Roxas sat on the edge of the clock tower, staring out into the town. It was just about sunset in Twilight Town. He was sitting, just thinking about the dream he had last night. He really didn't know what he should do. He had tried to keep his mind at bay all day, anxiously awaiting for this hour to arrive. Axel said he was going to meet him here today and he hadn't shown up yet. After everything that had just happened though, he was glad he wasn't here. He let out a long sigh as he finished his ice cream bar. He took a look at the stick and chuckled. "Winner. Yeah right." What he didn't know was that there was someone else there, watching him thoughtfully.

Axel was watching Roxas, hoping to stay hidden. He had promised to meet him up here this afternoon, but had been late arriving due to circumstances beyond his control. He didn't really want to approach Roxas just yet. He was enjoying watching him. He didn't want to startle him, but he couldn't hold it off any longer. He walked up behind Roxas and said "Hey there."

Roxas almost fell off the clock tower. "Axel! Why'd you scare me? Why are you late? Is everything ok?"

Axel's expression was one of confusion. He hadn't planned on scaring Roxas. He was actually trying to avoid it, but apparently the boy was too deep in thought to realize someone was really close behind him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I've actually been here for about five minutes, but I didn't want to disturb you. You seemed to be deep in thought." Axel hoped that Roxas hadn't noticed that he did not answer his second question. He sat down next to Roxas on the ledge. "Did you get me some ice cream?"

Roxas looked at him and scoffed. "I did, but it's melted. I doubt you want it now." He held up the package of the now-melted ice cream.

"Yuck. No thanks." Axel shook his head and placed the package far away from him. "So, what's on your mind? You seem to be awfully morose tomorrow. More so than usual." Axel wanted to put his arm around Roxas but wasn't quite sure how the blonde would feel about the contact. Instead, he opted for just turning sideways to look at him.

"I just don't understand anything right now. I keep having these weird dreams. And I'm not sure what to make of them. I mean, they are just dreams, but still." Roxas sighed. He didn't want to meet Axel's gaze for fear of giving away what he was dreaming. He didn't want to tell the other man that it was him he was dreaming of. Every night it occurred. Roxas would be somewhere, and then Axel would appear. Axel would then look at Roxas and then push him against wherever they were - a tree, a building, a bed. In the dreams it didn't matter. He then would kiss Roxas senseless, and basically assault his neck and body in ways that made Roxas wake up, panting and yearning for more. A blush began to creep up on his face as he was remembering his dream from early this morning. Now that Axel was here, with him, it all came flooding back.

Axel looked at Roxas and could see that the blonde was remembering something. "What happens in these dreams?" Axel put his hand on Roxas' back and gently began to rub his palm on his back. He hoped that he was bringing comfort to the boy. Roxas, however, almost fell off the ledge again because he wasn't expecting physical contact. Axel took his hand away immediately, almost as if he had touched a really hot stove, and froze. "I'm sorry, Roxas. I was just trying to make you feel better." He sighed and looked out on the town.

Roxas turned to look at Axel and felt his heart flutter and his stomach drop. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump. I just wasn't expecting it, is all. Do you want to head back down now?" Roxas felt drained and wanted to get off of the clock tower. He wanted to feel terra firma. He smiled at the red head, who was avoiding his glance. Roxas sighed.

"Sure. Let's head down." Axel stood up abruptly and brushed off the dirt his coat had picked up from sitting down. He held his hand out to Roxas, who hesitated for a brief second, and then took his hand as he hoisted him up on his feet.

They were silent as they walked down the staircase. When they reached the bottom, Axel put out his arm and stopped Roxas from walking.

"Huh?" Roxas asked when he seemed to stop in mid-stride. He hadn't noticed Axel's arm until he had tried to walk through it, without success.

Axel took a deep breath. It's now or never he thought to himself. He took Roxas and set him against the stairwell. "Roxas. I need you to look at me for a second." Roxas looked up at him and gulped. "Ok. Look. I know there's something wrong with you. I just don't know how to get it out of you. I'm sorry I was late. I hope you're not upset at me for that. Please, don't be awkward around me. I can't handle that. All I want to do is see you smile and laugh again. It's been awhile since I've heard that. Can you tell me what's wrong?" Axel leaned closer to Roxas.

Roxas exhaled the breath he didn't know he had been holding. All he could think about was what was occurring right now, and what had occurred in his dreams. He didn't know if he was awake, or if he had fallen asleep. With Axel so close to him, all thoughts went out the door. He couldn't remember what Axel was asking. All he could do was begin to breathe rapidly. He closed his eyes for a second, to see if he could get a hold of himself.

Axel watched Roxas and decided that enough was enough. When he saw the blonde close his eyes, he went for it. He leaned down and briefly pressed his lips against Roxas, not quite sure what the reaction was going to be.

Roxas' eyes popped open. "Huh? What's -" He was cut off by Axel kissing him again. Axel pushed him against the wall and forced him to stay there. "Axel!" Roxas broke off the kiss. "Please. Wait. Is this real?" Roxas' voice raised up in pitch because he couldn't figure out if this was really happening or if he was in his bed, sleeping and this dream just happened to be extremely vivid.

Axel chuckled. "Yes, this is for real. You're not dreaming. Why? Should you be?" He muttered huskily into Roxas' ear. Roxas moaned.

"That's just it. I've been dreaming about this, about you, for weeks now. I can't tell if this is real or not because of how badly I want it." Axel pulled back from Roxas to look him in the eyes. He smiled at him and bent down again.

"So this is what's been bugging you?" He placed a kiss on his neck and felt Roxas tremble.

Roxas put his hands on the redhead's shoulders. "In so many words, yes." He took a deep breath and continued. "I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you'd reject me. After everything we've been through together, I didn't want to ruin anything between us."

Axel pressed his lips against his again and sighed into Roxas' mouth. "Well, I'm glad that the cat is out of the bag then. I would have hated to be rejected too."

He continued his assault on Roxas' mouth. Roxas continued to kiss him back. Slowly, ever so slowly, the blonde began to part his lips to allow Axel in. Axel smiled as he gently took his tongue and softly touched the tip of Roxas' tongue. Roxas moaned at the hint of touch and yearned for more. He realized his hands were still on Axel's shoulders so he brought the redhead closer to him. Axel willingly came to Roxas and pressed against the blonde. Roxas could feel his excitement through his clothes. Axel stopped kissing Roxas and began to kiss the sensitive spot on his neck.

"Mmm...Axel!" Roxas panted as Axel began to increase the intensity of his kissing. Axel pushed Roxas so that he was up against the wall. Roxas could only think about how this was almost exactly what had happened in his dream. Only this time it was real.

Axel couldn't seem to get enough of Roxas. He loved tasting his skin. However, he also enjoyed tasting his lips, so he went back up to the boy and began to kiss him again. Instead of being gentle, he began to be aggressive and it was all Roxas could do to stand up still. He was weak in the knees and it was all because of this beautiful man kissing him senseless. He forced Axel to look at him. "What now?" Roxas asked breathlessly, not quite sure of what was going to happen next.

It was way past sunset now. Everything had closed up around the area. There was no one around. Axel took a second and said "What do you want now?" He grinned foolishly as he watched Roxas squirm around. Axel held him in place, not letting him go.

"They'll be worried about us. We've been gone a long time." Roxas stated.

"So what? What's a few more minutes? What are you afraid of?" Axel leaned in and gave him a kiss on the jawline. Roxas sighed.

"I'm not afraid. I trust you." He looked Axel in the eyes and smiled. Axel looked deep into his eyes and shared the same smile.

"Good." Axel then kissed Roxas, while sliding his hands down his body. Roxas shuddered under his light touch. Axel knew what he wanted, but didn't want to give it to him just yet. So he teased him a little. He took his right hand and ran it over his stomach, all the while still kissing him - keeping him occupied. When Axel moved to his neck, he moved his hand lower. He could feel how bad Roxas wanted him and gently ran a finger over the bump forming under his belt. Roxas' breath began to become erratic. "What do you want Roxas?" Axel coyly asked as he continued to kiss his best friend's neck.

"Nggunnnn....more. I want more!" Roxas blushed, but remembered who he was with and then decided that the redhead shouldn't be the only bold one around. "I want this." He took Axel's hand from where it was lingering down by his package and placed it directly on it. "Please. I want to feel what you do to me."

Axel's hooded eyes looked up at Roxas and smiled. He wasn't expecting him to be this bold. It actually made him quite happy to see him like this. "As you wish." He then took Roxas' belt and undid it. Roxas attempted to control his breathing but found it to be a lost cause. Instead, he began to just moan.

Axel slowly undid the blonde's pants and moved them downwards. He then saw how excited Roxas was through his boxers and decided to tease him some more. He took the tip and placed it in his mouth. Roxas gasped at the unexpectedness of it all, and then slowly began to just relax and go with it. "Please, Axel. Stop torturing me..." he pressed himself into the redhead's face.

"You want it? Fine." Axe then lowered his boxer shorts and proceeded to put all of Roxas into his mouth. Roxas let out a loud moan and put his hands into the redhead's hair. As Axel continued to lick him from base to tip, all Roxas could do was not scream in ecstasy. He had dreamed of this so many times. The reality was better than the dream. Nothing felt has fantastic as Axel's mouth on his member. Axel began to suck and took his hand and cupped his balls. "Oh my Gaia, YES. PLEASE DON'T STOP AXEL. PLEASE!" Roxas began to pump into Axel, and Axel held onto his hips to keep his rhythm steady. Axel opened his eyes and looked up at his new lover and the face that he saw made him suck harder. Seeing Roxas in pure bliss was enough to send himself over the edge. As he continued his assault on Roxas, he could tell that he was almost finished. "Roxas?" Axel asked while licking his balls, to which Roxas gave a scream at. "Don't hold back."

Upon hearing what Axel was telling him, Roxas let all of his defenses down. He knew he was close to finishing and didn't know if that would be ok or not. With Axel's permission, he finally relaxed and continued to moan and shudder against Axel. Axe kept sucking and fondling his sack and then it happened. Roxas' breath stopped as he cried out "AXEL!" and Axel continued to suck on Roxas, making sure to get every drop that he had to give to him. Once he was finished, Axel gently pulled up his boxers and pants for him, and smiled.

"So, what was that about rejection?" Axel said goofily to Roxas.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Roxas smiled and let out a long sigh.

"What do you say we get out of here?" Axel took his hand and then continued to walk down the steps.

"I would say let's. And don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you." Roxas turned and winked at him, and took off in a run. Axel couldn't help but grin. He was so glad he made the right decision about this boy.