Here's my revised version to this story. Hope it changed for the better.

Disclaimer: I don't own, S. Meyer does.

Chapter 1


"Hey, Edward. We should go to the meadow, it's a beautiful day!" The short black haired girl said.

"That's a good idea, since we don't have any lessons with Mom today." A lean, bronze haired boy said. "When do you want to go?" He asked her.

"Hmm…how about in a half hour?" She replied. "I need to find the perfect outfit for a run."

"Okay, sounds good. I'm going to let Mom know and then read in my room till you are ready." He told her.

The boy walked out of the room with the girl. He headed down the stairs, while she headed to a different room.

"Mom, Alice and I are going to the meadow in a half hour, since the weather is so nice." He told a carmel haired woman.

"Okay dear." The woman replied. "Just be sure to be home before your Dad gets home at six tonight. We have something we want to talk to you two about. It's very important that you both be here to talk about it."

"Yes, Mom, we will. What is it you want to talk to us about?" He said, looking confused.

"I think you should wait until your Dad gets home. It's something we need to discuss as a family." His Mom told him.

"Okay, Edward, I'm ready to go." Alice said as she came down the stairs.

"I thought you were going to find something to wear, it usually takes you a lot longer." He replied, looking like he wasn't understanding something.

"I had a vision and we won't be able to go if we don't go now." She told him matter-of-factly.

"Oh. Well, let's go then, so we can be back by six." He answered her.

"Bye Mom!" They chorused.

"Bye Kids!" Their Mother answered.

Once they were in the tree line, by the woods, she started her interrogation. "I know you weren't confused by me being early, Edward." Alice told him. "Something is going on, Please tell me." She begged.

"You mean you didn't hear the conversation while you were upstairs? Were you that distracted by finding the perfect outfit, that you didn't hear? I find that unlikely. You have to know everything going on, when it happens even." He smirked.

"I guess you were talking to Mom when I had my vision. How come you didn't see my vision? You can read my mind, you know."

"I was talking to Mom and I guess I was distracted with what she was saying. I will tell you what Mom said, if you tell me about your vision." He offered.

"Alright, I will." She agreed.

"Mom was telling me we had to be home by the time Dad got here at six. They have something to talk to us about, as a family. I tried to ask Mom but she said she wanted to wait on Dad to talk to us about it. Then you walked in." Edward explained.

"I wonder what they want to talk to us about. It may have something to do with my vision. I think we are going to be having visitors soon. I also feel like things are going to be changing dramatically for us." Alice told him.

The whole time they had been talking, they had been running. Running very fast, and they had just arrived in this beautifully perfect meadow in mere minutes. They both found spots to sit in the meadow.

Edward looks at Alice and says, "So what was your vision about? Since I obviously didn't see it." He inquired.

"Well…I saw a girl come first. She was a bit taller than me and had mahogany colored hair and big brown eyes. You seemed quite taken with her." She told him quietly.

"Was she human?" The look on his face was almost as if he was afraid of the answer.

"No, I don't think she was a vampire either. I think she's like us. The second person to come, I seemed to be quite taken with. He was about your height, had honey colored hair and clear blue eyes." She told him, dreamily.

"When you say taken, what do you mean, exactly?" He asked her.

"I think they are our mates, Edward. I don't know how I know. I just feel it to be true. Their siblings are mates too, I believe. Their parents come to our house too."

"Do we just all the sudden meet them?" I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"I think all of us are in trouble, Edward. I have this strong feeling, something or someone is after us. All of us are in danger."

"I wonder if this is what Mom and Dad want to talk to us about?" Edward wondered.

"I'm not sure. It does have me worried though. What is going on?" Alice stated, but worded like a question.

Edward and Alice then laid down in the grass for quite awhile, seeming to be lost in their thoughts.

After some time, Edward looks at his watch and says, "It's almost six, Alice. If we don't head home now, we will be late. I don't want Mom or Dad upset with us."

"We are almost grown, Edward. Why are you still so concerned about getting punished? I'm sure it will be fine." Alice chuckled.

"I'm not worried about getting punished, I'm worried about the situation. I want to find out more of this mystery. Don't you want to know more?"

"Yeah, I do. How about we race home?" She asked.

"Sounds like a good idea. You know I'm faster than you though and will win." Edward said smugly.

"Bella!" My brother, Emmett, bellowed in my head. "It's time to wake up!"

"Emmett, I had the weirdest dream!" I told him.

"What was it about? Were you having dreams about eating humans again?" He teased me with a grin.

"Hey…those dreams are not cool! You know I'm a vegetarian. Those creepy red eyes are enough to make me want to stay a vegetarian." I told him.

"So…what was your dream about then?" He wondered.

"I had a dream about these two kids, they were our age. The boy was tall and lanky. He had bronze colored hair and stunning green eyes. His name is Edward…" That was when my brother butted in.

"Aw…does Bellsie have a crush on a human?"

"He's a hybrid like us. He can read minds and his sister can see the future. She had a vision and now I'm scared." I told him shakily.

"What did she look like?" He asked me quietly.

"She was a bit shorter than me. She has short black hair and the same green eyes as her brother. Her name is Alice."

"How do you know all of this?" He asked me.

"I saw all of this in my dream, but I'm pretty sure it has happened. She basically said there were six of us. Your mate is her mate's sister. She described me, Emmett. She thinks all of us and our parents are coming soon."

"I have had a few dreams about my mate and her brother. She's tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. Did they describe her brother?" He wondered.

"He had honey colored hair and blue eyes. He's tall and lanky." I replied.

"That describes him alright."

"Wait a minute….you've had dreams about your mate and didn't tell me?" I was so mad, I bet you could see smoke coming from my ears.

He sighed and then said quietly, "What would you have thought if I had told you I know who my mate is? You would have thought I needed to go in a loonie bin. That's why I didn't tell you." He then looked down. "I didn't want you to think that way of me. I thought I might be going crazy or something."

"I guess I can understand where you are coming from. I probably would have done the same thing in your situation." I told him.

I wondered what we were supposed to do now. Did we try and contact them? How were we supposed to contact them, it wasn't like they gave us a phone number. I doubt they even know I saw them.

Wait a minute! I wonder if Alice knows? She does see the future after all. What if she saw more than she told her brother? What to do, what to do! I felt like my brain was going to explode or something.

"Try not to worry too much. I don't want you to blow up or something." Emmett said.

How does my brother always know what I'm thinking? I knew he couldn't read minds. He knows me way too well. "I feel like we are waiting for something, don't you?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do, I just don't know what. It's not like we can live here for much longer. Mom and Dad haven't told us but you know as well as I do that it isn't very safe for us here anymore. I mean, the Volturi know Mom and Dad are here but we use our powers to hide every time they come around. What if they find out somehow? We could definitely not stay then."

"I think Dad's shield and my shield hides us enough, but I'm not totally sure. What if they have a shield on the guard that can sense both of our shields? I wonder what they would do to us if they caught us. I know our parents said that if the Volturi knew about us, they would think we were dangerous. I don't know why we would be considered dangerous, we are technically just kids. We're hybrids, not even full vampires! How are we a threat to them?" He wondered.

All of the sudden I heard a loud pounding at our front door.

A rough, commanding voice said, "WE KNOW YOU HAVE HYBRIDS IN THERE, OPEN UP!"

Emmett and I looked at each other and without thinking we grabbed hands. I put my shield around us and he made us invisible. The we left through the window in my room of our two-story house. I can say I have never been that scared in my entire life. AS we hit the ground we started running toward the outskirts of the city as fast as we could.

We had just made it to the woods, just outside of town, when I felt Dad's shield. I could sense he was telling us to run. I jut hoped he and Mom were alright. I knew I couldn't worry about that right now, I just had to concentrate on Emmett and I getting away. Not the way I wanted to start my day.

A/N: Well…some things changed and some didn't. I'm trying to make the chapters go more smoothly and maybe explain things better. I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think.