Welcome to Avicom

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Initializing reality re-alignment sequence…


Final parameters loading…

All systems ready. Preparing to launch Alternate reality #7…

Launch initiated…

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The sun rose on yet another august morning. Things were bright in Warfang, as with the defeat of Malefor came a brighter future for all the inhabitants of the dragon realms.

But something unexpected happened… the dragons themselves had been altered. The change was not very noticeable at first, but on the seventh day after the healing of the planet, all the dragons awoke to yells and screams of surprise…

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"OH MY GOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!!" Cynder screamed at the top of her lungs. She continued screaming and freaking out, waking a certain hero. Spyro groggily raised his head to see what the commotion was. "Cynder, what now? It's too early for messing around." Cynder looked at Spyro and screamed even louder. "SPYRO IT HAPPENED TO YOU TOO!!!"

Confused, Spyro looked himself over and almost instantly jumped up and began to have a panic attack. The reason for this was quite extraordinary. Their physical structure had changed to that of a humanoid dragon (anthro). Things were going to get much weirder indeed.