CH 1- A bargian

Hippolyta was standing straight and tall, gazing up at the heavenly night sky that was scintillating brighter than she had ever known it to. As she stood silently, letting the wind play with her simple white chiton, she thought of her daughter; her 'sun and stars'.

Hipployta smiled wryly to herself as she reminisced their last meeting and her boldness at challending the gods simply because her motherly instincts had prevailed over the Queen.

A sudden vicious cry startled the Queen of the Amazons out of her reverie and she whipped round to spy about two dozen Amazons charging towards a blond haired man outside the temple of Athena; a man that she knew all too well.

'Ares,' she grinded her teeth together and raced down the hills towards the temple, slightly praying to Hera as Ares hacked his way through the female warriors.

'Ares!' she shouted.

The cruel face of the god of war turned around and his lips twisted into his sick grin at the sight of her.

'Ah, here you are,' his coarse voice sneered. Hippolyta stiffened.

'What are you doing here?' she demanded as she came to a halt in front of her people.

'I've come here for you, of course,' he replied as he began walking towards her.

'And what do you want with me?' Hippolyta's brilliant blue yes narrowed as she picked up a sword.

'A bargain,' was the only reply that she heard before Are's monstrous sword slashed down on her.