A/N 'Ello everyone! I'm attempting a multi-chapter fic! I can't believe it... Hopefully I won't abandon this one like my other two. If you click on this, I thank you for thinking my plotbunnies sound interesting. This originally came to me about a few months ago but I all but forgot until on day in French class. (It's a boring class, and through I'm a straight A student, I ending up daydreaming in the middle of class). This is only an introductory chapter so it's short. I'll have longer ones up later. Side note: Kisara is dead. So is Mahado
This take place in the real ancient Egypt, not the memory world, so characters are slightly different as they've never met Yugi and Ryou. Sorry if I get anything wrong, I missed a lot of season five...
Also there's swearing and blood.
Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh but I bet you already knew that.
Chapter One: Death Sentence.
Bakura grunted slightly as he was lead into the throne room. He couldn't believe he was stupid enough to get himself caught by the damn pharaoh's priests! And now the thief was begin led to his death.
'At least I won't be tortured any more...' Bakura thought grimly. It hurt to stand let alone walk, due to his wounds. Most were on his back and legs, and were starting to become infected, leaving him weak. Which in turn left Diabound weak, meaning his chances of escape were low.
His red cloak, as well as the one that had been under it, had been taking away from him. So had Bakura's jewelry, and sash, laving him in just just his kilt. Bakura's arms were also tied behind his back.
Eventually they reached the throne room doors. The guards threw them open and lead the tomb robber inside. They roughly pushed Bakura onto his knees, their hands on his shoulders. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, and put on a emotionless face.
The thief glared at the god-king in the the throne, looking down at Bakura. His six- no wait five, he had killed the other one- priests were standing beside him, getting ready to tell Bakura his death sentence.
But first a trial. It was stupid to hold one, he had thought when he first over heard he'd be trialed, no one would be on my side and I know for sure I'm not innocent. A plain old waste of time.
Bakura decided to think about how he'd die, and to know what expect instead of paying attention. Would they be-head him, like the thieves from the stories his father told him? Maybe they'd whip, or even torture him to death? Or even cut his throat and let him suffocate on his own blood?
The thief realized his arms were trembling. Bakura silently gritted his teeth. He hated feeling so... helpless, weak and … pathetic. Three words he not used to describe himself in a long while.
The Millennium Scales were set on a small table in front of Bakura. A priest- Bakura couldn't remember his name- put them to work. "Millennium scales, judge this thief's heart." One of the scales nearly hit the table almost immediately. The few good deeds Bakura had ever done were the only things keeping one side from falling onto the table.
Bakura looked around. No one was the least bit surprised. But of course, why should they? It was obvious his was guilty. The priests mostly had bored or serious-looking expressions.
Eventually another one of the priest- Akhenaden, this time- began to list the crime the thief had been accused of. He nodded, smiling slightly, to everyone of them. He had committed everything on the list, and what a long list it was!
After Akhenaden finished listing, the priests and the Pharaoh talked quietly amongst themselves, decided what to do with him. Or more accurately, how to kill him. He put his head down, keeping his face neutral, and returned to his thoughts. This wasn't how he had wanted to spend his lat moments but it was all he could do, he supposed.
"Bakura." Said male looked up and glared. Seth was doing the exact same thing, only he was looking down. Atem, who had been the one who had spoken, continued. "After talking about your sentence, we have decided what to do with you. You Ka monster is rather powerful and could be useful to us, so we have chosen to seal you Ka, and essentially your soul, into one of the stone tablets."
The thief tilted his head to the side. "But don't peoples bodies still stay alive when even if their soul is sealed away? (1)What if some how, I miraculously escaped?"
Seth titled his head up slightly, a rather snobbish air around him. "True but a soul can not return to a body if the body, where to say have no working heart, now would it?" He made a sound, similar to one of a growl.
Bakura glared at the brunette again. Seth happily returned it.
Roughly, the white haired thief, was tugged on the arms. This meant that the guards wanted him to stand. Seeing no point in resiting, he stood up.
Bakura was lead to a stone tablet into the corner of the room, the people he hated the most in the world, followed suit. 'How did I not notice this earlier?' He briefly wondered.
Once again, he was pushed into a kneeling position, this time in front of the blank tablet. Bakura took another deep breath, trying to keep himself from doing.. anything really. Escape was almost impossible and making a fool of himself in his last few minutes was just plain stupid.
Silently he closed his eyes, knowing what was going to happen next. Bakura felt a strange sensation. Like the feeling of falling and then … nothing. Nothing at all.
If you have any questions, or need correct me on something, please tell me kindly! Sorry about some of the bad dialogue, it was insanely tricky trying to writer this without the dialogue sounding really really odd. I'll have the next chapter up soon!
(1) in the manga, during monster world, Bakura sealed peoples' souls into figurines but they didn't die, their bodies just fell into comas.