Here's my newest invention...entitled (or intitled???) Summer Of Miracles. If you haven't already READ JUNIOR CLIFFHANGERS!!! If you don't, some things might not make sense and I'm not explaining every kids stories again. But I will *list* the new characters.

Regular characters (that will be featured)










Kristin (this is my character, but I guess she's regular in my own little mystikal world now)

New Characters:

Adam Holbrook

Nicole Berfield

Landon West

Sarah James

Jamall Nettler

Janae Nettler (Jamall and Janae are twins...)

Miguel Praister

Jennifer Sanbarg


"Okay, you all know about the Summer camp, right? And that the kids are coming tomorrow?" Peter asked the CLiffhangers. They were at group and they were all restless. With school out of the way and nothing really to do except for when Peter planned things. "Yes, we know, Peter. You've only reminded us about a billion times this week," Scott said sarcastically. "Okay..." Sophie warned. Scott shrugged.

"Well, here's something I didn't tell you. One of you will each be counsling one of the kids. I've already picked you out a kid." Peter explained. "Not-uh, Peter. I'll probably get some hyper, annoying kid. I've got a cousin here like that, isn't that enough?" Scott said, trying to keep a straight face. Shelby grinned and elbowed him and nodded her head in Kristin's direction. She was glaring at him. "I...resent...that!" She muttered.

Peter went on talking while Kristin glared at Scott, but she knew he was kidding. "Anyways, Shelby, you'll be with Janae Nettler, Auggie, you'll be with Jamall Nettler, Kat, you'll be with Miguel Praister, Ezra, you'll be with Adam Hall (a/n: He made the last name up to fool Kristin!) Jules, you'll be with Jennifer Sanbarg, Daisy, you'll be with Sarah James, and Scott, you'll be with Nicole Berfield, and Kristin you'll be with Landon West," Peter announced. Kristin panicked. "Me? Huh? How am I suppose to help kids ol-" She started but Peter interupted her. "Talk with me later," Is all he said and continued talking. "I expect you to at least try to be patient with them. You'll notice that some of them seem to have similiar backrounds to you'll, and I tried to match you up. Some, however, stories may not be anything like yours, Scott, your child has a past nothing like yours, for example. I'm not going to tell anything else because I don't want any of you'll to know anything
the kids wouldn't want you to," Peter said.

"Um, where are they suppose to sleep?" Juliette asked. "I've told you'll this like 10 times!" Peter said in exasperation, and then he narrowed his eyes up at the ceiling. "Um, why is dad looking up at the ceiling?" Kristin asked Sophie. "I think he's kind of tired of repeating the same things fifty times," Daisy said pointedly. "But he said ten times!" Kristin exclaimed. Daisy stared at her in disbelief. "You take sarcastic things a bit to seriously, kid," She said. Kristin ignored this. "IS the ceiling interesting?" She asked him. Peter turned his head to Kristin. Why was she acting like a seven-year-old? Or was she just being sarcastic? He didn't want to get her upset in case she wasn't being sarcastic and just nodded. "Very interesting," He muttered.

"How is Nicole different?" Scott asked once every had left except he, Kristin, and Peter. "Well...I don't really know how to explain her, Scott. She's just...angry. Her parents say she's never been abused-" "Please, Peter, every parent who abused their kid says that!" Scott exclaimed. "No..I don't think they are lying, Scott. They don't know why." He said, shrugging. "How am I suppose to help her?" Scott demanded. "'ll find a way. I know you will. But I'm going to prepare you, there are some things about her that you might not want to go she's over-" "Overweight. So what? Just because I was a football player doesn't mean I'm all about physique, Peter," Scott said in an annoyed voice. "I wasn't saying that because she were a football player, Scott. You know how cruel kids can be. That's all I was saying," Peter said patiently. "Oh. Yeah." Scott muttered. "Well, I have to talk to Kristin, so go on to bed," Peter said. "What'd she do this time?" "Scott."
"Okay okay. bye shorty!" Scott called and walked out the door. "I'M NOT SHORT I'M VERTICALLY CHALLENGED!!!!!!" She screamed after him. "SHORT!" Scott called back.

Kristin lunged for hiim but Peter grabbed her shoulders. "Not today," He said. "I don't see why I have to help kids a year younger than me. And, lemme guess, the kid you assigned me to is older than me. Right, right?" She asked sarcasticaly. Peter eyed her. "Yes, he is. By a whole 3 months." He answered. "Well..." She said, but she couldn't find anything to finish with so she shut up.

"You can help kids older than you, Kristin. And a year younger, to." Peter told her. "HOW?" She demanded. "Just be yourself," He said and walked towards the door. SHe thought about it for a minute. "That doesn't help me any!" She yelled after him and ran towards her dorm.

Sorry this was a short begginning chapter. Oh, for you Aaron Carter fans, go read Sparkles0414 's story!!! It's called "Promises Fade Away" and it's about a girl and Aaron who find out their parents are keeping a secret from them. It only has one review and hse's thinking about taking it down but it's a great story so go REVIEW!!! This story will revolve around every character like the show would, but I hate writing in show format, so hopefully you can get an idea of what's going on in your head. If you need more graphic or details tell me when you hit that lovely little purple (until they change it again) button that says "submit review". HINT HINT!!!