.

The King met her eyes with his surprised face. He opened his mouth to speak when there he heard someone clear there throat. He turned to see Thomas Cromwell standing there.

"Your Majesty."

Thomas bowed down then raised his head.


Do forgive me," he said, bowing his head to Katherine. "But I must talk to his Majesty."

Katherine nodded slowly and Henry, without giving her another look, swept out of the room with Thomas behind him. Katherine sank back down on her chair and sat deep in thought. She picked up her sewing material but did not sew. She put the half finished shirt for Henry to the side and started on sewing a new one. 'Maybe I shall make one for Nicholas,' she thought. It would make a lovely gift for him, and she did miss him so. Gathering the rest of the materials she began to sew, daydreaming about the memories they had together.

Henry nodded, not paying attention to the droning voice. Though he tried to focus on the news with King Francis, his mind kept on drifting off. He remembered the first time he saw Katherine on their wedding day. She was dressed in pure white and Henry knew that day she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. He thought he was in love. He quickly shook his head at the memory and tried to pull his attention back to Thomas. What was he thinking then? Anne was the most beautiful woman in history.

Thomas paused his speech, looking at Henry with slight concern, but then continued when he saw Henry was giving him his full attention. But after a few seconds, Henry was off in his own world again. His thoughts went to when Katherine has kissed him on the cheek earlier, out of thin air with no warning! Henry swallowed at the memory and tried to organize his thoughts. How did he feel about that? 'Well, of course I should be angry!' he thought. Katherine knew very well about Anne and he. But then Katherine did not care about their love life. He did feel deeply confused as well, confused on why he had not fought her off as she came closer to him, confused on why he did not feel too bad or guilty about it. 'But it was only a small kiss,' he thought, trying to push his guilt for Anne away. That's when he realized it. He felt a small bit of happiness when Katherine smile and glow. She had looked beautiful then, when she was full of joy, just like on their wedding day. Henry locked that pretty image of Katherine in his head, focusing back on Thomas's voice. But he wasn't focusing on Thomas; he was focusing on the smile that Katherine wore.

Hey everyone! this was just an idea I thought of. I sort of imagine Nicholas looking like Pierce Brosnan. Sorry if they were a bit ooc. Thanks for reading the first chapter so what did u think? Good? Bad? Fabulous? Horrible? I would really love a review so please leave one! Reviews are the only way I can update, so....it would mean sooo much if you just go and click that button.