Kissing you…

By kira

For Tas-chan

Prompt: Kiss

Pairing: Touya/Yuki

Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura

Word count: 181


Touya leaned in, and taking Yuki by surprise, he kissed his best friend on the lips. Pulling just as quickly away, he licked his lip. Grinning mischievously at Yuki's puzzled frown, he leaned in again and kissed him, a bit longer than before. Just as he did before, the dark haired teen licked his lips.


"It's just as I suspected," Touya smirked.

"What is?" Yuki's frown melted into a sunny smile.

"You taste sweet and sugary like a donut," he paused to kiss the grey haired teen, "and there's a hint of pork bun there too."

Yuki laughed and grinning impishly at his friend, he leaned and kissed him. Just like Touya did, he licked his lips. His friend looking expectantly back at him had Yuki laughing again.

"Well…?" Touya playfully demanded.

"Well…" the grey haired teen cheekily repeated, "you taste just like my favorite dish."

"Yuki, everything's your favorite dish," Touya dryly pointed out.

"But you're my most favorite favorite!"

"Oh really?" the dark haired teen teased.

Yuki nodded. "Yup!" Leaning in, he met Touya halfway for another kiss…