A/N: Now this was a challenging prompt. Kimsa's usually are. X( Oh, but I love it! :D I hope I did it justice. Shaak Ti POV. Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: All I own is a box of Ritz crackers stuffed in the back of my pantry. XP Crackers, anybody?
The element that ancient civilizations believed composed everything beyond the sphere of the moon.
It made the stars.
The planets.
Space itself.
Now, science and exploration has replaced ether with other elements.
The stars, hydrogen and helium.
The planets, a various mix of everything.
Space, nothing.
But, as I stand on the bridge of my ship, looking out at the stars, I think:
Ether wasn't a name for an element.
It was a name for the unknown.
The unknown that demands to be known.
The unknown that needs to be known.
The unknown that needs to be known so desperately, that ancient people had to make something up to explain it.
They made up ether.
And somewhere, spinning up in that endless black sky above me, is him.
The one who has given me such strange feelings.
Feelings that were previously unknown to me.
Feelings that I need to know.
My ether.
A/N: PBTHH! XP This didn't flow quite right. It was like I focused the attention on defining ether, and then real quick had to stuff a Grievous/Shaak moment in there. Eh...still review, please!