Name: UNIT cap.
Summary: Jack gets some post
POV: Third Person
Set: Any time after Martha had visited the Hub.
Disclaimer: I cannot drive so can't go to BBC Wales and demand the papers to the ownership of Torchwood…yet. So sadly, Torchwood and Ianto are not mine.
~ 0 o 0 ~
Jack was working… whilst wondering where his favourite Welshman was.
Someone knocked timidly on the door. Jack took a guess that it was Tosh. Owen never knocked, and when he did it was loudly. Gwen usually knocked, then just starting talking as she walked in and Ianto, dear, sweet Ianto, always came with the tantalising aroma of marvellous coffee. So that left Tosh, timid and silent.
" What've you got for me Tosh? Finished those papers alread-" He paused, looking up.
" I suggest an eye test…Sir." A smirk played across Iantos' face.
Jack grinned and walked around the desk to him. He wrapped his arms around the younger man, pulling him extremely close.
" Maybe you could test me." Jack murmured seductively.
" Um… Not you're best pick-up line, Sir." Ianto muttered, he wasn't responding the way Jack had hoped, but the Captain could see the glint in his eyes.
Suddenly Jack found himself propelled against the doorframe, lead there by Ianto. This man never ceased to amaze him. Before he could make good comment, the Welshman's lips crushed into his, there was a dull thud as Ianto dropped something from his hands to wrap them around Jack softly, followed by a low moan from both men.
" Oi! Jones! Harkness!" Owens London accent shouted roughly up to them. " We do NOT want that as a background for our work!"
Ianto pulled back, blushing sweetly at being caught out as a small smile lit up his face.
" If you're jealous, come and find me later!" Jack called down. Owen made a disgusted sound and walked into his medical bay.
Ianto stepped back, out of Jacks arms. Straightening his waistcoat, he picked up a box he had dropped in his surprise attack.
" What d'you have there Ianto?" Jack asked, staying close but not too close that Owen would tell them off again.
" A Package from a Mrs. M. Jones… For you." Jack could tell from his tone that Ianto had been itching to see what was inside but was too polite to open it.
Jack smiled, took the box to his desk and slit it open. There was a note inside:
To Jack and Ianto,
You asked for one, so here it is, but please don't
Tell me what happened!
Martha x
Jack folded back the cloth to reveal a smart red cap, with the UNIT symbol on the front. Jack laughed, gesturing Ianto over from the door.
" Sir. Why are you smiling like that?" Ianto asked worriedly, not liking the look on his Captains face one bit.
" You'll see." Jack lifted the cap out of the box and Iantos' eyes lit up, ideas already forming.
" She remembered?" He asked.
" Yup." Jack slipped the cap onto Iantos head, grinning and holding him at arms length, before pulling him right close. " Red is definitely your colour." He went to kiss him but the younger man stepped back at the last second.
" But Sir, Owen?" He looked down to the medical bay.
" I'll send them home, be back here in ten minutes." Jack winked, kissing him for a moment before letting him leave. He chuckled as he cleared his desk and heard Owens overly sarcastic remark.
" So Ianto…Do you work for UNIT now then?"