This is a new Gwevin story. It's my first interconnected story so enjoy!

Chapter one: Meet your new teacher

Three girls chatted quietly before 10 period auto motives. One with curly brown hair and light hazel eyes continued complaining about the class.

"Cars are so stupid! I'll get dirty and OMG what if...a nail breaks? What would I do then?" She buried her face into her perfect and long manicured nails. Their sparkly pink false gems shimmered in the florescent lighting.

A girl with crazily dyed hair of rainbow colors and silver contacts, put a understanding hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Bethany, I heard the new assistant teach is hotter that holy hell. And he's only like- what two three years older that us? You could bag a new boy toy and an easy A!" Derika joked. The red head next to them shook her head in false disappointment.

"C'mon you guys let's work hard I'm sure it can't be that boring." She said trying to sound optimistic. The other students around her trotted off in pairs and groups talking and laughing to their class. Every teen were wearing matching uniforms required by her prep school.

Bethany scoffed at her. "Coming from the girl of a motor head."

"Okay... it is pretty boring..." she admitted "But at least we're together." Derika smiled.

"Yup! Now lets go off and gawk at our hunk of a teacher." enter-linking their arms, they walk into room 11K mere seconds before the bell rung.

The class hummed with chatter as the elderly instructor attempted to get the classes attention. No one noticed a tall rather muscular dark haired young adult step into the room. He eyed the small crowd with disinterest until his blackish brown orbs fall on a certain red haired,green eyed Tennyson girl. He smirked, what fun this was going to be.

He looked around the class room. It was small, the size of a master bed and bath. The walls were posted with safety posters and warning labels. Selves stacked high with model cars and other vehicles. There were only eleven people in the room, including himself and some old guy. The machine and tools needed for the course were kept behind a door leading to a green house like tent attached to the building. The older teen walked to the aged man in tan suspenders and white button down sitting at a desk, wallowing in his own self given failure.

"Hey..dude this the class?" The teacher looked up and was taken back by the size and age of the younger man.

"Oh my you most be the assistant teacher. Oh yes sonny this is the class. A chatty bunch aren't they? Well their your problem now ." the old man shuffled out of the room and Kevin concluded that's the fastest he's walked in twenty five years. The students didn't seem to care and kept on talking for about another ten minutes. Kevin eyes narrowed. He was getting paid to teach,so these little Justin Beiber wannabes need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up losers class begun already!" The young teacher shouted. The class fell quiet. Everyone looked at the intimidating teen in front of them. One boy with blonde hair draping in his eyes grinned, thinking this was some type of joke. This guy, dressed in a casual black long sleeved button down which was open to reveal a gray undershirt and black jeans, couldn't be teacher, hell he looked like he came straight out of Los Soladad!

"You're our teacher you gotta be kindin' me! This school must be doing a new jail to school program because these no way in hell you even made it past high school much less been to teaching school." His condescending smirk was back up by his friends snickers.

Gwen stared in shock, awe , and embarrassment. Her boyfriend was her teacher...that sounded so illegal. She buried her hand in her arm barrier on her desk as soon as he walked in. Bethany leaned over to her with worry.

"What's wrong?" She whispered.

"That' boyfriend..." Gwen said barely over a murmur. Her brunette friend's eyes widen in shock. Derika who over heard her best friend finally answered.

"Well... he's is hot." Gwen sighed loudly into her desk. Her crimson locks fell of her shoulders as she tries to imagine what life would be like if Kevin was a good boy and stayed home.

Kevin glared at the boy, his hand balled into fist but he restrained himself.

"Well fuck you! If you don't care I'll flunk you right now but oh no that would mess up your chances of getting into your ivy league bitch school. So calm your ass down you faggy prep bitch."

Kevin's outburst surprise the younger boy into submission. With a triumphant smile Kevin stepped in front of the desk. His eyes locked on Gwen's head.

"Anyway I'm Kevin Levin and I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year in this class. Questions?"

A perky blonde with hot pink nails raised her hand.

"What?" Kevin said acknowledging the the flirty girl with slight amusement.

"Well," she drawled, batting her bright blue eyes. "do you like naughty school girls Mr. Levin?" Her voice was high but somehow seductive. Gwen's head shot up like a bullet and for the first time since he walked in, their eyes met. Kevin grinned wildly, not taking his eyes off her.

"Yea I total dig that kinda thing." The girl and her group giggled. Gwen rolled her eyes at him.

Another boy, small and puny looking meekly raised his arm.

"Yes?" Kevin said in a bored tone. The boy's thick rimmed glasses and straight lined hair screamed 'I'm a nerd, pick on me!'

"Oh I'm Dave-"

"No one asked." Kevin interrupted flatly.

"Oh..why yes sorry..umm how old are you exactly?" He ventured in his light British accent that would unknowingly bug his new teacher for the rest of the year.

"I'm nineteen." The class, excluding Gwen, gasped as a river of question started to pour.

"How'd you get your teachers degree?"

"How could the school hire you?"

"You're in engineer?"

"Can you be my boyfriend?"

"Are you a bigger dick than you appear?"

Kevin grinned wider and answer each question in one long statement."Don't got one. I don't even know. Yes. No. And fuck you kid." Kevin directed the last comment to the kid who called him a juvie earlier.

The bode whined and raised her hand again, clearly not satisfied with his answer. Sighing Kevin allowed her to speak again.

"But why not? Is she hotter than me?" Kevin looked the girl up and down. Big breast which were made bigger by a push up bra and pads. Make up globed on her eyes, mouth, and cheeks. Waxy yellow hair extensions. This girl made Ben look datable. He inwardly shuddered.

"Yea way hotter than you." Gwen's cheeks redden at his complement and her heart swelled. She wish she could just jump down a kiss him right now. She also couldn't help but giggle slightly at Amber's abrupt rejection. The girl turned around and shot her a venomous look.

"Anyway let's take attendances." He picked up a list place on the desk and read off it. "Bethany Arron?" Bethany raised her hand.

"Here!" she replied with a giggle.

" Amber Chase?" The blond haired girl smiled at Kevin and blew him a kiss, which he promptly ignored.

"Jake Enkson?" A kid with black spiky hair and several face piercings nodded at his teacher.

"Isatina Ednin?" One of Amber's cronies licked her lips and winked at him. "Again Ignoring...umm

Dave Johnson got you...Ryan Kelton?"

The snide bastard from before smirked down at him.

"Oh yes here teacher!" His squealed. Kevin glared at him before checking his name off.

" Matt Shitin?" Kevin struggled to properly say the last name.

"It's pronounced S-het-ton!"He yelled clearly aggravated at this simple mistake. He flipped his blackish blonde hair out of his eyes as he straighten the lapel of his uniform.

"But it says Shi-" Kevin tried to explain but was interrupted.

"I don't care how's it is on the paper it is what it is!" He yelled as he glared distastefully at the older teen.

"Okay..bitch...Gwendolyn Tennyson?" He gazed back at his girlfriend. She blushed and fumbled over her words.

"Ah hi I mean uh here." Amber and Isatina laugh cruelly at her mistake.

"Smooth...real smooth." laugh Amber snidely. Kevin just smiled and went on with his list.

"And Derika Xento?" The multi colored girl raised her with a friendly grin.

"Hey!" she cried over the final bell.

"Agh.. whatever dismissed." Kevin motioned his hand towards the door as the students rushed for the door. "We got a lot done." he announced sarcastically. Gwen lingered behind and watch in disgust as Amber rubbed his chest with dainty hands across the dark teens chest.

"Bye Kevi! Maybe we can hang out later?" greeted Amber in a seductive singly songly voice.

"Ah yea I'm busy later so no." Kevin grabbed her hand and placed it back to her said. With a humph she walked out of the classroom.

Gwen walked towards her boyfriend with a small grin. She felt so much more confident since all her schoolmates had left.

"Naughty school girls?" she inquired circling her new instructor. Kevin wrapped a firm arm around her waist and took in her apple cinnamon scent.

"Hell yea. I find you very sexy in your school clothes." Gwen looked down at her rather bland outfit. A blue cotton skirt with matching tie and white short sleeved blouse didn't seem very sexy to her.

"You have such a weird taste in lingerie." She turned herself around in his grasp and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "Now we are gong to talk about this new job of yours."

"Gwen I'm the teacher and I'll give the instructions." He told her in his ruggish voice. Gwen shook her head. ' When wasn't he in the mood?' she thought.

Unknown to the couple, Ryan was watching the whole scene unfold. He was filled with rage at the fact the his Gwen was flirting with this...idiotic criminal. This wasn't over.

Hey ppl I thought it was werid that there were barly any school life Gwevins so this is just a cute story about a course Gwen has as Kevin's student. Enjoy and Review plz!!!!