Public Enemy

A Spectacular Spider-Man Fanfic by Quill N. Inque

Despite my best efforts, I do not own Spider-Man.

Chapter 1: A Vigilante Hunted

(A/N: Please be lenient, here. This was only my second story, so it will probably seem rather meager compared to some of my later works. Please accept this story for what it is: An amateur Fanfiction author's first real attempt at a story. ^^)

"Most people return small favors, acknowledge medium ones and repay greater ones - with ingratitude."- Benjamin Franklin

The handsome young reporter gestured toward the elegant colonnade of City Hall behind him. Hordes of people were gathered around the historic building, many waving gaudily colored signs and pennants. The newsman had to shout in order to be heard above the din. "Hello, everyone, I'm William Pryce for WNBC news. We are live outside of City Hall, where the ballots have been counted in the closest race for Mayor in the history of our fair city. In a minute, the newly elected leader of New York's government, Jeff Doyle, will be making his victory speech to the crowds gathered behind-"

William's voice was cut off. The noise of the crowd had grown into a roar as the Mayor-elect stepped up to the podium. Raising his hands for quiet, Doyle began to speak.

"Thank you, people of New York! I am truly humbled that you chose me to be your next Mayor. As you all know, I have made abundantly clear what my first act as mayor would be! Our city is under siege, endangered by a so-called hero bent on our destruction: Spider-Man!"

The crowd's roars grew in volume.

"Who knows what he wants or what he'll do? He wantonly causes destruction in the streets for the sake of 'heroism'! The previous mayor did nothing to stop the Spider-Man menace, but I have taken the lead in ridding our city of the pest!" He held up a notarized document. "With this, Executive Order 66, effective immediately, I declare Spider-Man an outlaw, an enemy of the government and the city of New York! The NYPD and the City Council will work around the clock, using every resource we have, until the web-head is caught and made to pay for his crimes! I will not rest until Spider-Man is hunted down, and brought to justice!" His eyes swept through the multitudes. "Our streets are not safe until this..vigilante is unmasked and brought to trial! We will not tolerate the rampaging destruction in our streets while he consorts with madmen like Electro and Vulture!Spider-Man must be apprehended!" he finished as the people roared their approval. "I have placed the New York SWAT on permanent standby, and armed police choppers will patrol the skyline in twenty-four hour shifts. If the web-slinger is out there, we will find him!"

The cheering reached fever pitch as Doyle continued to rant. However, an unseen observer had heard more than enough.

On a rooftop not very far away, Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, watched Doyle give his speech, stunned beyond belief. He knew very well that he had few allies in the NYPD, but something this extreme, on such a massive scale, took the web-head completely by surprise. The air was filled with the blaring of sirens and the hum of helicopter blades, as an airborne armada of military choppers took to the skies while a fleet of armored SWAT cars sped off in every direction.

And they were all hunting him.

A/N: I know this is an unusually short chapter, but I needed to get it out of the way. Rest assured, my friends, that Chapter 2 will be up very, very soon! ^^Will Peter be able to juggle school, crime-fighting andevading the cops without being exposed? Will Doyle succeed in his nefarious mission? To find out, stay tuned!

Your friend and benefactor,

-Quill N. Inque