Well, here comes the last part of my little fic "Cat Nap" which takes place at the end of R2, hope you enjoy.

The Sitting Cat

I look up to the sky,

It is a sea of stars,

Stars that twinkle,

The sound of wind,

I am sitting,

I am watching,

I am protecting.

I come to this site,

Every night I come here,

To the resting spot of the dog.

We were enemies,

He, a mutt,

And I, a feline,

We were bound to fight,

Though, he always took care of me,

He even brought me with him a couple of times,

Where he moved,

I went with him,

From there I met her,

The sadistic stoic girl,

Though, this statement surprises me,

I don't hate her,

She's my playmate,

She is my family,

I have bonded with her,

Though she can be bothersome,

She is all I have left.

The dog,

He was also my family,

Though we treated each other oddly,

I always bit him,

While he always took care of me,

Even I took care of him,

If it wasn't for me,

He would have been shot,

So I deserve a thanks,

Well, at least I could get some Cat Nip!

But, did I get anything,

Nope, but I didn't mind,]

After all,

That's what family does, right?

After that, everything changed,

He turned vicious,

And so,

I met her,


After a year of fun, biting, and running away,

We returned to where everything started,

Though things were different,

I didn't really care,

Yes, it was odd,

But I soon got used to it,


Things changed,

And I lost my rival,

Who in turn,

Who was actually my beloved friend,

And my family.

So now,

I come here every night,

So I can visit,

So I can talk,

So we can be together like before,


I have this lingering felling that,

Were I sit right now,

That the one I am standing by,

Is not the one I think it is.

Why I think that you ask, nya?

Us Felines can communicate with the sprits of the dead,

Mostly on the full moons,

We howl,

Which means we are talking,


No matter how many times I try,

I never get a response.

I now live with her,

The stoic girl,

Who goes by the name of Anya.

I called her by her name for a change.

My life with her is simple,

She feeds me,

Plays with me,

Takes care of me,

And takes me with her basically everywhere she goes.

Sounds similar huh,

Just like the old days,

Those days I was with you,

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days,

When I was able to play with you.

Now though,

I will stay by your side,

After all,

You were the one,

Along with your pink-haired friend,

Gave me a chance to live a normal life,

So I thank you,

And I will visit you every night,

I will come to this very spot,

So you won't feel lonely,

Like I did when I was a stray.


I seem like a dog now,

Waiting for the return of their master,

I guess that is what happens when you live with a dog.

The End.

Well, all done with this one, not as good as it could have been, but, that's what happens when you're rushing to finish. So please review so I know what you think, and thank you for reading!