
Rachel Berry woke up in a good mood as always, her life was perfect and she couldn't wish for anything more. She was now dating Finn Hudson and they were totally in love. Finn was so happy with Rachel now that he even forgave Puck and Quinn for lying to him. But a destined romance was around the corner and Rachel didn't know what was about to hit her.

Chapter 1;

It was obvious that he wanted her. He wanted to hold her and love her from the minute he set eyes on her. Ever since that first night when he saw her performing at Sectionals. Even if they were enemies at heart, he wanted to be friends. More than friends; and nobody ever felt this way for Rachel Berry. Not even Finn Hudson.

He swore to himself that he would win her heart no matter what. And when he did; He would never let her go. Never let a single sad tear fall from her eyes. He could go on forever describing her appearance. But he had to act quickly before anyone realised he was here. Outside her house, watching her as if he was a maniac looking to kill a young, beautiful girl.

It was silent for a few moments as his thoughts ran through his head and then, without warning. He started the engine and drove off back to his house.

Rachel's POV:

I stood outside my locker, smiling at the pictures of me and Finn on our dates. Such wonderful dates, I would never forget them. I grabbed my last book out of my locker, shoved it in my bag and shut my locker door. There was a note sellotaped to the door. I looked down the hall and saw hardly anyone there. I shrugged and read the note.

Berry Bear,

Meet me at the park by the big oak tree at 7pm tonight. And make sure you are alone. I have a secret to tell you.

Your secret admirer xx

I sighed this was probably Jacob's idea of a sick joke and why would someone call me Berry Bear. I flipped my hair and walked down the hall to Spanish class. When I walked in I saw Finn sitting there ready to work. I grinned; I knew I had a positive influence on him. He was doing better in all of his classes.

"Hey" I smiled and sat down. "Hey babe, listen. About tonight…"I cut him off. "I'm sorry Finn but we have to postpone our date. My Dad phoned me before I came and said that I had to go to my cousin Nikki's sweet 16th tonight" I was a really good liar and I know this is terrible to say. But even Finn couldn't tell I was lying because…well…he couldn't tell when anyone is lying. "Oh" A flicker of happiness showed on his face. I narrowed my eyes. "Why is that good news Finn" I folded my arms.

"Well, I forgot that tonight was the annual football party tonight and it's 2 miles away from here so I won't be back until Wednesday night" I raised my eyebrows. "Why is a party on for 2 nights?" I questioned. "Because we join with another team-not a rival team- to party and go rock climbing and stuff", Okay I was at a loss here. "Oh" I blinked.

"See Rach, I knew you would understand" he gave me a one armed hug and class began.

Glee rehearsal:

I sat in the back contemplating if Finn was telling the truth or not and then on the other hand I had my secret admirer who I had to meet tonight in the park. "Rachel…Rachel…RACHEL!!" I jumped and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at me. "Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff" I smiled sweetly. "Rachel, what's up because I just mentioned Celine Dion and you didn't respond or jump up" I saw confusion on all of their faces. "I'm sorry Mr. Schuster but right now I cannot sing a solo. I am going through a rough patch in my life. Even though 'My heart will go on' might help get through this. I am in no mood to sing. I am beginning to become a new person. Let Mercedes or Kurt or Quinn sing a solo" I folded my arms and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was silence. A very awkward silence; I looked at everyone. Their jaws looked as if they would drop on the floor. "What?" I asked. "What have you done with the real Rachel Berry" I looked at Kurt. "It's me Kurt. I just don't feel like singing at this precise moment in time" I smiled. "Okay" Mr. Schuster said and I relaxed.

I watched as everyone rehearsed and I sat alone in the back just thinking. I loved the song they were doing. The bell finally rang for the end of class and I ran out. The end of the day, the closer I got to meeting my secret admirer. I don't know why I was so excited.

At the park:

He was standing beside the tree holding a red rose in his hands. Rachel Berry had no idea what was about to happen. Or who was about to declare his love for her. It was the perfect moment. The moon was shining brightly and the stars were twinkling. The picnic beside him was set up. And the song 'Can you feel the love tonight' by Elton John was playing gently in the background.

He looked to his side and saw a silhouette approaching. He took a deep breath and grinned. This was it, this was his moment. He stood in the darkness and when she stopped right on front him he froze. She was more beautiful in person. The way her curls cascaded down her back and her big brown eyes glistened even in the dark. He handed her the rose. "Thank you" she whispered. He loved the sound of her voice. It was soft and mellow. "If you don't mind. Who are you?" He heard the confusion in her voice. He knew that she thought that it was going to be someone different.

He hit a button and lights came on around him. Rachel blinked at the sudden brightness and then noticed who he was. "Oh my god…You're…"