Hey readers! As you probably already know, nikster609 here! Hope you guys liked my last chapter and I hope you'll like this one! Thanks for all your reviews and all the favorites, you guys really make my day :D Anyway, I kind of rushed this without much thought, so I'm not sure if it'll be as nice as the others. Or as funny, sadly. Anyway, enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own PJO, not related to Rick Riordan (though I wish I were), etc.

CLAIMER: I own the screen names, events, but not the characters, etc.

InvincibleSavior has signed on

OlympianArchitect has signed on

InvincibleSavior: Hey Annabeth, is everyone ready for the fireworks?

OlympianArchitect: Well... We're almost ready for the real fireworks. We're not sure the people are.

InvincibleSavior: Well, I think Nico and I have done well enough. The people should get what we mean :D

Hell'sHeir has signed on

Hell'sHeir: Yeah. And I still don't get my BOOM BOOM. :(

InvincibleSavior: Yeah. Good. We won't all go to the Underworld then. We'll actually live after this thanks to Annabeth taking your place ;)

Hell'sHeir: But I had an amazing idea for a nuclear and atomic-

OlympianArchitect: Say no more, Nico. You just proved our point :D

Hell'sHeir: But-

OlympianArchitect: I SAID SAY NO MORE.

LightningHuntress has signed on

LightningHuntress: Nico, did you really chicken out on coming to my cabin last night...?

Hell'sHeir: Um. YES. It's completely understandable and fine. Right?

InvincibleSavior: ...

OlympianArchitect: ...

Hell'sHeir: What?

InvincibleSavior: You didn't go to Thal's cabin...?

Hell'sHeir: No! You want me to die in there? I don't have a death wish!

LightningHuntress: Well, you should, cause I'm coming for you, boyfriend :)

LightningHuntress is away

Hell'sHeir: Well, if I can't have BOOM BOOM, I guess making out will do :)

Hell'sHeir is away

Message from server: Gods, you guys make out a lot.

InvincibleSavior: HAHAHA I knew I liked Nico! He's just like me in a creepier darker weirder way! :D

OlympianArchitect: Oh shut up Percy, I think Thal's actually beating him up this time! Can't you hear the sounds outside your cabin?

Hell'sHeir has signed on

Hell'sHeir: Really? We're just here in my cabin. Oh yeah, what IS that sound then?

LightningHuntress has signed on

OlympianArchitect: It sounds like... Water... And lightning...

InvincibleSavior: DAD! DAMMIT STOP FIGHTING WITH ZEUS! Come on it's just an immature Yo' Mamma joke. *sigh* Parents...

LightningHuntress: Not this AGAIN...

Hell'sHeir: Are those the undead...? What has gotten my dad to join this? Can't be a joke...

OlympianArchitect: 3

InvincibleSavior: What 3?

OlympianArchitect: 2

Hell'sHeir: What?

LightningHuntress: Are you okay?

OlympianArchitect: 1

BiggestThree has signed on

WaterLord has signed on

KingoftheUndead has signed on

InvincibleSavior: Oh. I get what you mean.

Hell'sHeir: Please tell me you've gotten over Yo' Mamma...

LightningHuntress: Yeah... You're making it so uncool...

WaterLord: Cool? I'm ALWAYS cool. I live in the ocean. It's always cool there.

BiggestThree: It's cooler in the heavens.

KingoftheUndead: But... It's really just cold in the Underworld...

InvincibleSavior: None. Of you. Are cool. Okay?

BiggestThree: Nuh-uh! I'm super cool! :(

WaterLord: You're the eldest and still you act like a baby.

BiggestThree: Hey! That's mean and uncalled for.

KingoftheUndead: You're immature...

BiggestThree: No I'm not! You're... You're... You're ugly!

KingoftheUndead: Just like your Yo' Mamma jokes.

WaterLord: Hey hey hey! We're not here to do this! Children, you have noticed the commotion outside, yes?

OlympianArchitect: Tsunamis, tornadoes, sudden blackouts and chills all over the world... Of course.

InvincibleSavior: Yeah, I mean, what's going on? At this rate, we won't be able to hold the fireworks!

Hell'sHeir: boom boom...?

LightningHuntress: Shut up, boyfriend. You're not gonna touch the fireworks!

Hell'sHeir: Okay...

BiggestThree: I still can't get over that...

KingoftheUndead: Frightening, isn't it, brother?

BiggestThree: Yes, yes it is. Love is complicated.

InvincibleSavior: YES^^^

OlympianArchitect: But Zeus, no offense meant by this, I respect you greatly still... But how is it complicated when you're not even in a serious commitment?

BiggestThree: My point exactly! It's hard to hide, you know.

LightningHuntress: DAD! WTH WAS THAT?

Hell'sHeir: That was... Surprising.

KingoftheUndead: Yes. Yes it was.


InvincibleSavior: Because you're way too smart to make this simple...?

OlympianArchitect: Oh. Oh yeah I guess you're right.

Hell'sHeir: *whisper* Nice save, man!

LightningHuntress: That was actually a good answer

InvincibleSavior: *whisper* Well, yeah, you get used to it when you're in commitment!

OlympianArchitect: ...

OlympianArchitect: You know I can still read whatever you type even if you put *whisper* on it, right?

InvincibleSavior: So...


Hell'sHeir: HAHAHA I LOVE THIS! My turn to get popcorn :D

LightningHuntress: HEY!

Hell'sHeir: Oh gods. What is it this time?

LightningHuntress: Nothing. I want some.

Hell'sHeir: Phew, I thought we'd have to start talking about commitment.

BiggestThree: Okay then... This is getting awkward...

WaterLord: We can still see what you're typing...

KingoftheUndead: I actually find it kind of amusing.

InvincibleSavior: Um. Commitment? It... Well. We're in a commitment. (I'm secretly scared of commitment)

OlympianArchitect: *facepalm* Do you remember when I said that sometimes I absolutely love you?

WaterLord: Ew. Cheesy.

InvincibleSavior: Dad, not now... Yeah Annabeth, I do :D

OlympianArchitect: Yeah. Well. This isn't one of those times.



InvincibleSavior: Ouch... :(

OlympianArchitect: Think before you act, Seaweed Brain ;)

InvincibleSavior: Fireworks date is off.

LightningHuntress: Woah woah woah. Don't go that far, Percy. Gods... I think this is your cue to leave...

BiggestThree: But we came here to announce that-

Hell'sHeir: It doesn't matter right now, just leave us please.

WaterLord: It has something to do with everything outsi-

OlympianArchitect: He said leave us.

KingoftheUndead: Hahaha we're being threatened by a demigod, a mortal! Hahaha

OlympianArchitect: That's it.

BiggestThree: Hey what's happeni-

BiggestThree has signed out

WaterLord: Hey kids! It's really importa-

WaterLord has signed out

KingoftheUndead: It's about the firewo-

KingoftheUndead has signed out

Hell'sHeir: How did that just...?

LightningHuntress: They didn't finish what they were saying...

OlympianArchitect: It's called simple hacking. I just signed them out and blocked them for a while.

InvincibleSavior: Wow, that's so great. *sarcastic*

OlympianArchitect: You're not ACTUALLY calling off out date, are you?

Hell'sHeir: Of course he won't! It's part of commitment.

LightningHuntress: Yeah, he's just joking. Nico, get that commitment logic out of your head, or it'll be a VERY long and bumpy ride ahead for both of us :D

Hell'sHeir: Got it. Shutting up.

InvincibleSavior: Have I ever had the guts to actually call something off?

OlympianArchitect: Hmm... Nope.

InvincibleSavior: Then there's your answer. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6.

OlympianArchitect: Can't I just overnight at your cabin then?

InvincibleSavior: I was waiting for that :

Hell'sHeir: Okay okay okay enough of that! We don't want to hear how you're going to spend your night together!

LightningHuntress: Yeah guys, please, this is a PUBLIC server!

InvincibleSavior: You'll understand soon enough, guys.

Hell'sHeir: I can wait for that...

LightningHuntress: Hey!

Hell'sHeir: I don't know how I'll survive the nagging.

OkympianArchitect: HAHAHA I totes understand you there, Nico

LightningHuntress: Hey! I'll kill you later, Annabeth :|

InvincibleSavior: And I'll stop you right outside your cabin :P

LightningHuntress: Fair point. :|

Hell'sHeir: Annabeth, you always go to Percy's room... Every night. Why do I have to be stuck being to one to go to Tha- WAIT. SUDDEN REALIZATION. You guys spend every night together...? EVERY NIGHT?

InvincibleSavior: Yeah, pretty much.

OlympianArchitect: I guess so.

LightningHuntress: I thought Percy didn't like commitment.

Hell'sHeir: Neither do I!

LightningHuntress: Hey! At least I can kill you later then without Percy stopping me.

InvincibleSavior: Go ahead :D

OlympianArchitect: It's okay, Nico, Thal isn't that bad ;)

Hell'sHeir: Aw come on guys, you really won't save your friend over here when you always willingly save the world?

LightningHuntress: No volunteers. LATER. ;)

OlympianArchitect: Hey! We'll be going now; long night ahead of us, right, boyfriend?

InvincibleSavior: I'm both scared and excited for this. Maybe it'll be anothe picnic. Night everyone!

LightningHuntress: Night!


InvincibleSavior has signed out

OlympianArchitect has signed out

Hell'sHeir: Oh crap.

LightningHuntress: Oh crap indeed.

LightningHuntress has signed out

Hell'sHeir: Welcome to commitment.

Hell'sHeir has signed out

So I know it's not that funny, but I'm trying to make it as good as I can. I'm kind of running out of jokes and ideas, but I'm doing my best to come up with more. Again, thanks so much for following this story! I love you all, readers :D

Oh, and thanks for putting up with me :) I appreciate it more than any of you could imagine.