A/N: This will be a long chapter. This was supposed to be one chapter only but I decided to combine the other chapters so as not to leave the each chapter with annoying cliffhangers (I know nobody likes waiting especially when cliffhangers are on the way and that would make me mean since I haven`t updated as I said I would and I truly apologize for that). Hope you will enjoy this since it was long since I had last updated. I am still continuing on revising all chapters of Blood Contract and so as with my other stories but as of the moment I won`t be replacing the chapters with the revised ones since other chapters are still undergoing revision.

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to Higuchi Tachibana.

Blood Contact

Chapter 21

Written by: Beavermeadowsbev

It was around nine in the evening when they board the plane to America. Natsume decided that it`s safer for them to stay there for awhile. It was almost summertime so they had the outmost privilege to excuse themselves only difference was that they were one week early to be having their summer vacation. Natsume gently squeezed her hand as they settled on their sits. Mikan looked at him, worriedly.

"You haven`t drank any blood these days Natsume" She muttered as he stared into his eyes. She noticed it was darker than the usual average crimson shade of his eyes. She also noticed the way he scrunched his nose and held his breath whenever he`s near her.

He knew he longed for the taste of her blood but he knew very well that he won`t risk endangering the life of Mikan and his baby. Going through normal pregnancy is hard. How much more when Mikan is undergoing pregnancy that is beyond normal? It was much more difficult. Natsume knew these things very well that`s why he is determined to restrain himself.

"I`m fine" He said as he gently caressed Mikan`s temples. Mikan looked at him, worried lines evident on her forehead.

Natsume looked at her then sighed.

"Don`t worry about me" He assured.

He gently held Mikan`s head and placed it on his shoulders.

"Go get some sleep. Stop worrying about unnecessary things, it`s bad for our baby"

"Our baby" She love the hearing that from him. Mikan just nodded as she sank into his arms and closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

They had already arrived in America and was now riding a cab going to the condominium Natsume owned. Mikan looked at the window, cheerfully. She was awed by the new surroundings that welcomed her. It was entirely different from Japan but of course she would prefer Japan. It wasn`t long when she realized that she already missed her homeland. She sighed as she glanced at Natsume who was talking to Ruka on the phone. A smile crept on her cute and pouty lips. It doesn`t matter where she was at the moment as long as she`s with Natsume.

Her thoughts were cut off when the cab suddenly stopped.

"We`re here" Natsume muttered with a smirk as he held Mikan`s hand assisting her out of the cab.

After Natsume had carried their luggage out of the trunk, they strode towards the grand entrance of the building where some workers took their luggage and took it to their condo.

Mikan stared at the building with awe. She knew it wasn`t an ordinary condominium with rich people surrounding the area and the building in its own grandeur. The building was about 24 storeys high. The building was adorned by state of the art glasses as windows and was embellish with extravagant decorations. It was more like a 5 star hotel than a condominium. And to top that all, it was Natsume who owned it.

It was the most safest place they could come to because it was surrounded by people living in the building so any acts that any connection with vampires causing trouble in this place would be a great menace to the vampire society exposure and Natsume who is a vampire himself would not let anything get into his and Mikan`s way even if it means exposing the vampire society in a situation where it was necessary though it would be consider as a great danger for him and Mikan so that`s why it is safer for them to conceal themselves away from the world of vampires.

It was Natsume`s own effort and money that were used in building this place so it has nothing to do with Natsume`s parents and Natsume being the owner of this place was something hidden and only trusted employees know. Before they boarded the plane to America with the help of Ruka, Natsume made sure that all tracks of them were not visible to vampires and they made sure that no vampires were following them.

Mikan strolled happily as she surveyed the condo unit where they were staying. It was no doubt, the grandest condo unit in this condominium. The windows were adorned with bright orange curtains. It was embellished with state of the art and luxurious furniture and equipments.

"This place is great Natsume" She chirped happily.

"Of course it is" He replied as he suppressed a smile, watching the childish reactions of Mikan.

Mikan`s stomach growled.

"Opps" She muttered looking helplessly at Natsume as she watched him chuckle at her flushed face.

"It can`t be helped. I will go call the room service." He said.

He was about to walk away to call room service when she gripped the hem of his shirt.


"Not room service. Take me out. Let`s go find something to eat"

He rolled his eyes and gently grab Mikan`s hand and went their way towards the busy streets of the town.

"Natsume, why don`t we go walk and leave your car in that nearby parking lot?"

He sighed. What`s the purpose of a car now? He thought but smirked at the idea of him and Mikan walking romantically on the streets holding hands finding a good restaurant good enough to satisfy her taste.

He parked the car at the parking lot Mikan pointed out and walked towards the busy streets, holding hands with Mikan.

It was hard dealing with Mikan`s taste on food. Once he would point out a restaurant, he would gently grab Mikan and walk towards it but Mikan would pull Natsume back and walk the other way. He sighed. Ruka told him that pregnant women have these weird cravings and mood swings. He was physically prepared, okay. But he`s not sure if he`s mentally prepared. It would take time to get used to Mikan`s mood swings and possible new attitudes that is way different to her usual attitude.

"Mikan, we have been finding a restaurant almost half an hour. Aren`t you hungry?" He said. How could she ignore room service and restaurants when she is already hungry?

Before she could answer, she pulled him towards a store, a grocery store.

He stared at her with his eyebrow raised.

"We`re going to shop for food and cook it ourselves" She chirped happily.

Natsume was the one who took the cart and followed Mikan wherever she goes, making sure that she wasn`t carrying heavy stuff.

Natsume enjoyed the moment. He would chuckle under his breath when Mikan would drool at the food product in front of her then took about two or three of that product in the cart. She didn`t miss any food that came their way.

He looked at the various food in the cart. There was an ice cream, jams, bread, recipes for desert, recipes for pizza and other sweet stuffs.

After they paid their grocery, they went back to the condominium. Mikan quickly placed the goods on the kitchen but Natsume gently pushed her away and insisted on taking them out himself. Carrying heavy things is a No-no for pregnant humans.

All the food they brought was piling up in the kitchen counter. Mikan rummaged through the products and got some for her experimental recipe.

Natsume watched her silently as she busied herself munching the food in front of her. He sat in front of Mikan silently watching her. He suppressed a laugh when the ice cream she was eating went up all the way to her cheeks and on the side of her lips. His lips twitched into smile when she innocently smiled at him and offered him an ice cream. He didn`t say a word instead he padded a tissue on her face and wiped the ice cream off her face. Mikan beamed at him and mouthed "thank you".

How he wishes he could be a human, enjoying simple things everyday with Mikan without having something to worry about. Joining her in every meal and sharing delicious food with her was a simple joy for him. Every passing day, he felt the need to despise himself more and more.

"If only I could be human" He muttered under his breath. "I –'' Natsume continued but Mikan pressed her finger against his lips to spot him from uttering a word.

"Natsume, I love you for who you are and for what you are" She muttered as she placed both of her hand on his cheeks.

Natsume removed her hand and placed soft kisses on it. That`s what he liked about Mikan. Her kind thoughts and assurances of the things he is worrying about were somehow comforting to him.

They both sat at the sofa after Mikan had eaten her meal.

"Natsume, what do you think of us getting married?" Mikan asked.

Natsume looked at her but turned away immediately. Mikan gave him a confusing look.

"Excuse me, I`ll go call Ruka" He muttered avoiding her eyes and went inside the room.

Did she say something wrong? Mikan asked herself. Natsume was obviously avoiding the question.

Natsume sighed as he close the door behind him.

"Marriage, huh?" He muttered to himself.

He walked his way along the grand staircase leading to the rooftop. No one was allowed in the rooftop except for him. No one had even tried sneaking in or finding a path leading to it for it was safely hidden from the site of everyone.

He breathes in the cool breeze and sighed as he leaned his arms on the railings. This was his personal haven, a place where he could be along and think things through without anyone bothering him.

He was planning on taking Mikan here maybe some other time because now is not really a good idea. He`s sure Mikan would love it here.

It`s not like any typical rooftops out there where there is just vast emptiness and no other things in sight. It`s like a garden in a middle of nowhere surrounded by flamboyant plants and wide varieties of flowers. Obviously, he loves nature.


I pulled out a chair from the round table located at the centre and sat. I started calling Ruka.

"Natsume" I heard Ruka mutter on the other line.

"Ruka, I want to talk to you"

"Um..You`re talking to me now. What else is the purpose of calling?"He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"I want to talk to you about something"

"You sound worried"

"I am"

"So, what is it?"

"It`s about what Mikan asked awhile ago"

"What did she asked that made you so anxious?"

"She asked my opinion about us getting married"

"So, isn`t that great? What`s wrong with that exactly? Of course, Mikan would ask that since you two are going to have a baby. Why need to be so bothered man? You two could just go to church and marry" He said it with so much ease that it made me frown.

"Ruka, you made it sound so easy but it`s not"

"Man, it`s just marriage. I don`t see anything wrong with that. You two love each other" He paused for a split second.

"Don`t tell me you don`t love her anymore" He said in a worried tone.

I rolled my eyes.

"That won`t happen" I assured him.

He sighed in relief.

I was about to say something when he cut me off.

"Am I missing something?"

"Apparently you are. In case you have forgotten, we are vampires Ruka and not humans"

"Tell me something I don`t know"

I rolled my eyes. Just when I thought this talk could somehow enlighten me, I was wrong. I didn`t even know that I would be explaining all of these things to him. How could he not know?

I sighed; guess I have no choice but to explain.

"A vampire marriage is walls apart different from human marriage and so is vampire marriage to a human. A ceremony is performed. So when the ceremony is performed the vampire will have to turn the human" I paused not wanting to say anything more than that.

"Into a vampire" he finished.

"Yes" I muttered as I clenched my fist.

"I didn`t know that"

"Well, now you know" I sneered.

"But couldn`t you just get married without following the vampire marriage ceremony. You know marry the way humans do?"

I paused for a brief second then shook my head.

"There are rules Ruka"

"Since, when did you care about rules?"

"Since I met Mikan. If I don`t follow the rules, you do know it would cause more trouble. I`ve already brought more than enough danger to Mikan and I won`t add more" I said in a firm voice.

"I know you`re against Mikan becoming a vampire Natsume but what`s wrong with that?"

"I don`t want to turn her into something like me. She`s better than this" I muttered under my breath.

"Then why did you take the risk of falling in love with her? Why did you take the risk of making her pregnant? You know Natsume that sooner or later, complications would happen."

It took me awhile to absorb the things that Ruka said and he was right. I questioned myself. Why did I take the risk, knowing it would just hurt the both of us?

"I`m sorry Natsume—"

"No need to apologize Ruka, it`s true. It`s all my fault and it`s up for me to solve this.

"Don`t blame yourself Natsume. It`s not your fault. We are not in charge of what we feel nor can we order our heart to stop loving someone whom we truly love. What I actually meant to say awhile ago is that you took the risk of falling in love Natsume simply because you followed your heart and there is nothing wrong with that. You took the risk of falling in love with a human, with Mikan but I know it made you feel like the happiest man in the universe. The only thing that`s wrong with taking risk in love is regret but tell me Natsume did you regret it?"

"No" I said firmly. All of the things that Ruka said were right. I didn`t and will never regret falling in love with Mikan because it was the best thing that happened to me.

"You`ll just have to talk to Mikan about this Natsume" He muttered.

I nodded.

"Ruka, thanks" I smirked.

"That`s what best friends are for Natsume" He said and bid goodbye, ending the call.

I take back what I said awhile ago. Ruka did enlighten me. I smirked.

I took a deep breath and placed the phone on my pocket. He`s right. I`ll just have to talk to Mikan about this.

When I got back inside the room, I found Mikan sprawled on the bed. She was sleeping soundly and on her arms was my pillow of which she was hugging so tightly. I sat beside her sleeping figure and started caressing her cheeks. I closed my eyes and waited for the morning to come. Tomorrow, I would surely tell her.

End of chapter

*wheew* Chapter finally done! A Bazillion sorry to you guys (for the late update).

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for reading.

Happy Halloween!

*Comments, Suggestions and Critiques are greatly appreciated*

Lots of love,
