Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and all related to it is owned by Square Enix and Disney.

Warning: T for whatever I throw in.

Notes: Every chapter will be a different, related one shot drabble thing, each having to do with a holiday. All are realish holidays. I swear. XD Some will be short. Some will be long. Some will be serious and some won't make any sense at all, I'm sure. Mainly, this is just something fun for me to work on when my other stories are bugging and harassing me.

Kingdom Holidays
May 5th: Oyster Day

It was a Wednesday. Middle of the week and just about the most boring day of it as well. And it had been a long day for the twenty year old college student. He forgot his flash drive at home and didn't have his paper for class. He worked at the local movie theater and even though the island was small, there wasn't much to do on it so the place was packed. Not to mention the fact that on his way home, he ran out of gas. He filled the tank this past weekend and there was no way he used it all already. So he assumed the culprit was his boyfriend, who enjoyed 'borrowing' his car and 'forgetting' to fill the take up.

The silver haired man sighed as he pulled the keys out of his pocket and reached for the doorknob. He found it unlocked. Rolling his eyes, he pushed the door to their small house open. He had told him several times to remember to lock the door. But he never did.

He shook his head slowly and smiled despite himself. "Honey, I'm come." Yes, he knew it was a corny line. But it made them both smile. He dropped his keys on the table beside the door and dropped his bag on the floor beside it. "Sora?"

"In the kitchen!"

He followed the voice and found his brunette haired boyfriend huddled over a large pot on the stove. "Hey." He slipped his arms around the shorter man's waist and pressed their bodies together.

The brunette dropped his ladle into the pot; it made a clanking sound as it hit the bottom. Then he spun around in the embrace, wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, and stood up on his toes to place a soft kiss on his lips. "Hey yourself. You're just in time."

He cocked an eyebrow in interest and leaned back slightly. "Should I ask?"

Sora beamed as pulled out of the embrace and fished the ladle back out of the pot. "We're celebrating today Riku! It's a holiday."

"Holiday?" He crossed the kitchen towards the fridge and grabbed a soda. He popped it open as he glanced at the calendar on the front of the fridge. "Cinco de Mayo?"

Sora laughed and shook his head. "No silly." He ladled the contents out of the pot and onto a large serving plate. Then he fished a covered dish out of the oven.

Riku took a slug on his soda and turned to look at the brunette. "Then what holiday is it?"

Sora smiled as picked the loaded dish up and placed it on the dining table. "Happy Oyster Day!"

"Happy… what?" He should have been used to this by now. Sora enjoyed celebrating and would find any excuse to do it.

"Oyster day. Today is Oyster Day. So I've made oysters. Raw, boiled, baked, and fried." Sora lifted one of the shells off the plate and held it out to Riku. "Here. I spent like an hour opening these. Try one."

"Uh…" Riku stared at it a moment and shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

Sora pouted slowly and stepped closer, waving the oyster in the taller man's face. "Come on. Just try it."

Riku laughed and hopped away from him. "No! Get it away!"

Sora persisted, following him around the kitchen. "It's an afrodesy thing."

Riku rolled his eyes as he yanked the shell out of the brunette's grasp. "An aphrodisiac?" He lifted the disgusting looking thing closer to get a better look. He poked it and wrinkled his nose. "Sora… I don't need a giant bugger to get it up." He poked at the slimy thing again. "In fact… this may have the opposite effect."

"Just try one!" Sora crossed his arms.

Riku considered for a moment and then shook his head and held it back out. "You first."

"Fine. But I don't want one you've been poking." He turned towards the table and grabbed a second raw oyster. "Though I can't believe you're so scared of trying something new. I mean… really! The great and fearless Riku. Afraid of a little oyster. Good thing Kairi and the guys aren't here. They'd just die laughing."

Riku groaned and shook his head. "Alright." He lifted the oyster shell to his mouth. "I can't believe I'm going to eat this."

Sora spun around and beamed. "They can't be that bad. They're a delicacy."

Riku shook his head again as he tipped the shell up and sucked out the spongy mollusk. It tasted as slimy as he looked. It was fleshy and chewy and he swallowed it quickly. He made a face and covered his mouth with his hand. "Fuck, that tastes worst than a giant bugger."

Sora doubled over laughing and struggled for breath. "Shit… I didn't think you'd actually do it."

Riku glared at him as he dropped the empty shell on the table. "Oh you are so in trouble."

Sora regained control of himself just as he was lunged at. "Got to catch me first." He turned and darted out the kitchen and up the stairs. He heard the taller man pursuing as he darted in the bedroom. The place was small. There really wasn't anywhere he could run or hide. Sora let out a squeak as he felt the strong arms encircled him and they fell on the bed. He pushed the arms away and attempted to pin the other boy to the bed. "Gotcha!"

With a laugh, Riku flipped him over. "Oh yeah?"

"Alright, alright. Get off."

He climbed off slowly and then was tackled. They wrestled a while before once again he had Sora pinned. This time when he climbed off, he rolled over on his back and pulled Sora with him.

"You know… that was… a lot of work… for a prank." Riku panted as he ran his fingers up and down the brunette's arm.

Sora smiled as he attempted to catch his breath. "I didn't think they'd be so nasty when I went to the store for them. No matter what recipe I tried, they all came out like giant buggers."

Riku smiled as he pulled the brunette closer. "I love you Sora."

"Love you too." He turned slightly in the embrace to press their lips together.

"Happy Oyster Day."

Notes: Never had an oyster. But I imagine my response to eating one would be Riku's. Giant bugger! Oh. And I don't like the story title, but don't have anything else better. So Kingdom Holidays it is until I get a better idea.