Disclaimer: No they are not mine, nor is the universe they live in. Oh that they were!
a/n: I have never done a multi-chapter fic so bear with me here. I have plans for this one… vaguely. I'm sorry if it starts off slow, I want to set things up a bit. I like to know what people are thinking, gives insight into characters—but I promise, there will be dialogue and interaction later on. Feel free to comment, R&R, and correct any mistakes! I insist.
--- Alec's POV----
He had always pitied mundanes- going about their lives completely unaware of the world that lay just beyond their glamour-glazed gazes. Sure, there were quite a few unpleasant realities that they were protected from. But Alec had always felt that the truth was worth it, no matter how ugly. That is—until a certain red-haired mundie walked in on a run-of-the-mill demon recon mission all those months ago and revealed that the world, as he knew it, was a façade, propped up by bold-faced lies and half-truths. Even the facts, the events, the people he had never once doubted. The Clave, Jace, his parents, and most surpising of all… himself.