Elena has died, Stefan is trying to cope. Damon has found a new vampire girl, and she has a sister. Will Stefan fall in love again?
Neila's point of view.
I walked the lonely, nighttime streets of Mystic Falls. Who was my sister staying with again? Donavan? Damian? Damon! That's it. I thought to myself, I rounded a corner to a Boarding house. It was a old house with a forest around it. I could hear the critters in the forest, I walked up to the door. I opened it and a old wrinkled lady was standing at the counter.
"Hello, Dear. You must be Neila." She walked up the stairs and motioned me to follow her. She rounded the corner, to the left. She knocked on the door, and I hear talking stop. The door opened and I saw my sister with her long brown hair and radiant brown eyes. I hugged her as she walked over to me, a boy popped his head out of the room. He had shaggy brown hair and it fell in his face, his eyes were so dark they were almost black. He walked over to me and took my hand and kissed it.
"Hello, I am Damon Salvatore." He released my hand and put an arm on my Sister's hip.
"It is nice to meet you. I am Neila, Kat's sister." He smiled and the old lady walked away.
"I will go pick on my Brother, while you guys talk." He kissed my sister as he left. She started walking towards the room she left from. I followed her. I looked in the room, it wasn't really decorated. All that was in there was my sisters stuff, and a few of Damon's shirts. She walked over and sat on the bed and I followed her. I sat down and crossed my legs.
"What do you want to talk about?" Kat asked, as I leaned back a little against the wall.
"Damon. How did you guys meet anyways? Who is his Brother?"
"Well, I was searching for a meal in this area and we ran into each other. His brother is uninteresting, but he did just lose the girl he loves. Her name was Elena, his name is Stefan."
"Oh. That's sad. Are you thirsty?" I asked sitting up. She nodded and we left.
"Where are we going to?" She asked as I walked, towards the forest.
"Well, there is no people in this town to feed off of. So, animals is the best choice." I said as I walked into the forest. I turned up my head to sniff the air. Deer. I thought as I whipped through the trees. I moved and grabbed a hold of the deer. I looked at the veins in his neck. There, the perfect spot. It kills the deer and the most blood comes out. I felt my teeth extend, I sunk my teeth into its flesh. I felt the sweet, amazing liquid fill my body.
I dropped the deer after I finished draining it's life. Kat dropped her deer, as she graoned.
"That is so not as good as a human." She said as she made a disgusted face. I laughed loudly as we walked back to the Boarding house. I opened the door and walked up the stairs.
"That is your room." She pointed to a door on the other side of the hall. I Hugged her as I left to the other side. I pulled a book out of my bag and started to read. I realized I had some blood on my face. I walked to find a bathroom, I finally found one at the end of the hall. I walked in and shut the door. I got my hand wet and washed the blood off my face. I stepped out of the marble tiled bathroom and walked down the hallway. I was slammed into a wall, being held by my throat. Ugh, I should have sensed that coming. I growled furiously, I clawed at the hand holding me a foot off the ground. I looked up to see two brilliant green oak eyes staring at me. Those eyes were beautiful, his hair was beautiful too. I finally pried his hand off of my neck and flipped him to the wall.
"It's not so comfy is it? Mister 'I attack people coming from the bathroom.'" I said in aggravation. He smiled and flipped me on the floor sitting on top of me.
"What the hell is your problem?" I asked as I tried to move out from under him. "I come to visit my Sister and get attacked." I muttered under my breath. He moved off me and stood up. He looked like he had been through a train wreck, but he was still handsome. He offered me a hand to help me up and I didn't take it as I got up.
"I am sorry. I did not know, you were Kat's sister."
"Well, I am." I said still infuriated, that he got the upper hand. I turned on my heals and walked out.
Three hours later, from my meeting with Mister Annoyance, I was reading a book as my door flew open.
"We need to talk." The boy from my earlier meeting said.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I said as I put my book down.
"I couldn't wait. I am Stefan Salvatore." He told me as he walked over to where I was lying.
"And, I had to know that becau-" I started to say but was cut off by his lips meeting mine.