"It looks like you're going to have to go on bed rest, Mrs. Weasley," Healer Woodsfield said as he looked up from the chart he was holding.

"Bed rest?" Molly screeched from the bed she was lying on. "That's not possible! There's gotta be another way! I can keep this baby safe."

"Unless you want another situation like this to happen again, I'd suggest this is the way to go," Healer Woodsfield replied with a sigh.

"I really don't understand. It's not like I've done anything different from my other pregnancies. Why is it now that this has happened?" Molly said as she splayed a hand over her stomach in a reflex of protection.

"From what I see here," he looked down on his chart, "your stress level has been very high in the past few weeks. The only explanation for what happened is that your child is feeling it too. High blood pressure is a very big problem in pregnancies and is very dangerous especially from the 6th month stage forward. You are very lucky that nothing worse has happened to you or your child. This is a clear warning sign that if you go back to your daily routine it would only increase the chance of something worse occurring. You must understand that bed rest is the only option for a safe final month."

Molly swallowed hard and looked down at her baby bump, as her forefinger started tracing its shape. This incident must have been the most frightful thing that had happened to her. The loss of her child was the biggest phobia a mother could have, and therefore she would do anything to stop it from happening. But bed rest? Bed rest was a huge thing, especially when there were 6 others to look after. Not being able to help around the house needed serious consideration, but time was short. Decisions needed to be made about her child's health, and soon.

Feeling the gentle squeeze of her husband's hand, she looked up to meet his blue, worried eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply, which could only mean that he was thinking along the same lines as she was. She gnawed at her lip before turning back to the healer and continuing with her argument.

"But, Healer Woodsfield, we have six other children to look after," she pleaded with him. "You know how much of a handful they are. You delivered all of them."

"Yes," Arthur joined her, "I'd never be able to work and look after all of them at the same time."

"Well now would be the time to learn, right?" Healer Woodsfield smirked.

Silence filled the room as both Weasleys considered what had just been said. Of course it would be hard for Arthur to do her job as well as his own, but it wouldn't be as if she couldn't help a little. While he could cook and clean, she could entertain the young ones with a book maybe, and the older ones with a game of wizard's chess, or even just give them her motherly cuddles. Bed rest wouldn't be all that bad.

"He's right, Arthur. I guess now would be the time to learn," Molly said, breaking the silence with a sigh of defeat.

"What?" Arthur said, worry and shock evident in his voice. "You know how I am, Molls. I nearly burned the kitchen down the last time I tried to cook."

"Everything will be alright, just cook your specialty."

"What, pasta?" That's when Arthur's ears started to glow. Quite frankly, he was slightly embarrassed at the fact that a simple mixture of pasta, salt and "Auntie Celia's" ready-made sauce was all he could make.

"Well, yes, dear. I'll give you a few simple recipes also. The kids wouldn't be happy with just pasta every day," she replied while smiling up to her still red-eared husband.

"Molly, you know I can't cook."

"I said 'simple recipes', dear." She smirked.

Arthur looked at his wife for a moment and then leaned down and kissed her with his lips curling at the sides. What's the point of battling when you know you've already lost?

"Ok, sounds like a plan to me."

"Good," she replied and squeezed his hand in appreciation.

"I don't know how you two manage," Healer Woodsfield stated teasingly.

"Manage what?" both Molly and Arthur said at the same time.

"Having 6 kids plus time for yourselves."

"After the first 3 we grew used to having little to no time together, but we always manage to find time for each other," Molly replied as she rubbed her baby bump and looked up at Arthur lovingly.

"That we do," Arthur replied, the love for his wife evident in his voice. That's when Arthur gave Molly another soft peck on her lips.

"It's time for you two to leave, you're getting to lovey dovey for me," Healer Woodsfield said as he tried to shoo the couple out of his office

Arthur smirked, not in the slightest bit embarrassed, and picked up his wife. Molly struggled a bit and opened her mouth to protest her husband's actions, but before she could even get one word out Arthur glared at her.

"The nice healer said 'bed rest', Molly, and bed rest you will get. In fact you will start right now, understood?" he said severely, heaving Molly a little higher into his arms. "Now stop struggling, or I might let you fall."

Molly immediately went limp in his arms and slung her arms around his neck. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she submitted to being carried out of the hospital by her loving husband.