
Teacher: If you want to own any Disney character, raise your hand.

Me: *raises hand*

Teacher: Yes, Blade? Tell us the answer.

Me: -crap- umm… 125 in.?

Teacher: Yes. Good job.

Dr. Facilier stared in awe at what he had caused. It was just a simple spell to bring his shadow companion into flesh. He didn't realize what he had caused until after the transformation. It wasn't what he expected at all. He expected a replica of himself, a tall man in a purple suit. Ha, not at all close to the creature that stood before him. It wasn't a monster or a demon. No, what his shadow truly was ended up being worse than the most evil demon and the most ravenous monster… his shadow was a woman.

When she had fully formed she was dressed in a purple gown, the same shade as his suit. She had jet black wavy hair down to her shoulder blades and upon her head she wore an exact replica of Facilier's. She was tall and had amazing features. She was gorgeous… this was a disaster.

"Mademoiselle," Facilier took a low bow. She didn't reply, but mimicked his bow.

"Master," she replied, her voice sounded ice cold, yet it wasn't it the way most people would think of when a voice is described as cold. It was refreshing, invigorating, and energizing. His dark eyes flashed and hers did as well. She had most of his qualities and they could still communicate through their minds. Facilier loved to hear her voice, it was… ah… addicting.

"It has been you the whole time?" Facilier managed.

"Yes," she replied. She didn't want to speak much, her voice would even hypnotize someone not working with voodoo, hoodoo, and things not even tried. He tried a different tactic to hear the amazing voice. He didn't know why, but it made him feel good inside… it made him feel safe, warm, and, well, good.

"You never told me. Why?"

"I didn't want to."


"Why not?"

"Maybe I wanted to know."

"You never showed it," she had lost her calmness and her eyes had turned a deep red. Her fists balled up and then, she unfurled her fingers and her eyes slowly went back to normal. Once again in her state of calmness, Facilier thought it was safe to speak.

"Mademoiselle, would you please explain to me why you have shown up as a woman?"

"Dr. Facilier," she sighed and sat down, "On the other side, we are mostly all shadows with many forms. This is my flesh form and I will only show up in the flesh as this. Every shadow is assigned a master and I was assigned to you. I am always a woman, but when you see me I create an illusion to make me appear as you're shadow. You see every shadow of every human is one of us. You have the powers to communicate with us."

"There was so much I had to know," the Shadowman sighed and sat in a chair across the table as the shadow girl. He looked at her and noticed there was something odd about his shadow… of course! His shadow had no shadow!

"I hope you don't mind me asking," his smooth velvety voice floated in the air, "Why have you no shadow?"

"I am not always flesh all the time, so there is no need to assign me a shadow."

She looked sad. It wasn't calmness on her face, it was sadness. She must have been upset about the change.

"Would you like to transform back?" Facilier asked noting her sadness.

She made a hush sign with her finger and lips and she backed up against the wall. She seemed to melt into the wall and soon she was nothing but Dr. Facilier's dark reflection.