
It was the final night of the training camp and Hisa had almost completed her patrol of the premises, ensuring everyone was safe and no strangers were lurking about. It was unlikely this far out from anywhere but she always liked to check. A trusty kitchen ladle was tucked into her right dressing gown pocket along with her red mobile phone. She felt she needed the walk anyway, for some reason she was feeling more restless than usual.

Hisa bit her lower lip in frustration; moonlight illuminating the path ahead in a faint glow. The paved route turned left around the corner of the building and past the rear pool, feeling smooth and cold against her bare feet.

The camp's gone well. Better than even I expected. Fujita-pro showed up and everyone had a great time. More importantly I've seen everyone's game improving and felt my own grow just a bit. So why do I feel restless? As though something's not quite right... That something's left undone.

She turned the corner and glanced at the pool. For once no-one was there.

Well it is 2am. And we have to leave by 11. It's not odd that no-one's there. Then why do I feel disappointed? Maybe all the Mahjong this week has clouded something else…but what? What have I missed?

Hisa let out a small sigh of frustration.

Guess I'll just have to trust my instincts on this and hope they show me. No doubt it'll be something of a hell wait though.

She grinned.

If I'm aware something's off that's half the battle after all. Wait. What's that noise?

She'd just slid open the rear door and stepped into the chalet. Deep within the building and further off to the right, away from the sleeping quarters, she thought she'd heard someone moving about. But instead of feeling afraid Hisa felt her heart start to thrum with the excitement she felt when a big hand started to form.

It's probably just someone getting a drink though.

She moved further into the building, quietly padding her way through the maze of corridors to the reach the west side; right, left and right again. Occasionally her ears picked up on a small unnatural sound and her grip on the ladle tightened.

It's from the kitchen.

Sure enough the second room ahead and to the right was shut but lit by a soft yellow light which was leaking through the white door covering. Hisa paused with a finger to her lips and brows furrowed in concentration as she listened carefully. From within she could hear the sounds of a mop being shoved along the floor followed by a plop as it dumped itself into a pail of water. It took less than a second for Hisa to piece together the mystery and work out who it was, her grip on the ladle slackening.

There's only one person who'd be washing the kitchen floor at 2am. She pushes herself wayyy too hard.

The last comment was made with as much admiration as amusement. And for some reason Hisa found herself worrying about opening the door.

Compose yourself Hisa. You're the captain of Kiyosumi girls' school! Cool, calm and competent. You can't look a fool before her of all people.

Hisa briefly noticed the last thought seemed a little odd but she didn't have time to analyse it as her hand was already closing on the brass handle, softly pulling the door open.

Sure enough Mihoko was there. Her back turned, her golden hair ruffled and spilling over her shoulders and a white and red rimmed apron fastened over her soft pink dressing gown. She was draining the dirty water from the mop into a green plastic bucket. Glancing at the sparkling floor Hisa noted she was almost done.

Unsure if it was okay to tread on the sparkling cleanliness of the gleaming floor Hisa paused and leaned against the doorframe. An amused smile tugged at her lips as she resisted an urge to sneak across the room and surprise her fellow captain. Instead she just watched as Mihoko drained the last of the dirty water from the mop and gave a small but satisfied sigh.

Turning round Mihoko let her eyes rove around the clean kitchen and over to the door, then up the Kiyosumi Captain's long smooth legs, pale blue dressing gown and finally to Hisa's smiling face.

Mihoko's left eye blinked and both opened wide in surprise as she gave an involuntary gasp.

"Ueno-san! What are you doing up so late? Did I wake you?"

Hisa casually levered herself off the doorpost.

"Nah, I was just patrolling the grounds. Then I felt like getting a drink before I went to bed."

Hisa glanced at her feet, across the shining floor and then up at Mihoko before grinning.

"But dare I tread on this work of art before me?"

Mihoko still seemed a little stunned and was blushing slightly. Hisa watched her left eyebrow furrow slightly as she tried to work out if Hisa was teasing her before deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt. Instead Mihoko nodded.

"Um. Go ahead. People will want to use it tomorrow morning anyway. I just wanted it to be reasonably clean as it hadn't been washed all week."

Hisa strolled over to the kettle and put it onto boil. Turning she treated Mihoko to a raised right eyebrow.

"So you decided to come down here at two in the morning to clean the floor?"

"No. I just couldn't sleep so I came for a drink. Then I noticed the state of the kitchen floor and it needed cleaning so thought I'd better clean it, or else no-one else might tomorrow."

Mihoko returned the mop to its cupboard before sliding the rear door open where she began pouring dirty water into an outside drain. The kettle came loudly to the boil as she did so.

Hisa watched as Mihoko crouched and tipped the water away, enjoying her presence. Usually she didn't find people worth teasing and talking with but this girl had shown herself to be so strong. Hisa prided herself on being able to judge a person's character and worth based on their play and Mihoko had never backed down, panicked or bowed in the face of her play, something she really admired.

That and she was unbelievably quaint in a really cute way. Mako was a good friend but she didn't fascinate her in the same way Mihoko seemed to. Hisa felt her eyebrow twitch as she tried to pin down a reason.

Maybe it's because we're both on the same wavelength? It's the same feeling I had from back then. I think I said something about our eyes being cut from the same stone. I wonder what would have happened if I'd played that final day…if I'd ended up and Kazekoshi High and not Kiyosumi. If I'd been able to play and tease and banter with her for the last 3 years. As good as my own club has been this year that lost time really does feel like a shame…


Mihoko has turned and Hisa realised she'd been absentmindedly staring at Mihoko.

"Are you all right?" Mihoko asked. She was blushing again.

So cute. Still I can't believe I was caught staring at her! Well the best way to cover is to attack.

"Sorry, I was just remembering what a pretty eye you have Fukuji-san."

Mihoko's face went bright red and her right eye opened to once again present an orb of brilliant blue sapphire.

"Aha that worked," Hisa added and couldn't resist a small smirk as Mihoko realised she was being teased.

"That's mean Ueno-san," she huffed as she undid her apron strings.

"Hmmm, but in all seriousness it is beautiful Fukuji-san."

Hisa was sure Mihoko halted at that before continuing to remove her apron.

"Anyway would you like to join me for a cup of tea in the living room before bed? It seems a waste to just head straight away now."

Hisa turned and glanced at Mihoko who was hanging up the apron. Mihoko looked round and gave her a delighted smile.

"Yes, I'd love that."

The directness and delight in her tone caused Hisa to glance back at the kettle quickly lest Mihoko see her looking rather disconcerted.

I'm not used to this. To having someone else affect me like this. I'm the one who always plays others. There's something about Mihoko though; her kindness, cuteness, intelligence...all of those and more? I don't know. But I guess it makes life much more interesting when one's not completely in control.

She finished pouring the tea. Mihoko had remained waiting so Hisa handed her one of the pale, lime ceramic tea beakers and then led the way to the living room; Mihoko switching out the kitchen light and Hisa turning on the soft living room light.

The living room was a comfortably large space with a cluster of Mahjong tables pushed against the sides. Lumped about the edge with them were a number of dark green beanbag mats for kneeling on.

Heading over to the side opening to the outside Hisa set her cup down, walked to the side and pulled out a couple of beanbag mats for Mihoko and herself. Then she levered open the doors to give a good view of the softening night sky sprinkled with stars. Turning she found Mihoko already settling down onto a cushion and staring out at the night sky with her hazel brown eye.

"It's beautiful isn't it," Mihoko whispered.

"Mmmhmm," Hisa hummed in agreement as she sat down next to Mihoko. They sat in silence for a while enjoying the tea, warm breeze and view as various questions swirled, came together and broke apart in wave of doubt. Finally Mihoko settled on the one issue that had been haunting her thoughts from three years ago.



"If you don't mind me asking what happened back then?" There was no need to refer to what back then was.

"Oh you mean back at the Middle School Championships? Don't worry about it, it's not worth talking about."

Hisa's voice sounded a little tense and Mihoko could see her right arm had stiffened. Hisa glanced over and with a questioning look at Mihoko's concerned face.

Mihoko looked away and sighed before looking directly at Hisa.

"If Ueno-san doesn't want to tell me Ueno-san doesn't have to. But I'll always be willing to hear about it if you want to talk."

Hisa found the internal knots stirred by the original question unwind as Mihoko spoke.


Hisa turned to stare back at the stars. "Well maybe someday. It's not a story I like to dwell on, much less talk of though. There are far more pleasant things to talk about. Do you have any siblings Fukuji-san?"

The moment of tension passed as quickly as that but inside Hisa found herself wishing she had, for once, opened up a bit more to the girl next to her and not bottled those feelings from before away.

But there'll be another time to talk right? There must be another time.

Hisa found her mind strategising as she talked, working on ways to make another meeting possible. An hour later she had at least five plausible alternatives. The hour itself had flown by. Hisa couldn't remember a time she'd enjoyed simply talking like she had with Mihoko. They talked of their schools and hobbies and home life although Hisa was notably brief on the latter and let Mihoko do most of the talking, her earlier bouts of blushing seemingly lost in the chance to share some of her life with the person she'd been wanting to talk to for the last three years.

"So what are you planning to do next year Ueno-san?" Mihoko asked as casually as she could muster for such an important question. Well at least the answer felt rather important.

Hisa made a small humming noise as she thought.

"Well I plan on going to University, but it will only be the Kanagawa University."

"Ah, then we'll probably be at the same place."

In her delight Mihoko only just refrained from adding 'this time' onto that.

Hisa found a warmth settle in her. It was good she'd have someone like Mihoko around. A friend she wished she'd had back then when things went wrong. But then that had made her stronger, definitely stronger. What worried her was the thought it had also somehow made her weaker. Otherwise why would she find so much to admire in the way Mihoko acted with such love and warmth to everyone about her? Hisa was so wrapped up in this inner monologue that she missed Mihoko's next question.

"Ah, sorry," she said with an apologetic smile, "I wasn't concentrating, what did you say?"

"Ah, you don't have to apologise."

As usual though she does carry the principle of politeness a bit too far, if I were to find fault, Hisa thought wryly.

"I was just wondering whether you'd thought beyond University to what you want in life more generally?"

Mihoko sat and watched as Hisa's eyes glanced away and down indicating serious attention was being given to the question. It was kind of adorable. If it hadn't been so late Mihoko was quite sure she'd never have managed to actually ask Hisa that question, but it had been on her mind and a tired mind often gives rise to a looser tongue. Now that she'd asked it she felt glad she'd asked it too, so perhaps this was a good thing. She remained glancing between the stars and Hisa's face as Hisa thought, trying not to stare too long at the latter.

"Heh. That's a good question. I guess I don't really think that much about the future as it's quite uncertain. But I'd like to do well at whatever I do, be it Mahjong or something else. And I'd like to do it with friends rather than by myself. To try and pursue ones goals alone strikes me as unhealthy. I wouldn't want to do that! "

Mihoko watched and wondered. It was rare to see Hisa so passionate and frustrating to have so many hints and clues about her past and yet not to really understand or see.

But Rome wasn't built in a day and I'll have time to get to know her yet...Surely!

"But I really don't know exactly what it is I really want to do," Hisa continued. "There are times I definitely feel like something's missing. And it's not just pursuing a goal with strong friends because I'm doing that with a few of the very best."

"Someya-san and Fujita – pro," Mihoko said softly earning her an appraising look from Hisa.

"So you're as sharp off the table as on. I wouldn't be surprised if you were running a mafia ring behind that saintly demeanor of yours."

Mihoko looked momentarily horrified.

"I would never…"

"Fukuji's Famed Fraudsters has quite the ring to it don't you think?" Hisa quippedwith a grin.

"Ueno-san," Mihoko protested pouting. "I swear you like winding me up."

Hisa gave Mihoko a wide eyed look which completely failed to portray any sincerity.

"Me, wind anyone up? Perish the thought!"

Then she winked at Mihoko. "But if I go too far just tell me. I can be quite the insensitive monster at times."

"Only at times?"

Mihoko asked with a small smile of her own. Hisa's smile if anything widened.

"Now who's teasing? Perhaps we should get back on topic and here what Saint Fukuji has to say about her future?"

Mihoko chuckled. Somehow Hisa's confidence and charm were irrepressible. From anyone else being called a Saint would have annoyed her but somehow from Hisa it merely made her wish to rise to the bait and prove her wrong.

"But I'm not really a Saint. I mean I do everything like that because I'm actually really selfish. I get my happiness in life from seeing those I care about happy. I don't really mind what I do in the future so long as I enjoy it and I have people about me to make happy."

Mihoko's blue eye opened again as she reached the climax of her speech and Hisa found herself lost in its sparkling sincerity as Mihoko continued speaking.

"The more I care about a person the more I get happiness from seeing them happy. So I'm not really selfless at all."

It was late, Mihoko's eye was dominating her vision and an unusual warmth had taken hold of her stomach. That was all the reasoning Hisa could supply for why she went on to ask,

"Do you care about me like that?"

Mihoko's response was as quick as it was unwavering.

"Yes, I care about Ueno-san a lot."

For the first time that night a bright blush seriously threatened Hisa'a face and she looked away hurriedly, scratching the back of her head and giving a short laugh.

"Aha, Fukuji-san you're…how shall I say, really direct sometimes."

Mihoko's eye had snapped shut again and she too was blushing.

"Ah I'm sorry Ueno-san. I didn't mean to…"

Hisa chuckled and sat upright, back in control of herself.

"It's okay. It's actually a really good quality. I'm just not used to it I think. But I'm glad that you care about me like that."

Hisa then seemed to waver a bit as though she wasn't quite sure what to say next.

"I don't suppose you'd fancy playing me again sometime soon?"


"Well I just wondered if you'd like to match up again." Hisa's calm fluid speech had resumed in full force. "After all I really enjoyed the last time we played."

Mihoko's head was nodding before she even spoke,

"Yes I'd love to!"

"Well then it's just a question of time and venue," Hisa said warmly. Are you able to make it over to Kazekoshi on any day?"

"Ah, I'll have to check. I think Friday and Saturday afternoons are good though."

Hisa nodded and began to make a move, gathering up their cups as she rose.

"Do you have a phone?" Come to think of it I haven't seen her texting anyone."

Mihoko went red and nodded.

"Yes…but I lost it at home and couldn't find it before I left."

Hisa chuckled.

"You mean it was so terrified of you it grew legs and hid itself."

The image of her phone doing just that sounded so plausible even Mihoko couldn't help but giggle.

"That's better," Hisa said, smiling. "Sometimes when I watch you I worry that you're not letting yourself unwind enough. Don't forget those who you try and make happiest will be happiest of all if you're looking after yourself properly."

Mihoko stopped, she'd been told something similar before by both her parents and classmates but somehowit from Hisa seemed to give the words much more force.

"Ah," she said quietly as her mind scrambled to catch up with her heart.

"Sorry, perhaps that was a bit much this late," Hisa said with an apologetic look. "Anyway do you remember your number?"

Mihoko nodded. She knew that at least, having had to give it to several of the seniors at the school and players in the Mahjong club. That was another reason she hadn't looked too hard; phone-calls would have disrupted the training session. That and she didn't like mobile phones.

"Yes it's 070 98734587."

Hisa had slipped one of the cups into her dressing gown and exchanged it for her bright red mobile which she deftly tapped Mihoko's number in on.

"Kay. Well...I'll give you time to find yours and then arrange a date we can meet up. So expect a call next week sometime."

"Ah, okay. Do you want my home number in case I don't find it."

Hisa nodded.

"It's 0458764543."

"Right," Hisa deftly finished entering the home number, snapped the phone shut and slid it into her pocket. "I guess I'll get to see you off tomorrow then."

Mihoko nodded,

"Yes...I really enjoyed talking with you tonight Ueno-san. Thank you."

Hisa gave her an amused grin as she left through the side door towards the kitchen.

"No need to thank me Fukuji-san, I enjoyed it. Night."

Hisa gave Mihoko a brief parting wave before heading back to the kitchen, crossing the floor and rinsing the cups. Then she headed out and padded back to her bedroom.

Something was still troubling Hisa as she slipped into her bed. But now it was the fact that the restless feeling from earlier had melted away entirely.