Yo. I don't own anything but the way story. So, I don't own Pokemon. I wish I did. But I don't.
Chapter 1- Trains
Jessie's POV
I looked around.
Where was I?
It was dark, and quiet. Eerily quiet. I wasn't sure what to think.
Was it a dream? Was it reality? I looked at myself; I was lying on the ground.
Blood, everywhere. Then the pain. It rushed in, like it knew it was missing. My hands flew to my leg, which had a thick bloody line; it stung like acid. My head rolled, it felt like I had been… in a wreck? A train wreck. Was I really? I'd never liked trains. So, then, I wouldn't have ridden it alone.
Oh my God… James! Where the hell was James? Oh my god. This was worse than the pain; James!
Suddenly I saw myself. From above? I could see the top of my head, bloodied up, then I collapsed. Was I dead? Dead? I couldn't be. Not possible. A pool of blood lay around me; I wasn't moving. Eyes blank, staring up at the cold sky. No.
I screamed.
James' POV
Jerking up out of a deep sleep, I dashed toward Jessie, my partner-in-crime, who was screaming her head off, like she was being murdered.
"Jessie, calm down!" I tried to comfort her, even though I just knew I'd get smacked good later. "Jess! I'm here! It's me, James, you're okay, it's all okay!"
She looked up at me, hot tears all over her face, and my shirt was damp, since she'd sobbed into it. She stared blankly at me for a moment, like she was still asleep.
Out of nowhere she whispered, "Is this… Heaven?" I sat there for a moment. I don't… think I'm dead.
"No Jess, it isn't." She gasped. Crap, wrong words there. "It was all a nightmare, Jess. You're fine. I'm here, nothing bad will happen."
Turning red, she literally leaped away from me into her sleeping bag, muttered a sorry, and squeezed her eyes closed. I dragged myself back into mine, totally lost in the situation. She had dreamt she was dead? I sighed. I'd talk to her tomorrow.
"James, you idiot! Wake up! It's 10:30 in the morning! Why aren't you awake? Get up grandpa!" The girl whined into my ear. "I'd like some food!"
"Gah… Okay…." I tossed the sleeping bag off, and groggily stood up. I hadn't tried to sleep the day away, but had thought of Jessie all night… knowing I must be going crazy. Getting old, probably...Ha-ha. Packing up our stuff, I threw it into our Team Rocket hot air balloon. I herded Meowth, who had slept through everything last night, into the balloon, let Jessie in, hopped in myself, and we took off for brunch in the nearest town. Then to find the twerps.
On the flight over, I thought to myself. Jessie seemed to have forgotten what happened last night. Whatever, I wouldn't get hit as-
Smack! "James, you retard! Wake up out of la-la-land now. We're here."
After ushering everyone out of the balloon, I followed Jessie to the ramen shop, and prepared myself to eat some delicious Hakata Ramen. I knew Jessie would get the most expensive ramen, but, whatever. I could buy the whole store if I wanted to. I was rich, after all, even if my parents weren't in my…top priorities.
We shoved the ramen in, eating like we'd never seen food before, then sat there, full, for a minute in silence, until fortunately Meowth killed the quiet.
"I can see da tension between you two. Wussa problem?"
I glanced at Jessie. She was looking at me, and asked, "Why are you being so weird?"
I gasped. What was her problem? Had she forgotten last night, or was this on purpose? I had just tried to help her. I…meant no…harm.
"What?" Meowth replied, but Jessie quickly continued, "I guess Meowth is always weird, right James?" She was talking about Meowth. Thank God.
"Jim! Don't make fun'a me!"
I paid for the food, and we laughed our way out of the restaurant. But of course, Meowth had to go to the bathroom, and said he'd meet us at the station in an hour and a half. Even though it was too obvious that he wasn't really going to the bathroom, probably looking around for cute Meowths, I was left with Jessie. She looked up at me. I knew she remembered. I don't know how I knew all the sudden, I guess I just knew Jessie well. She looked at the ground. I knew this wasn't in the least like Jessie, so I was worried. But instead, I grabbed her arm and pulled her off to her favorite store, A Million Bubbles, which had all the clothes and make-up and accessories and bags and well, everything a girl could want. To most guys, it was a very frightening store, but I'd go in for Jessie. (Oh, the agony!)
We shopped around, and I mentally slapped myself. Tomorrow would be Jessie's Mom's Birthday. Oh my God. She always sits around and secretly cries on those days. Shoot.
I decided to get her something. I wasn't sure what, when I noticed the time. Too bad. I got Jessie, and we walked to the station. We had decided to take the train to a hotel a couple miles away, near where the twerps were. I had hidden the balloon, so we were set. As we approached it, Jessie stopped. She took a step backwards, then another. I grabbed her arm.
"Jess, what's wrong?"
She stared at the train, which was approaching. "I don't… know, I just, don't want to get on it. I don't. I don't know why! What's wrong with me, James?"
"Jess…It'll be fine. Let's just get on, and get it over with. I'll be right beside you the whole time." I grabbed her hand. I love you, Jessie.