Authors Note: Here it is: The next chapter. It is kind of shortish but I think that's fine. Again, many thanks to my beta. You rock!

Disclaimer: if I promise not to own Glee, may I have Joseph Gordon-Levitt? He is just sooo delicious! And no! I would not share him.

[…]"Super couple a.k.a. Power couple: Super couples are defined as popular or financially wealthy, nearly perfect pairings that are widely admired in an intense or obsessive fashion and influence society's expectations of what a great love story or relationship should be; they may or may not be romantic or high-profile, but are often culturally significant. Their existence takes form in television, celebrity, high schools and upscale environments, comic books, literature, musicals, as well as in various other incarnations."[…]

"Beyonce and Jay-Z"

"Cher and Sonny"

"That's Sonny and Cher you doofus!"

"Ike and Tina Turner"

"He beat her up!" someone interjected

"Doesn't matter as long as they were working together, they were a power couple!"

"Exactly!" Will Shuester's eyes were literally sparkling."And as such they took the hearts of the audiences by force. So your assignment until Nationals" He scribbled some words on the blackboard messily. "POWER COUPLES! So, I want you to find a partner, then you will find a song that significantly describes your relationship and… Power! Couple! Away!"

Of course. There it was. The extra notch drama that proved Will Shuester a Glee Club Alumni. Rachel scoffed inwardly. And he had the guts to call her a drama queen. Whenever it suited him of course

"Unfortunately we have one boy too much right now. But I'm sure…"

"Don't worry about it Mr. Shue. I step back." Kurt announced. "I'm not a 'couple' performer anyways." Mr. Shue didn't even bother to correct him. Always the easy way out. Less drama to deal with.

"Let's do it like last time when we chose for Ballads. Names in the hat; the boys get to draw their lucky lady."

Inwardly Rachel was hoping, just a tiny bit, for Artie. They didn't have a strained or uncomfortable history together, and he was nice enough. Or maybe Matt and Mike, who were not known for holding grudges, they were both mostly even tempered.

She got Jesse of course.

Rachel figured that this was her punishment for being such a pushy diva before. There was not a single doubt in Rachel's mind that she and Jesse would be the perfect power couple of Glee if they put their heart into it. But Rachel had put out her heart in front of Jesse before, only to have it crushed over and over and over again. She didn't feel like doing it anymore, she didn't know if she could take it.

And she was pretty sure that she wasn't alone in that feeling. Ever since the night in the field, Jesse had been avoiding her. He was sitting as far away as possible when they had Glee rehearsal, and she never spotted him in the hallway anymore. It had been almost a month now, and yet she still wanted him. Every sense of hers demanded for him. At night she sometimes dreamed of him. Sweaty and delicious dreams without ever being able to pinpoint what exactly had happened. Having something to hold onto again made her resolve weaker sometimes; working with him would prove to be dangerous.

It was the first time that Jesse was walking up to the house of a girl, praying her parents to be THERE. And demand that they left the door open while they practiced. Anything that would prevent him at having a chance to make love to…make out with do anything but practice with Rachel Berry. So when he knocked at the door, he sent one last plea to the big guy upstairs and forced his casual face on.

When Rachel opened her front door, her hair was mussed and she was wearing a tank top and shorts, giving her a mean advantage by showing her curves.

Obviously someone upstairs didn't like him very much.

"Jesse." She said nonchalantly.

"Hey Rachel," He tried to keep his voice impersonal. He didn't want her to see know that his hands had started to sweat with inappropriate anticipation. So when she stepped aside to let him inside he gave her a half smirk. "You look good."

He felt his stomach clench as she shut the door behind him, and the rest of the world out. "You've been avoiding me." Jesse had to give kudos to Rachel. She cut right to the chase.

"Where are your dads?" He let his gaze wander around the house

"In San Diego; second Honeymoon. Why did you avoid me? Because of what happened last time?" she was direct, as always.

Jesse tried to concentrate on the discussion. Not on the throwaway information that she was alone, again, and that she probably would be for at least the night. He desperately tried to smother his thoughts of the two of them, writhing with passion

"I thought you needed time, after what happened between us." His voice was nonchalant. Did betray the faint hope that she wouldn't ask him what…

"What did happen, Jesse? I know that I can be rather self involved, but I'm not an idiot. I went over it in my mind several times. One minute you were groping me in all the right places, and then you were pulling back, telling me that 'you couldn't do this'."

"And then you got angry with me for not putting out. So I guess we are even." He quipped, bringing up their failed relationship. But what was supposed to be a joke to lift the air came out like a snide remark.

She smiled at him coyly: "So you were afraid for your virtue after all." She was toying with him. He didn't know for what reason, but she was toying with him. He watched her coming closer, could smell her magnolia-scent when she leaned into him. Closed his eyes and started to think about things that were unsexy. Finn and Puck making out. Mrs. Sylvesters jump suit. Kurt hitting on him. Finn and Rachel making out. The last one did the trick. The very sensual knot that had been building inside of him burst up into flames. Jesse knew that he didn't deserve Rachel. But neither did that douche….nozzle Finn. He had treated her as bad as he had. But anger was helpful. It helped with the whole focusing thing.

"Sorry" Rachel breathed in his ear. Jesse felt goose bumps on his neck but swallowed them away.

"What kind of game is this Rachel?"

"No game Jesse. I'm being honest. I'm sorry. And now," she clapped her hands and moved away from him "Lets practice!"

This time it was her who left him standing alone.