A/N: Thank you oh so very much to everyone who read chapter two!

Hope you like this final chapter...


Chapter three – Bad Behavior

Hotch was slowly walking down the streets between Emily's condo and his own apartment. The cold air quickly sobering him up and his mind buzzing with a mixture of different emotions.

He tried to convince himself that he indeed had done the right thing leaving Emily after the most amazing sex ever. It really had been amazing but it just couldn't happen again. And this way they could hopefully go on pretending like it never happened... Or at least treat it for what it had to be. A one time thing.

He was her superior. And superiors can't sleep with their subordinates. If Strauss ever found out that he and Emily had slept together she'd have a field day. He could just imagine the smug smile she'd have glued to her face when she'd sign off on their transfers. And the look in her eye when she'd proceed to throw him out on his ass.

But no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't deny how badly he wanted to go back and just fall into bed with Emily again. At several times during the short walk, they lived less than twenty minutes apart, he stopped and contemplated turning around. But he knew that if he went back and gave into his desires he'd never be able to leave. He'd stay in her bed forever.

So he just kept on walking.


Emily slowly pried her gravelly eyes open and glanced over at her alarm clock. Five AM shone back at her in glaring red numbers.

Something had woken her up. She shuddered. The bed felt cold. And empty. That was what had woken her. And something was telling her that it shouldn't feel that way. She had a sneaking suspicion that something had happened the night before. Something nice. Something that was probably the reason that she was a little sore.

Then it all came flooding back. The bar. The cab ride. The bed. The sex. Hotch.

Oh God, Hotch!

Patting the bed to her right she felt that the spot where Hotch was supposed to be sleeping was empty. She opened her eyes and could still see the dent that his naked body had made but there was no sight of that body.

Getting out of bed she pulled the sheet close around her body shielding herself from the cold. Flipping the light switch she scanned the room. On the floor was her pants, her panties and what was left of her bra. A smile flickered across her lips as she remembered Hotch's rough treatment of that particular piece of clothing. Her smile failed however as she noticed that none of Hotch's clothes were on the floor.

Maybe he had put them back on. Maybe he was downstairs. She quickly made her way down the staircase and into the open spaced living area. But there was only dark and quiet. No Hotch to be found.

Was he really gone? He had kissed her first. He had treated her to two utterly magnificent orgasms. He had spooned her as they fell asleep. And now he had left?

Feeling her blood begin to boil Emily quickly made her way back up the stairs and threw on a shirt and a pair of jeans. Grabbing her gun and a coat she hurried downstairs again and out the door. She was going to go to Hotch and give him a piece of her mind. Whether he wanted it or not.


Striding down the dark streets Emily's mind was everywhere. She just couldn't believe that Hotch had done something like that. Just left her there in her bed alone. Like a jackass.

Picking up her pace Emily continued to mill over the events of the night. Thoughts of how she for a second or two had freaked when her brain grasped the fact that she'd slept with her boss flew through her mind. That got her thinking that if she had freaked out he must have been on then brink of a coronary when he found her naked in bed next to him.

As the wind grazed her face she felt her frustration with Hotch dwindle. She turned around the corner of Hotch's block and saw the dark apartment building towering not far away from her.

She thought how he must be knee deep in worries right now. She could just imagine him pacing the length of his living room or flipping through some case file thinking about her and about the team. And of course about the Strauss monster that consumed straying agents alive. She too shuddered at that thought. But she wouldn't let Strauss deter her.

She reached the front of his building and made her way through the entryway. Now feeling the complete opposite of what she had felt just half an hour earlier. Granted she still didn't enjoy his way of dealing with what had happened. But she got it. He'd seen the risk of both of their careers going down the drain and done what he thought was best.

Now however she was going to do what she thought was best.


Hotch was sitting at his dining room table having a cup of coffee and leafing through a case file. But he wasn't really reading it. He was still thinking about Emily. He felt like a complete ass.

Maybe he should try talking to her tomorrow. He just didn't know what to say. "Sorry about banging you and then leaving you. Just wanted to let you know that it can't happen again" just didn't seem to cut it.

A soft but determined knock sounded at his front door. For a second he wondered who it could be at this time in the morning. Then he realized that there was only one person that it could be. He trod over to the door and looked through the peephole anyway. He was right in his guess.

He undid the chain and turned the locks. He had only opened the door a small sliver when it was forcefully pushed open and Emily flung herself at him.

Grabbing hold of Hotch Emily pressed her lips against his. She wanted there to be no doubt about why she was there. Yes, her first intention had been to tear him a new one but now she just wanted him to know that she wanted him and she was prepared to fight for what she wanted.

Hotch stumbled a little at the force with which she threw herself at him. For maybe a moment he didn't really know what to do. He just stood there feeling her arms around his neck, her lips on his and her tongue gliding along his bottom lip. Then the fire inside became to hot to ignore and he grabbed Emily pulling her onto the couch.

He let his fingers travel up under her shirt and a dimple appeared when he noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. The sensation of her hot breath on his neck was almost entirely controlling him. But then his foggy brain caught up to what was happening and he reluctantly pealed himself off of her.

"Wait. No. Emily, we can't" He stuttered as he took a few stumbling steps away from her.

Emily looked at him her hair tousled and her eyes wild and dark. She pouted at him and all he wanted to do was fling her over his shoulder and carry her off to bed.

"Why not?" She asked looking at him longingly. "Don't you want to?" She stood up and walked over to him. Again she let her arms snake around his body and she pressed her lips to his neck.

Hotch took another few steps back trying to pull away from her. He was fighting the fire with all the willpower that he could possibly muster up.

"Of course I want to." He admitted without any hesitation. "I think it is pretty obvious that I want to." He allowed himself to smile a small smile at her. "That wasn't my Glock that you were feeling."

Emily chuckled and let her eyes roam to the part of his body in question. "I figured as much... Then tell me what's bothering you." She knew what it was of course. But she wanted him to say it out loud so that she could help him change his mind.

Hotch sat down on the couch again keeping his distance from Emily. His body wasn't quite over the feeling of her bare skin and he didn't want to give it any false hope.

"You must know what's bothering me." He said looking at her as she sat down next to him. "We work together. I am your superior. There are rules." He looked at her pleadingly. He really wanted her to understand that he wanted her so badly it hurt but it was just too big of a risk.

"Aaron..." She deliberately used his first name. "We are both professionals. We can handle this situation. We shouldn't have to give up on something that could be great."

She placed a hand on his thigh. Just like she had done the night before in the cab and just like that time he felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her. To make her his.

"But what about the team?" He asked trying hard to stay on topic.

"They'd be happy that we both found someone. Besides there's no need telling them yet"

She smiled at him and again he could feel that by now familiar flutter in his stomach. But a part of that happy feeling was still mixed with doubt.

"What about Strauss?" He knew he was grasping at straws.

"Strauss can watch for all I care! Aaron, I don't know what this thing between us is but I'd really like to find out." She said looking him straight in the eyes.

He looked at her completely abashed. Did she just say that? He felt the flutter overpowering the doubt. Actually, he felt the flutter kicking the doubt's ass. And he felt a small laugh bubbling up inside him.

"I don't know about you but that is a little bit too kinky for my taste." He snorted.

Emily gave him a saucy smile and pulled him closer pulling herself onto his lap. She saw the change in his eyes. The subtle doubt was gone and in its place was excitement. Right then she knew that he was all in. "Alright, we'll keep to ordinary sex then." She laughed and poked him in the side.

"Oh, I promise you, it'll be anything but ordinary." Hotch shot her an eyebrow and pulled her close. He pressed his lips against her neck and felt the excitement flow through him as he heard a soft moan leaving her.

As he slid her shirt over her head and his mouth found her bare nipple he thought to himself what an extremely dumb move it would have been to try and deny his feelings. Picking her up he carried her to his bed with every intention of making the earth beneath them quake.


After spending the rest of the morning in bed with Hotch doing nothing but extraordinary things Emily had hurried back to her place to get some proper clothes. She had a feeling that showing up in the bullpen in a flimsy shirt without a bra would cause some unhealthy excitement among the male agents.

Walking off the elevator she was instantly met by Garcia's curious eyes and her purple and pink ensemble. Still a little hung over the clothes actually hurt Emily's eyes. But that didn't stop her from wondering how long Garcia had been lying in wait by the elevator doors.

"Good Morning, Poodle!" Garcia greeted Emily.

"Morning, PG." Emily answered amazed that Garcia could be so chipper after a bender like last night's.

"So..." Garcia looked questioningly at her from behind her pink glasses. "What happened to you last night?" She smiled. "I noticed that you and the boss man left together. Did you spend the night getting to know each other in deliciously carnal ways?" Garcia wasn't one to pussyfoot around an issue.

"Who did what to whom?" Morgan's dark although today rather scratchy voice sounded behind them.

"Em and Hotch." Garcia told him happily. "They spent the night fornicating..."

"We shared a cab!" Emily interjected hurriedly.

"And that's all?" Morgan asked crooking an eyebrow at her.

"Yes. That's all. What did you think? Did you actually think that I would sleep with Hotch? Or that he'd do his subordinate. That would just be plain bad behavior." She laughed and patted Morgan on the shoulder.

Morgan chuckled and inclined his head in a "of course the straight laced Aaron Hotchner would never do that – what was I thinking" gesture.

"God! You people are so repressed it's not even funny!" Garcia exclaimed and stalked away towards her dungeon on her pink and purple wedges.

Walking towards her desk Emily looked up at Hotch's office and found him looking through the blinds at her. She smiled at him and received a small dimple in return. Feeling the fire dwelling in her belly lit up like a bonfire she thought to herself.

Oh...This is going to be fun.


A/N: That's it! I really hope that you liked it. Please let me know.

I am currently in the final weeks of working on my Bachelor's thesis and under a lot of pressure and reviews is a perfect way to light up my day!

Thanks for reading!
