Hello, I'm Bella Swan I have two brothers Jasper and Emmett they are two of the most greatest people you will ever meet in my opinion. I have brown hair and brown eyes, Jasper has blonde hair and brown eyes and Emmett has brown hair and brown eyes like me. Welcome to our lives and did I forget to mention that we are the three most hated people at our high school? Well now you know.
We get bullied everyday by the popular crowd and mainly the rest of the school only because on our first day we kind of spilt our lunch on the popular's it was completely an accident we Swans are accident prone. We all apologised but now when I look back at it I wish I could take that flaming apology back.
We're not ugly or anything I'm not being vain but we are quite good looking but they all hold grudges and when one of the popular's pick on you the rest follows otherwise their social status is threatened, completely ridiculous if you ask me. We try to just ignore it they don't scare me but it's just the humiliation but oh well at least I have my brothers.
Tanya is the leader of bullies then comes Rosalie, Alice and Edward then underneath them it is the Football team and the cheerleading squad, Emmett could probably beat them all up with just his little finger but he chooses not to he would rather be the better person and they know that so they use it to their advantage.
Tanya and Edward are dating so their the schools 'it' couple everyone makes such a big deal out of them I don't see why, Tanya is nothing but a fake orange bully and Edward yes he's hot has unbelievable hair and those eyes…But He's a bully! And he's not only a bully he bullies me and my brothers.
There's also another thing about me and my brothers that you should know about, we're a band. It's only us three and the only people have actually heard us is our family but apparently we sound pretty good and we have a fun time doing it.
Right now I'm in my room picking out what to wear to school I never put much effort in what I wear It's pointless I will just get criticised. So I put on my hoodie, Jeans, converses and grabbed my bag. I went downstairs and my whole family were at the breakfast table eating.
"Hey mum, dad, Jazz, Em" I said kissing them all on the cheek.
"Hwey Bwellsie" Emmett said with a mouthful of food. I laughed at my childish brother.
"Em seriously I don't want to see what's in your mouth." Jazz said giving him a disgusted look. Emmett ruffled his hair which in return Jasper slapped him round the head which lead to them play fighting.
"Boys STOP IT NOW!" My mum yelled. I was sitting there snickering whilst eating toast. They sat back in their seat and gave my mum puppy dog eyes.
"Yes mummy." They said simultaneously, that did It I burst out in full blown laughter. They both poked their tongue out at me.
"Oh my god! HA your fa..cess Ha mamma's… ahaa boys!" I said through my fit of laughter.
"Right time for school." Em said standing up and pulling me up as well, oh no this can't be good.
"Yeah see you mum, dad love you." Jazz said my mum and dad were laughing, traitors. I gave my so called parents traitor glares whilst being dragged out by my brothers. Once we were outside we headed towards Jaspers black pick-up truck, Jasper jumped in on the drivers side whilst Emmett picked me up and put me in the back of the truck.
"Emmett, Jasper don't you dare!" I shouted as Emmett ran to passenger side of the truck the next thing I Knew we were pulling out of the driveway whilst my lovely brothers were laughing their arses off.
We were driving towards school I was holding to both sides of the truck with the wind going through my hair they are so lucky that it's not raining otherwise I would have killed them.
"Jazz, Em you better fucking stop this truck and let me up front!" I screamed.
Em rolled down his window and being the cheeky bugger he is shouted back…
"I'm sorry miss Swan we cannot hear you please leave a message after the tone." Then Jasper started honking the horn as if we couldn't draw anymore attention to us we got stuck in traffic. I stood up and started banging on the roof of the cabin.
"You better flaming let me in now!" I shouted.
"Fine get in stop banging on my roof!" Jasper shouted back. I jumped out of the back, squeezing in between the truck and another car with an old man in. I got in and climbed over Em to sit in the middle and started slapping them.
"Hey hey I'm driving!" Jasper exclaimed and then we started driving again towards school. Emmett started laughing again and Jasper joined in I was trying to keep my angry face on but then I started laughing as well.
The next thing I knew we were pulling into the school's parking lot, it looked like we were the last people to arrive the parking lot was full of people all talking and laughing. We got out and everyone stopped doing what they were doing and stood their all quiet staring at us giving us glares and snobbish looks.
"Welcome back to hell." Emmett mumbled to us.
"Yep fantastic." I said back.
"Come on guys we have each other it isn't too bad and by the way Em I want my guitar back, Jammin session tonight guys?" Jasper asked.
"I haven't got nothing better to do, its not like I have friends." I said. Emmett and Jasper both gasped and over dramatically put a hand over their hearts.
"Don't you consider your beloved handsome brothers your friends?" Em asked.
"Here I was thinking we were all best friends, I know where I'm not wanted." Jazz said in the same tone. I started laughing at how stupid my brothers could be.
"Guys you are my best friends but you're my brothers as well, I meant I don't have friends outside us three." I said linking arms with them.
"Well Bells we don't need anyone else anyway." Jazz said grinning. I unlinked my arms from them and grabbed my bag that I left in the back of the truck and started walking towards the office building with my brothers.
Then out of no where I tripped normally I would say it was my clumsiness or I tripped over air but that was not air that was a foot. Jazz steadied me and I looked up to see the Tanya, Alice, Rosalie and Edward laughing.
"You should watch where your going Swan" Tanya sneered. Me and my brothers glared.
"Get a life Denali." Emmett sneered right back. They all started 'ooo'ing, Rosalie stepped forward.
"What are you dork Swan's going to do oh right nothing, losers." Her Tanya and Alice made an 'L' with there hands and put it up to their forehead as in to call us Losers. Me, Jazz and Emmett looked at each other before bursting out laughing we were all leaning on each other not realising the whole school was practically watching us.
"Oh my god Haha did you see that 'Loser." I said mimicking what they did.
"Why don't you Swan's go fuck off to where you came from no one wants you here nor likes you." Edward said glaring at us, I honestly didn't care.
Me, Em and Jazz carried on laughing doing the whole loser thing to them taking the piss.
"How pathetic was that I swear they only do that in movies." Jazz said. We had assembly first thing so we headed to the auditorium and took some random seats in the middle. The head teacher came out and stood in front of the microphone.
"Settle down, settle down. Now the board of education wants our school to do something to bring the students in this school closer together, all of the teachers have been thinking and we have come up with an idea to have a school concert every Friday after lunch." Everyone in the auditorium groaned.
"No it won't be 'lame' as you kids put it, you will be the ones performing but it is only for singing by yourself or in a band there will be a sign up sheet in my office if you want to participate Everyone has to be there even if only one person or band are performing." He said everyone instantly started lightening up to the idea knowing that we won't have some people come in singing bad show tunes. The assembly finished and me and my brothers had every lesson together thankfully.
We got to our Art room and sat down I was thinking about the assembly and as soon as we were alone I have to speak to my brothers I have an idea!