Author's Note
Update... in less than a year... shocker
but the story is slowly coming to an end... i estimate three more chappies... XD
ahh one of the lengthier pieces of PoD
Rukia's POV
All of the sudden, something hits me, the 'dream' that I had when I was unconscious, and that odd women that was with Byakuya and I. My knitted my brows together in frustration. Who was she?
"Hey, kid we're almost there okay?" Grimmjow said.
"Okay, well, what do we need to do?" I asked.
"I would think get in and secure the place"
"Easier said than done, do you know what floor the equipment's on?" Hitsugaya asked.
"Well… yeah I think so" Grimmjow replied.
"THINK SO?" the boy repeated loudly.
"Yeah, well I haven't been to the CDC for like a year, I don't really remember." He shrugged.
"The fuck?" Renji cuts in. "So we're suppose to fight through that giant crowd of zombies and then secure the building that's probably zombie infested?" We all followed his line of vision out the car window. Yeah, he was right; there was a flood of zombies outside.
"Please tell me that's not the CDC" Ichigo sighed.
"Sorry kid" Grimmjow stopped the car just short of the zombies' notice.
"Alright then" I shrugged. "This is for the sake of humanity, so I guess we should just form a plan and get going"
"Okay, first off I'm going to say we should just deal with the zombies in one shot, here and now, instead of waiting. Does everyone agree?" Grimmjow asked. No one objected. "Second, I think we should gather around the car, like you know with our backs to it so we can just focus in one direction"
"Bad idea!" Hitsugaya said.
"What? Brat? And why may that be?" Grimmjow asked.
"Well, zombies could easily climb under the car and bit our ankles off and two they can climb over the top and bit our heads off so that's just dumb"
"Well then, wiseass" he whispered to himself.
"Hey Ms. Zombie killing machine, any thoughts?" Ichigo asked me.
"Hmm, well, I think we should do what we always do." I began. "Tight circle."
"Well, any better ideas?" the orange haired teen asked.
"Not really, unless the white hair short brat has some imperfections to point out" Grimmjow said.
"Hey, first off I'm NOT SHORT" Hitsugaya retorted. "Second off I think that's our best bet"
"Well then, I guess we are all in agreement?" I smirked. "Now weapons, ear buds, I hate to say it but I don't want my ear drums to die."
"Wait, but what if something happens and we can't hear each other?" Renji pointed out.
"Well, we do have five silencers" I said.
"Then I say we use them" Grimmjow added.
"Okay, no ear buds" I smiled. "Take your gun of choice; preferably you all pick different ones." Two hands, a shotgun, a semi-automatic, and one rifle. "Attach the silencers" "and one more thing, if you need to reload, scream and hopefully someone next to you will cover and you get into the middle of the circle. If more than one person needs to reload at a time, then only one at a time, that's why we have knives. Got it?" I asked.
"Yep" the answer was in unison.
"By the way" I added before exiting the car. "If you go down, make sure you stay dead"
Flashing the group a smirk, I grabbed my two swords and the bag of ammunition and readied myself for battle. Our group of five gathered in a circle, near the car, just in case, with the bag of ammo. Inside the mini-circle. "Readio?" Grimmjow asked.
"Just get it over with" I drew a deep breath in and whistled as loud as I could, successfully attracting the attention of a few zombies.
"Get your asses over here, motherfuckers" Renji added. Soon enough, zombies or all shapes and size were limping, running, or even crawling towards us.
"Now remember, the more we kill near us, the more they block the other ones behind them" I shouted just as the first wave of zombies started to run.
"So, don't shot until they get somewhat close" Hitsugaya concluded.
"I knew you were a wiseass" Grimmjow added quietly. I chuckled slightly at the comment; now let's just hope we'd get out of this alive. I took the stand directly facing the mob of zombies, with Grimmjow and Renji on the opposite side of me, I took the liberty to fire the first shot. Soon, I began pulling the two triggers of my handguns relentlessly. Taking aim precisely at the head, it wasn't long before a small pile of zombies accumulated within about a three feet radius of my circle. "Reloading" I shouted before quickly hoping into the center and reloading the two guns as fast as possible. Soon enough, the massacre of the zombies resumed. "Reloading" I heard someone else scream. "Reloading" another voice followed not soon after. It was becoming more and more like a game of left 4 dead than anything else. I mean certainly, we weren't immune to the virus but nonetheless all the reloads, killing of zombies, desolated world became all too close to the game. The only difference was that not only our lives but the fate of humanity were truly on the line.
"Reloading" Renji and Grimmjow simultaneously said, the shouts snapped me out of my little fantasy.
"GO!" I screamed. "Reload, both of you" I sensed the feeling of uncertainty in the two, but I promptly cleared a small temporary zombie area. Reassuring them, I knew their reloads would take the most time, semi-automatic machine and a shot gun could not be easy to reload, using the small gap of time, I promptly strapped the two hands guns onto my belt and unsheathed my two swords. "Bring it on, motherfuckers" I whispered before I took a small step forward and allowed my blades to greet the necks of the savage zombies. I took slices, stabs at their rotting flesh, carefully avoiding backward motions of the swords. Thankfully, I took a last jab right into the eye of a zombie before both Renji and Grimmjow finished.
"DONE!" they screamed simultaneously.
"GO!" I screamed back before treating into the circle while, a new, revived wave of shots were fired. I took the opportunity to take two more magazines. I quickly placed the two magazines on the ground right next to me and began firing. Click, Click. Soon enough, I was out of ammunition. "Cover me" I said before emptying the now useless magazines and bent down, bringing the two hand guns directly on top of the magazines. Two loud clicks were heard as I promptly got back up.
"SHIT!" I heard Ichigo shout. My head snapped into the direction of the orange hair teen.
"Ichigo, get back into the circle" I shouted before taking a large step forward to kill the two zombies about to break our five people circle. "Just get back and reload" I said firmly.
"I can't" He said. "There aren't any more shots"
I cursed mentally before making a quick maneuver, throwing my hand guns backward, I unsheathed my swords as fast as possible, and sliced down the zombie about to take a bite out of my neck. "Take those and use up the magazines now and reload" I hope that he would do as I would say, or else a disaster could be heading our way.
"DONE" he screamed a few seconds later.
"Take my spot" I said calmly before retreating into the circle and rejoining Renji and Grimmjow.
"Missed ya" Grimmjow added sarcastically.
"Oh please" I retorted. "I think you two are about to run out right about now" As if on cue, the unfortunately sound of a bullet not firing was heard from Grimmjow's gun and not long after from Renji's as well. "Just thank me later" I smirked.
My swords have served me well and thankfully they never seemed to fail being the best zombie killing weapon ever. I grinned at the thought before nonchalantly taking down two zombies crawling over the massive piles of the dead. "Shit" I mentally cursed. However the fuck are we getting out of this circle of zombies.
"DONE!" the two screamed before taking my spot, by the now the zombies attacking have slowed to just a few crawling and limping.
"Guys, we needed to figure out how to get out of this ring of zombies" I said as the shots died down.
"Why just kick them" Grimmjow said.
"Okay genius why don't you try?" Hitsugaya retorted.
"Fine" "midget" he added quickly before kick a small hole the pile of the dead. "Princess" he said. I assumed he was referring to Hitsugaya. "You're just going to have to get use to stepping on some zombie heads" he grinned before leading the way out of the ring. I chuckled slightly before grabbing the now much much lighter ammunition bag and followed.
I'm not really a person of violence, but figured at times you just have to step on some zombie heads. I smiled again at my thoughts; I guess my brain is just seriously messed up after all this zombie killing.
"Shit" I heard someone say again in an awful tone. My head whipped around to meet an equally appalling scene.
"ICHIGO" I screamed on the top of my lungs before dropped my ammunition bag and forced myself as fast as possible through the carcasses of the dead zombies. My eyes widened even further as I glanced down on his leg. "fuck no" I whispered, practically sobbing.
"Rukia" he looked at me, truly apologetically. "Sorry about this" he smiled before scratching his head. I continued to cry, my head shaking on its own before sinking down to his level.
"I wasn't careful, didn't see that this damn walker was dead" he explained before wrapping his arms around me. I tried to shake him off, but failed miserably. I hated it; I hated the fact that now I have go through this fucking shit without the one person I actually needed besides me.
"No… no…. no" I continued to whispered, oblivious to what was going on around me.
"RUKIA! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" a voice screamed. I paid no attention to it, I felt like a part of me was just ripped out. I couldn't care less about the others, truthfully I didn't care. My quest ended when he was bitten.
"Rukia" Ichigo said. "Rukia, you have to go" he continued.
"NO! I'm not leaving without you!" I screamed.
"RUKIA! Listen to me… look around you! These dead zombies are moving! Can you see that?"
I lifted my face from my hands and through the blurry vision from the tears I saw what he mean those nearest to where we use to be were twitching and moaning. "what?"
"Rukia, that's why you have to go!" he urged shaking me slightly.
"No… but you… no" I continued to deny it despite the situation.
"Listen, Rukia, you got this far, you need to go further. The entire human race is way more important than stupid old me."
"Ichigo" I whispered, suddenly it clicked, and we were close, close to a cure. "Come with us"
"What? No I'll turn into a zombie before you know it and I'd hate to hurt you"
"But we're close; we could find a cure and reverse the effects."
"STOP!" he shouted, shaking me more violently. "this isn't some game, the entire human race is on the line, don't give that up for me!"
I stared into his eyes, he was dead serious. And he was right, there's no way that they could find a cure that fast. I nodded slowly before giving him one more magazine. "fifteen bullets, use them wisely" I said trying to hold back the tears. I ran, away from the fucking zombies coming back to life. The CDC's doors weren't far away. Just a few more steps, bang fifteen shots later, there was a silence and we had arrived at metal door.
he was gone.
I forced myself forward, not daring to look back, knowing that it would do nothing less than shatter my spirit.
It was over
He was gone
"Farewell" I whispered silently under my breath. "Farewell..."
I willed my arms to work and pushed the door in an half-hearted attempt, to my surprise, it opened.
Our group of recently reduced four stared at each other in shock.
"Damn" I heard Grimmjow say in disbelief as soon as we had entered the CDC.
Amazingly the CDC had survived without getting the tiniest scratch, no broken windows, functioning heavy metal doors, everything intact.
"How the hell does this place manage without a broken window at the least?" Renji asked.
"Dumbass pineapple, the windows are probably reinforced in case of a civil riot if there were a pandemic" the white hair male answered without much thought.
"That makes sense" I whispered inaudibly. I took a long glance at the surroundings, forcefully tearing my eyes away from the windows. "Let's go upstairs, where the zombies won't smell us as much"
"What Grimmjow?"
"Should we check the building?"
"That'd take like years" Renji whined.
"True, I think we should just go to the lab or something the just lock that place down"
"That doesn't sound like you, but whatever" the bluenette causally said before walking up the flight of stairs to the right of us.
"Doesn't mean you should be careful" I warned while taking the classic aiming stance and headed for the dim hallway.
Author's NOte
gosh... and i just kill him like that XD hehhe nah... it's not quite over
anyone get that bleach reference? nono? hehhe no? XD