Chapter 4: Run!

The Phoenix smiled in a mock grin. The Daleks were going nuts at the fact that there was a replacement for the Doctor. The fact that there was another healthy Time Lord on this world was a bit much for them to comprehend.

"WERE did…. You COME…. Frommmmm! SPEAK!"

She laughed, a dark and cold one. One that showed her age.

"Same place the Doctor did, Gallifrey, but unlike the Doctor…"

Her eyes glowed a golden color and her body lifted up in a levitating state.

"… I am more powerful then any of you can comprehend!"

With one burst of energy the Daleks fell away into nothing but particles. There was nothing left of them, and she didn't care who it affected, those monsters needed to stay dead. The light left her eyes and she fell to the ground. Not unconscious but, weak. She wasn't able to keep that up for a very long time. It drained almost her entire life and she had to be careful for if she kept that up to long she would die and she might not regenerate. It took about six months to recover from something like that. She smiled weakly at the people around her. Their faces were a mixture of fear, shock, and awe. Lady Callaghan walked up to the Phoenix and held her hand up to her. The Phoenix grabbed it and pulled herself up weakly. This new job that she was forced to take upon herself. Her mind was tired already.

"Thank you, for coming when we needed someone."

The Phoenix laughed.

"It is my job now"

The Phoenix walked back to the T.A.R.D.I.S. and smiled as she walked inside. The engines started and she set the controls on random.

"Okay boy, lets go somewhere fun."

The T.A.R.D.I.S. agreed and landed within another minute. The Phoenix walked over to the Doctor with a sad feeling in her soul. Her only family, left in ruins because of some stupid universe collapsing if he didn't follow the rules. She smiled again. No he wasn't actual family. Time lords were grown not born. Though. She was a little bit of an exception. She was born, but the time lords believed she was loomed. It was a well-kept secret. Not even the high council was aware of it. She smiled again and the memories of Gallifrey. Her home that always…

"No… I won't think like that!"

She sighed and kissed the Doctor on the head.

"Wake up soon, or you'll miss all the fun"

She waved and walked out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. The planet around her was beautiful. It was a place called Rylick. Humans mostly ran it but there were some interesting creatures. A wolf with fire for fur was one of these creatures. She smiled as a whole pack walked in front of her. Then stopped. She tilted her head in confusion. The pack turned and faced her growling. She was in shock as they charged.


They stopped in a circle around her in confusion.

"I know it's confusing to why you can understand me, but, you guys usually stay away from anyone else."

The leader walked up to her and took a defense stance.

"You humans have declared war on our people, destroyed our lands, our families, for no reason but to do so!"

The wolf growled at her. She once again put her hands up.

"I'm not human, smell me, I just came here, I needed a break, Time to relax. A lot has happened."

The wolf came up to her and she let her hand down. The leader sniffed it and nodded.

"She is not human… I don't know what you are?"

The Phoenix smiled.

"I'm a Time Lord, a Gallifrian, someone from long since past, one of the last remaining."

The wolf's face turned to shock and the fire on the bodies of the wolves that surrounded her shrunk into nothing as they all bowed their heads in respect to her. The wolf's fur was now a fire red fluff. The Phoenix kneeled down to them.

"No need to do that for me, but I'm here to see what I can do for you."

She sat down on the ground and smiled again. The wolves lay down around her and looked to her for information.

"We were driven form our homes. Please, help us come to agreement with the humans."

She nodded and they all made their way to the main city. The trees and hills eventually turned into a pathway into the city. There were guards at the gate who had guns pointed. The phoenix held her hands up again, and the wolves didn't have their fires up.

"Get out of this town with those atrocious wolves!"

She sighed and mumbled humans under her breath.

"Look, we all want a compromise so bring your leader to us."

The stood still and held their guns pointed at her.

"Who are you to order us around, you arrogant child"

She sighed again.

"I am the Phoenix. One of the only Time Lords left."

They backed off and ran and she sat down and waited and the wolves reciprocated.