Daddy's Home
A Stargate SG1/Supernatural Crack-Shot
A/N- Because even if he did eat someone alive, I've always liked Odin.
Summary- There's a difference between discorporation and death, Lucifer should have known that.
He woke to floating balls of energy;the pain inflicted by Lucifer a memory. With a snap of power he disrupted the field holding him in the air and dropped with practiced grace to the metal floor. Cold gray eyes surveyed the room, and he felt his vessels lips quirk as he gaze settles on lettering he hasn't seen in centuries. It's familiar, the ancient Norse he handed down to his children and their worshipers. Comforting.
He adjusts the leather jacket that was once-upon-a-time dragon skin, still tough and resistant but faded with age, and waltzes over to the strange little consul with the rune stones. He picks one of the white opal runes up and releases a pleased smile as information rushes into his mind. That would only happen in his territory; with his things. Wherever it is he has awoken it is a place where his rule is supreme. His will.
Here he is God. His religion surpasses all others.
A far wall slides open with a hiss and he turns, only slightly surprised to see the strange little being walk in. It has enormous black eyes and matchstick like body covered in gray skin that he could literally break with a snap of his fingers. It comes to a stop and blinks slowly as it looks at him. He can feel it's thoughts slip-sliding and racing around the large head. "You're awake. You shouldn't be awake yet. Humans can't-"
He grins and with a raised hand cuts off the being's speech. "Who said I was human?" Other gods might take it as an insult, but not him. Humans can be clever little bastards with more ingenuity than he could shake his walking stick at.
"You're body is."
"Mmm." He hums to himself and swaggers over to the little alien that seems familiar. Didn't Loki, or Gabriel, or whatever he was calling himself like torturing uppity humans with these things? He supposed it was possible he was in one of Loki's illusions; but it couldn't contain him forever if it was. Better here than dead, anyway.
Loki was a terrible god: always looking out for his family even though he was supposed to be the evil bastard.
"This is absolutely fascinating! For your body to be able to handle such sudden changes and leave the mind intact... I must contact the rest of the Asgard!" The little gray creature proclaimed, in English, excitedly.
He grinned. Asgard? Oh, yes. "Stop." He spoke with assurance and the alien halted, eyes clearly betraying confusion at it's inability to move. "Who and what are you?"
"I am Loki of the Asgard race."
When he hears that he can't stop himself. He laughs, and it shakes the flying ship that they are on. He died, he knows he died, but Lucifer didn't do it right. How ironic that for all his power, all vicious and self-assured, the Morningstar does not know how to properly kill a god. Only the Winchesters managed to actually take out one of their number, only the damned clever humans with their blood soaked stakes. Pure physical violence isn't enough to kill gods. The little Hell prince should have known that.
They thought he knew that. But apparently he didn't.
All he was able to do was rip into their bodies and blast their vessels apart forcing their essence shifted to the plane closest to their religion. He has half a mind to gather up these strange new children of his and drag them back across the ether to challenge the little upstart. But first...
"I am Odin. Your Father and God." I wonder if Baldur got thrown into this plane as well?
He's going to whip these Asgardians into shape. This Loki is a scientist, he can feel it, and he has better things to do than researching human genetics. Like creating a giant monster wolf, perhaps?