Yea, I didn't write it exactly the way I pictured it but it's a start. I don't own WWE or anything they own.

It's been a little over a month since they've broken up. As much as she like to say they haven't spoken, she can't. The WWE creative staff had to come up with a script where they break up in public, so rumors wouldn't start about Sheamus. Jasmine doesn't really talk about that night unless she really has too, which no one really has the guts to ask about. For the show following their break up the "official break-up" started. She didn't company him to the ring, Taylor did. Jasmine instead company the member's of Legacy. Their was also a segment where Ted, Cody and herself were talking and she was just shaking her head saying "I can't do that to him." Ted touched her face and said "You have to stick to the plan." all she did was nod, she was leaving with Legacy.

Taylor and herself walked all men down to the ring. Jasmine kept her distance from Randy, Ted stood between them. During the match, she was only cheering for Cody and Ted. Taylor on the other hand was all over Randy, he didn't do anything to stop her. Taylor followed Randy after he Rko'd Ted outside the ring. Jasmine looked over at Ted, she played the caring girlfriend on him. When Randy turned around to see Ted, he pulled Jasmine's arm getting her away from Ted.

"What are you doing?" Randy began yelling at her as he stood her up.

"What's wrong with you?" She yelled back. Randy was pulling her against his chest, she pushed off him and when he didn't answer she slapped him. Randy let go of her and just glared as he walked away. It was the first hint they gave to the WWE universe that as a couple they were over. Jasmine began helping Cody as Randy glared at all three from the ramp.

A week after that, when it was Randy vs. Ted, she walked down with Ted. That was hint number two. Randy was a bit distracted when she was pulling for Ted. It just sounded wrong in his mind but he didn't let anyone notice. After that match she let Ted pull her away from Randy. Later on the show when she had a match against Katie Lea, Ted and Cody were on her side. After that match Ted held her hand as they walked backstage. That was the second hint of the day.

The third week after their break up, it was pretty obvious that she had picked Legacy over Randy. The fans just wanted to know why, what was the reason behind her choosing. As Legacy walked down the ramp Randy pushed Jasmine back and began attacking Legacy, she just stood there watching. She slowly made her way down the ramp when Ted yelled for her to come. She had her arms wrapped around herself as she watched the match. Legacy had won but their attack on Randy didn't. She ran around the ring and took a mic.

"Stop! Just stop it!" She yelled getting their attention, they both looked at her confused. "I'm sorry but I can't anymore." She said walking around the ring. Ted motion for a mic.

"Jasmine, what's happening?" He asked walking towards her. "We're all in this you can't back down now." The crowds began booing. Jasmine shook her head.

"No Ted, not anymore. It's time I go on my own. Randy, what we had, I don't even know what it was but it wasn't working. I'm sorry, I took the wrong approach to ending it. Cody, Ted, I never should have agreed with your plan but I can't anymore. Good luck on what ever it is you two want." She said walking backwards, once she reached the top of the ramp she dropped the mic and walked inside.

"Jasmine!!" Yelled Ted. When he turned around, Randy gave him an RKO. The crowd began cheering as she walked backstage.

Last week Randy ended his feud with Legacy. He had beaten them in the greatest stage of them all. So after that Jasmine and Randy haven't spoken one word. When they're in the same room which is rarely the rest of the wrestlers make sure they're apart. The rumor that had started was Randy had blamed her for the shit happening with Sheamus and they broke it off because he had lifted his hand to her. Randy did nothing to say it wasn't true, it made life easier for himself and kept his lie intact. That same week he had found out she shared a locker room with Cena.

Randy's P.O.V.

One of the hardest thing in life is watching the one you love from a far. It was my fault we're like this, I broke her so she could be safe. No one has tried to hurt her after we broke up. It's been over two week since she last said a word to me. I didn't care that before she was forced to talk to me, at least I heard her voice. The slap to my face it left a mark but at least she touched me. Another thing that hurt is that she's like a stranger now, I don't know anything she's been up to. She's always with Mayrse now, it's like they become best friends all of sudden. She won't even look at me. Beside the fact that I'm hurting the plan to keep her safe is working.

Deep down the fact that I'm about to do what I'm going to do makes me a real asshole. I know she doesn't want nothing to do with me but two week is too fucking long to not have her near by. As soon as I see Cena walking into the building I had to go up to him.

"Cena." He just looks at me and sends me a look but nothing more out of it.

"Orton." He crosses his arms over his chest. He's been Jasmine's just about everything since I've been out of the picture, everything expect her boyfriend.

"'I know you're looking for a partner tonight." As soon as whose words came his eyebrow rose.

"I am and I doubt Jasmine-"

"This is about business, you want someone who hates Batista as much as you do, don't you?" I said before he could finish. He looked down and started rubbing his chin. I could tell he was thinking about Jasmine and how it's going to affect her. He looked up at me before he said something.

"If you put it that way than yea. Swing by my locker room later to talk about our game plan." I just nodded, she was going to hate if she knew but I just needed her. John turned back around. "And I think she's gonna be okay with it, you didn't destroy her." He turned back around and walked away. My face fell, of course he would know the truth, and he had to rub it in my face. I wish I could tell him he has no idea what the hell he's talking about. I walked slowly to my locker room, when life wanted to kick me it does a pretty good job. When I opened the door, Taylor was sitting there, she doesn't get the fact that Legacy broke up. The only other person allowed in this locker room, hates me, if she wanted to come back for some reason it was all hers.

"Randy, what took you so long? I was worried." She said walking towards me. I didn't want to hurt her emotionally, but she doesn't get it. She rose her arms for a hug and I walked around her.

"Shouldn't you be in the divas' locker?" I asked without looking at her. When she didn't answer I assumed she left so I began taking my gear out. If Jasmine were here things would be different, I know for one Taylor wouldn't be here, second my hands wouldn't be to myself. (What he's a man)

In my mind I knew thinking of the way her hair smelled, the touch of her skin, and the taste of her kisses was just making me hurt more but it didn't matter because I felt closer to her. One else was meant to hold my heart or hand. I snapped from my thoughts when I felt arm's around my waist. My reaction was to attack but Jasmine came into my mind. I looked down, the hands were too light and too thin. I placed my hand over hers and shoved her away, I heard her stumble backwards.

"Don't touch me." I hissed at her as I spun around. Taylor's eyes widen looking at me. I was back to playing the the bad guy in front of everyone. She took a few steps back.

"What?-, But?-, I thought-" She began speaking but at the same time my patience was running thin. All I need to do was change then go to Cena's locker room. To everyone else she wasn't mine but in my mind she'll always be mine.

"What?, what did you think? You don't belong here with me, you need to leave. And leave now." I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her out. I don't think she had time to fully let the words sink into her. I made sure my door was locked before I started to change into my ring gear. I knew it was to early to change since my match wasn't until the end of the night. After putting on my boots I decided it would be best if I waited half an hour to go see her.

Trying to kill time was hell, I had to count sheeps to waste some of it.

Yea, longest half hour of my life.

Finally, as I made my way toward the other side of the arena I could fell eyes' on me. Frankly I didn't care what they were thinking about me, like I said before it made protecting her easier. I began playing with the tape on my left wrist, it was a habit I picked up when I felt uneasy about something.

"She did what?" I was two doors down from his locker room when I heard John yell. I held my breath when I heard Jasmine's laugh. Without even thinking about it I moved closer to the door so I could hear better.

"She was trying to help me." I could hear her saying it with a smile. "But it you think about it, that shit is hilarious." She started laughing again and harder this time.

"No, what if he like wanted you in a movie with him." John spoke with a disgusted tone. The conversation they were having wasn't making any sense to me. All I understood was someone was trying to set her up with someone. The thought of that made me sick only good part was it didn't end well since John seemed pissed. I knocked on the door just so they wouldn't talk about it.

"Come in." My eyes directly found her as soon as I stepped inside. She was sitting on the floor with her suitcase opened to the side of her. No one said anything, the room was silent as I looked over her. She still looked gorgeous, for the two weeks she just got more beautiful. I was getting more pathetic. She was looking down at her phone when John cleared her throat.

"So for tonight's match." I forced myself to look away from her. John was sitting on the other side of the room. I slowly made my way towards him, and sat down next to him.

Jasmine began looking through her suitcase, I just couldn't look away from her. John continued to talk but I just drowned his voice out. She slowly moved her head to the side and slowly looked up at me. When our eyes connected I had to use all I had not to smile at her. We stared at each other or what about five seconds before she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Hold it a sec." John stood up and walked towards the middle of the room. He rubbed his face before looking at her. "What was this fool's name again?" She laughed again. She took out her ring gear and stood up.

"Scott Nails, now if you'll excuse me I have to change for my match." She walked into the bathroom. John sighed looking down on to the floor. Scott Nails? This was the prick that they set her up with? First was kind of name is Scott Nails? Second who the fuck set them up?

"This little girl, I swear she'll be the death of me." He began cursing under his breath. If I wasn't in love with her, then maybe it would be funny watching him.

"So, what's wrong?" I asked, my curiosity got the best of me. She was still my business.

"She went on a date yesterday, right. She calls me in the morning, laughing. I asked her how it went, right, she ends up laughing even harder. She tells me, he was nice, sweet, and she was good looking, he even had an amazing tattoo. So I thought you know that's great but I asked why she was laughing. She told me that the guy was a...he's a...fucking porn star. And they spoke about his career. She's nuts if she thinks she'll going to see him again." By the end of him speaking, he was taking in deep breaths. John also seemed pissed. Now I had one of my question answered, all I need to know was who the moron was, that set her up.

My blood boiled at the thought of some guy touching her, his hands touching hers. She shouldn't even be out on date with strangers. She could date one of the guys here from WWE, cause in that order I could scare the shit out of him to back away.

"So, um?"

"She's more hassle than my younger brothers, well not that I mind but still you know? I think I'm gonna get white hair soon." He started ranting, but the shit didn't matter. I was distracted until I heard her sigh from the bathroom.

"I doubt they could make my shorts a little smaller, couldn't they?" She asked walking into the room, my breath caught. Her new outfit was still a two piece but now her shorts were barely covering her ass, her top was almost like Natalya's expect it was black and blue and the "tail" thing went down to her left. I couldn't look away, her body looked amazing in that.

"Well, it's different if they wanted a new Jasmine." said John walking towards her. I still couldn't speak, my words were caught in my throat. They continue to talk until she had to leave. As I watched her leave I wasn't sure how much it covered her. I couldn't even focus after that and was thankful when John turned on the TV.

The Bella Twins were already in the ring, her opponent was Nikki.

And her opponent from New York City, Jasmine.

When her music started playing it was a different beat. She came out about 10 seconds later.

"Come on rude boy, boy

Can you get it up?

Come on rude boy, boy."

My jaw dropped, my blood boiled and my anger was slowly taking over. She stood on top of the ramp, swayed her hips before doing a pose and began walking down the ramp. She was blowing kisses to the fans as she walked down. She went to her right and kissed the fan in the middle. I was in the edge of my seat cause I knew what was happening next. She climbed on the ring but instead of standing up, she put her leg up. She smiled looking at the audience and slowly her back leg slid, she ended into a side split. She leaned forward and rolled into the ring, she stood up and waved climbing into the turnbuckles.

As I looked at the screen before me, I couldn't believe it.

My angel has changed.

I tried is about all I can say. Yea, for the porn guy, my best friend and I looked up porn actors on wiki, then looking at them, something new! Now I wonder how else has Jasmine changed?